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Round #3, Match #5


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Vote for the team that you feel had the best run as a tag team from 1985 to 2005. Voting will last approximately 24 hours and the winner of each match will advance to the second round. Because the goal of the tournament is to promote discussion, please feel free to explain how you came to your decision as much as possible.

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The Steiners have had blow away matches in the NWA, Japan and at least one good match in WWF. The Rockers had a helluva feud in the AWA and a good run in the WWF. Probably one of the closer matchups but the Steiners at their peak destroy the Rockers at their peak.


The Steiners

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The Rockers


The Steiners at their best were still spotmonkeys, while the Rockers were far better *wrestlers* and made a far better team. Scott carried the Steiners completely while Michaels and Jannetty were an equal partnership. And even in terms of big spots, the Rockers had better ones.

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Guest teke184

I'm going to go with The Rockers because they were always good in the ring and never *intentionally* hurt their opponents.


Jannetty may have been involved with a jobber breaking his neck, but both Steiners would beat the shit out of guys and legit hurt them.

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I guess the point I was trying to make was that the Steiners matches I've seen (outside of a select few) rarely take you on a ride and are more about them hitting all of their highspots. Fun, but the Rockers were more complete wrestlers because they would actually sell for their opponents.

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I guess the point I was trying to make was that the Steiners matches I've seen (outside of a select few) rarely take you on a ride and are more about them hitting all of their highspots. Fun, but the Rockers were more complete wrestlers because they would actually sell for their opponents.

Oh man, this is the closest choice yet. I am completely torn here.




Their roles were different. The Rockers were more hit and run while the Steiners were more aggresive in your face "I'm going to take your head off of your shoulders tonight". Now a match between the two would've freaking ruled everything.




As far as ring safety overall goes I'd have it give to the Rockers.



As far as overall top matches go I'd give it to the Steiners. The Rockers had some great ones but the Steiners matches have had more of a lasting effect on me. A lot of its due to my love of aggresive wrestling.


As far as moveset goes I reluctantly give it to the Steiners. Their finishers were a lot better than say the double fist drop although in the Rockers defence a be all end all finisher move wouldn't have fit their style and what made them exciting to a degree. Arrgghh! The Rockers had better mid range double team offence though on the opposite side of the coin that wouldn't have fit the Steiners' style either.




I'm going with the STEINER BROTHERS

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