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Lucha For People Who Don't Like Lucha


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Ok so I get the reason for the joshi for people who don't like joshi. It's to show the variety of joshi outside of Toyota and Toyota derived stuff.


I'm not sure why one would want to do this for lucha.


There maybe eight to ten people who semi regularly write about lucha on the English language webs. Those guys have pretty diverse opinions and don't agree on a ton. There are probably another thirty or so people who follow lucha and follow the lucha discussions but don't write a bunch. I'm sure there can be things done to make it easier for those people to join the discussion. And there should be a place where people who enjoy lucha but are confused by certain points can be helped out.


While I find it humorous that there are NJ juniors fans and Kobashi fans who find the opening matwork in lucha to be pointless, I don't see the value in trying to make converts or finding them lucha matches where the opening matwork is worked like meaningless NJ junior opening matwork.


There are things that can be done to improve the quality of lucha discussion on the web.

But without meaning to insult individual prowrestlingonly posters I think the last thing lucha discussions is fifteen low content devils advocate threads, posts complaining about the current trend of people thinking 90s EMLL was better than AAA, long MJH posts about how good Konan is, or complaints about the Brazos fattness from the ex-obese.

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I still think that's unnecessarily harsh. If someone is trying to enjoy lucha and isn't getting it right away, just to wash your hands of it seems a little defeatist. What's the point of talking about wrestling on message boards if everyone has already made up their mind about everything and can't be swayed by someone making good points?


And I get the point -- more people watching lucha isn't necessarily a good thing, and the reasons you mentioned are part of why. It's just something that I enjoy quite a bit and hate to see people who I know would enjoy it if they just got it dismiss it so easily.

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I still think that's unnecessarily harsh. If someone is trying to enjoy lucha and isn't getting it right away, just to wash your hands of it seems a little defeatist.


Yes I agree completely.


I'm sure there can be things done to make it easier for those people to join the discussion. And there should be a place where people who enjoy lucha but are confused by certain points can be helped out.

or OJ's


don't mind explaining lucha to people who have a genuine interest in it,

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I would probably add the Dandy/Llanes title match from 3/94. I think this is a match most people can enjoy as everything appears hard fought, it's packed with terrific submission work and the selling of submissions is top notch.

Watched this yesterday & thought it was a pretty good match. Ironically my one complaint would be that it didn't feel lucha enough for me (so probably is a good nom for a thread like this) as I thought the mat work was closer to old school US style then anything else.

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