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[2017-05-09-Dragon Gate] Masaaki Mochizuki vs Shingo Takagi


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Not many matches from Toryumon/DG have clean starts.  Don't love that.  Shingo looks like he wants Mochi to come to the floor and brawl early on, probably wise not to take the bait.  For a short time it looks like this could be really good with an arm vs. leg battle.  I liked Mochi struggling to get power on kicks due to using the wrong leg even if it didn't last.  Some of the no-sells in the middle-to late-middle portion were good, blow off a kick/lariat to hit something then sell.  Those work with both getting up at relatively the same time.  Shingo's offense hasn't impressed me in the few matches I've seen.  It's all lariats and power moves that look like they should be somebody's finisher.  The counter roll-up ending after all the big offense may seem a little anti-climactic.  I like to think that those kind of endings are especially important in juniors wrestling though.

Decent match with some impressive highspots.  Some of Shingo's power moves literally require a guy to do a specific thing to set him up in a situation where it makes no sense to do that thing.  I wish they would have kept things a little simpler and stuck with arm vs. leg instead of having to get their shit in.  My gut tells me I will see plenty more of that from DG.

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [2017-05-09-Dragon Gate] Masaaki Mochizuki vs Shingo Takagi

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