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Jericho....in TNA?


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This seems to be the "thread of the day" at multiple forums that I visit. If nothing else, it's getting people talking. I'm sure it's just a ploy to get either more hits to his website or generate more interest in his character for when he returns.

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It's not legit. I think Jericho and Lee Wren are having a laugh before he officially posts this:



Whatever was at that link, it's now a 404 error.


If Jericho is "working the smarts", couldn't TNA slap him for using their logo? Christ knows Vince would if someone was using the WWE logo in a rib.

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It's not legit. I think Jericho and Lee Wren are having a laugh before he officially posts this:



Whatever was at that link, it's now a 404 error.


If Jericho is "working the smarts", couldn't TNA slap him for using their logo? Christ knows Vince would if someone was using the WWE logo in a rib.

This article describes what I originally linked to


I can't believe I just linked to a Lords Of Paste article. I'm losing my mind.


Anyways, the jist of it all is there was a press release up at CJ's site describing his plans for the future, with a key sentence saying that with regards to wrestling, he's working for WWE and WWE only. I first discovered it at DVDVR. Word eventually got around the web fast and after that, I think Lee Wren, CJ's webmaster, took the article off. It's certainly a more botched way of working the internet than what Matt Hardy did, that's for sure.


Bottom line is that they're just having fun with the web with the TNA thing. They've been known to do that in the past.

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I think the first Spike Tv Impact ending with Jericho attacking the NWA Champion would be huge for TNA.  TNA needs to do whatever it takes to get Jericho before October.

No doubt. Especially if Raven is still the champion.


With all the UFC & TNA talk, TNA should try to get back Ken Shamrock too.


The debut show having Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Ken Shamrock, The Dudley Boyz & Kanyon for name value, along with showcasing Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Alex Shelley & Samoa Joe, maybe some Shark Boy and Abyss to get over gimmicks, would be a great show. Hell, they could run the Naturals Vs. AMW again. They might get a 2.0!


September will certainly be interesting. Not just to see what direction TNA takes leading up to their national Spike TV exposure, but to see how Spike goes about letting the viewing audience know they're coming. It'll be comedy to see TNA commercials during each WWE break. That might make WWE think twice before taking a commercial break midmatch. :lol:

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Damn, it also had a list of his favorite matches and favorite opponents. I wish I would have saved that on a word document.

I wish I had copied the article too. I hate being lazy during evenings.


IIRC, though, I think he listed Ultimo Dragon, Chris Benoit, The Rock, Christian, and Shawn Michaels as his five favourite opponents.

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Guest WidowsPeak

Chris Jericho's website has been redesigned and now includes the press release in its entirety (including his favourite matches and opponents).





July 16, 1993-w/Ultimo Dragon vs Negro Casas and El Dandy-Mexico City, MX


July 7, 1995-Ultimo Dragon-Tokyo, Japan-IJ Championship


June 22, 1996-Pitbull #2-Philadelphia, PA-ECW TV Title


Feb 22, 1998-Juventud Guerrera-San Francisco, CA-Cruiserweight Title vs Mask


April 17, 2000-HHH-State College, PA-WWF Championship


July 23, 2000-HHH-Dallas, TX-Last Man Standing


Jan 21, 2001-Chris Benoit-New Orleans, LA-Ladder Match For The IC Championship


May 21, 2001-w/Chris Benoit vs HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin-WWF Tag Team Championship


May 22, 2001-w/Chris Benoit vs The Dudley Boys vs The Hardy Boys vs Edge and Christian-TLC Match


Oct 21, 2001-The Rock-St Louis, MO-WCW Championship


March 1, 2002-The Rock-Yokohama, Japan-WWE Championship


June 15, 2002-The Rock-Honolulu, HI


Oct 7, 2002-w/Christian vs Kane vs Bubba and Spike Dudley vs Jeff Hardy and RVD-Las Vegas, NV-TLC Match


Mar 30, 2003-Shawn Michaels-Seattle, WA-Wrestlemania 19


Feb 7. 2004-Chris Benoit-Tokyo, Japan


Oct 19, 2004-Shelton Benjamin-Milwaukee, WI-IC Championship


Jan 9, 2005-Edge vs Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Randy Orton vs Batista-San Juan, Puerto Rico-Elimination Chamber For The WWE Championship


April 3, 2005-Edge vs Christian vs Chris Benoit vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin-Money In The Bank Ladder Match At Wrestlemania 21


July 2, 2005-Shawn Michaels-Tokyo, Japan


Aug 21, 2005 John Cena Washington DC WWE Championship

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After going off on the IWC for not praising his match with RVD, he didn't give him a shout out?

He liked his match with RVD. He also liked his matches with HHH. Doesn't mean HHH is one of his favourite opponents. Same with RVD perhaps.


I still say him "going off on the IWC" was a work.

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Guest Cam Chaos

In a way I am glad he is gone. He has been spinning his wheels for a while and realised he was never going to become a big star through the WWE in the way the Rock, Austin, Hogan, HHH and now Cena have become. At least now he will be able to put 100% into his endeavours without having to worry so much about politics standing in the way and fucking with his work ethic.

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