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[2005-07-23-ROH-Homecoming] A.J. Styles vs Jimmy Rave


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  • 2 years later...


Hardcore Match

Jimmy Rave vs. AJ Styles
I would've liked to have seen a Styles/GeNext vs. Embassy trios match on this night, but with that type of tag match already booked on the card for the Rottweilers, I understand why it didn't happen.
This match was chaotic and brutal, and served as a nice appetizer for what was expected to come later in the feud. This wasn't meant to be a show-stealer, but it was still engaging. Styles as usual brought his pissed-off demeanor, likely not happy with the Embassy's actions that night, and this was his first chance at Rave since his former protege tried suffocating him with a plastic bag a couple weeks earlier. There was a LOT of stupid bumps and spots in this match, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't entertaining. If you are a fan of the Kevin Steen vs. Super Dragon feud, go ahead and watch this match, you'll really appreciate it.
Of course, Shelley reciprocates for Rave after the previous match, taking Styles out with a Shellshock and the Crown Jewel following that up with a Styles Clash finish. (I know Rave called it the Rave Clash, but I'm not a fan of using multiple names for the same move, even for storyline purposes.) GeNext come out as expected to bail Styles out, and they shake hands. It's a real shame the scheduled Styles & Aries vs. Rave & Shelley match didn't happen.
Rating: ***1/4
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  • 1 year later...

I've seen people call this a top ROH match of all-time and I still don't know if I agree with that but whenever I watch this again it seems to rise in stock with me. They both show up in street clothes and taped fists so already points to them for that. And then they give us a really well done hate-filled brawl. AJ's closed fists to somebody's forehead always seem like something that shouldn't look good or come off well but they do. And that headbutt barrage ruled. I don't know how to describe this, but how organic the side suplex through the table spot is done is really incredible to see and I give it the rewind whenever I see it. Plus that brainbuster on the chair is disgusting. So yeah, a lot of great stuff to this but I still can't put my finger on why I hold back on really ranking it higher. Probably the finish, feels kind of deflating.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2005-07-23-ROH-Homecoming] A.J. Styles vs Jimmy Rave
  • 5 years later...

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