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RAW 6/27


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I was actually digging RAW tonight, Angle-Flair was better than I expected despite the near fatality on the blown pop-up superplex spot. I liked how Flair would try to outwrestle Angle and fail, and then Kurt would try to outcheat Ric and equally fail. They established that both guys had their aspect of the game locked down.


Of course the only down spot for me was the Diva Bimbo Search. Christ, isn't Slaughter a good enough company man to deserve better than to get involved in this?

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Angle/Flair was a fun one-time viewing, but I'm afraid I'd hate it if I tried to watch it again. That said, it's the best thing Flair has done since the turn of the century, although I'm not quite sure just how much that means. Loved the way that the pre-match promo set up some things that were played off. Am I the only one who has noticed that Flair seems totally unable to have a decent haircut these days? Either cut it short or find a way to not have cowlicks, Ric -- your hair has always been one of your calling cards, and it makes you seem even older when it's messed up and all over the place.


It was also nice to see a RAW with no HHH, although the time was right to center the show around Batista in his absence. Admittedly though, they've shunned Cena since he jumped, so him getting the main event treatment and the Hogan/Michaels rub (although I think he may have done more to put them over than they did him) was a fun viewing. Bad, bad match though - HBK struggling struggling struggling to make the hot tag to a point where his overacting was just ridiculous.


Jericho had both lines of the night -- telling Tomko, "You weren't even in the match, jackass!" when Tomko is offering his input for why Cena won, and when Nash is mentioned as a possible mystery partner, saying "Nash would tear his hamstring getting up to answer the phone." Lots of shooty stuff tonight, which was weird, as Flair talked about marks and shooting in his promo and Jericho and Christian took shots at Marty Jannetty (Christian: "I thought he was incarcerated!") and Kevin Nash.


Why is Edge being buried?


That's all I got.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

RAW tonight was proof of just how many whores WWE can attract. I swear the Diva Search portion looked like a bunch of refugees from the AVN Awards.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

No shit. I flipped on to see the tail-end of it. What the hell? This is why women won't ever be taken seriously in wrestling. When you get a dozen plastic-induced bimbos who close out a segment with shit like, "But now...let's dance," forget it.


Jericho and Christian had the lines of the night.


"Nah, it couldn't be Jannetty, isn't he in jail?"


"Are you kidding? Nash would pull a hamstring picking up the telephone."


Speaking of Christian, I've been out of it, but I dig the new look and entrance theme.


And every active wrestler WISHES he could get the pops Hogan does. Who would've thought that here we'd be, 2005, and Hogan, with his unchanged 1984 persona and '80s offense, would get the biggest pops we've heard in years for those very things? The reaction his involvement in the match and pinfall was like something you'd get in a vintage Wrestlemania main event.

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

I liked it.


Angle/Flair was great. There was plenty of surprises. No HHH. Titties. A nice ending to the draft, and the closing match was entertaining.


I didnt say it was "good". But entertaining in a seealltheseguysintheringatoncesortofway. Plus having Hogan,HBK,and Cena pose together was kindve a "3 generations of superstars" evoultion of the business type moment.


Ive certainly seen worse RAWs. Several of them.

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Cena's pop was definitely louder than Hogan's. I think the crowd initially was disappointed that it wasn't The Rock. I even went back and rewatched the tape from last night to confirm my belief of this before making this post/statement. Hogan's cheers picked up in the match. The crowd was chanting for Hogan and wanted to see the Legdrop. Opening entrance pop though, Cena's was the loudest.


I guarantee you that the brunette bitch in the diva search, the one that drank the beer and wore sunglasses, is a plant. It looked like she was wiping blow from her nose on her way from the backstage area when it showed all the bimbos coming out of the dressing room. I'm pulling for the black chick. She was real hot.


I can't watch Flair matches anymore. He's done. Everytime he goes to take a bump, I cringe and fear for his safety.


The first hour of the show flew by. I looked at the clock expecting the show to almost be over, and it was only at the halfway point. It dragged on after that though, which is a shame.


Lita was looking good last night too. Super juggage.


I marked for both The Big Show and Rob Van Dam because I like them both and can't watch Smackdown.

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I guarantee you that the brunette bitch in the diva search, the one that drank the beer and wore sunglasses, is a plant. It looked like she was wiping blow from her nose on her way from the backstage area when it showed all the bimbos coming out of the dressing room.




At first I thought it was Melina, and that they already decided to break up MNM.

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Guest Some Guy

Raw was solid but nothing special. I and everybody else saw Hogan coming a mile away.























I'm pissed that Christian went to SD!. He and Cena are gold on the Mic togther.

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

As far as the diva search goes-


1) Its nielsen rating was the same at the six man tag. Maybe cause its jus starting or something but at least for last night it was as closely watched as the main even featuring the Brands Champion and a couple of legends. Odd.


2) My moneys on "the hot black chick" Krystal or "the punk rock girl" Ashley.

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Eh, I figure the coke-fiending plant makes the final two. The black chick is hot but she's just a token, don't lie to yourself. I bet the blonde bitch whom pulled out her entire ass and had a weird accent will make it far.


We'll see, unfortunately.

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

Last year the fans voting for the best possible choice (yes, none of them were spectacular, but with the WWE you take these things with a grain of salt). They also voted off all the blondes first. Like you said "we'll see".


Also, Krystal isnt the only black girl. The "coke-fiend" you've spoken of (Alexis) seems to be of mixed ethnic heritage. Blaisan perhaps. Her deal also seems to be "She pours liquids on herself". On the casting tape it was milk or cream or something, last night it was beer.

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It's sad, but has there ever been an over black woman in wrestling? Even the audience wasn't as into her as they were the others on Monday night. I hate that that's the case, but it's something I picked up on when watching the segment.

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I stand corrected. That statement was made in haste, I guess because WWE has never really had an over black woman in their company at all, unless you count Sapphire as being over. Jacqueline was over in WCW big time when she was beating up Kevin Sullivan's jobber opponents outside the ring on Nitro in early 1997 though, but not to the point where putting her over Disco Inferno was by any means justified.

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