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[2021-04-07-WWE-NXT TakeOver: Stand and Deliver] Io Shirai vs Raquel Gonzalez


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This was so much better than I was expecting it to be. I remember being cold on Raquel before she got repackaged and she was working mostly Florida live event as Reina Gonzalez. She never really stood out and was always much bigger than most of the other women on the roster but she seemed to be afraid to work like a big girl. Since being repackaged and paired up with Dakota Kai, she's been great. I would have preferred if this was more of a David vs. Goliath type match with Raquel working on top for the most part and Io getting sprints in of her flashy offense instead of having Io work on top for most of the match but I still think this was good as Io went balls to the wall here and busted out some wild stuff such as the neat armdrag from the 619 and the big dive off the top of the skull from the entrance. Dug Raquel rushing to the outside after the moonsault and that lariat after the palm strike was a fantastic way to setup the finish. I'm not a massive fan of Io but this maybe the best singles match I've seen her have in NXT this far.

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I was worried this match would underwhelm because as much as Raquel has impressed as of late, she hasn't been tested much in big singles matches. I shouldn't have worried because Io worked her ass off and Gonzalez more than held up her end of the bargain, looking great in victory. The dive off the skull was nuts and it looked like Io landed awkwardly so I hope she's not done herself any lasting damage there. The moonsault false finish felt like a really big deal as well. In the end, a convincing title win for Raquel to end Shirai's impressive title reign that makes her look like a star. For now, anyway.

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