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[2004-08-15-NJPW-G1 Climax] Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Hiroshi Tanahashi


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Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW 8/15/04 G-1 Climax Finals

What a beautiful pro wrestling match! My reasoning for choosing Inokiist New Japan has my return to reviewing was twofold: 1. The matches are usually short most are under 10 minutes, 15 minutes max which suits my lifestyle well. 2. I have become very disenchanted with modern pro wrestling. People may find that surprising given that I usually praise WWE for the Bloodline, Cody Rhodes stuff and there's usually one AEW match a week that I think is very good to great. There is so much trash in current pro wrestling. I was kinda sick of it. I knew Inokiist New Japan would take out the two things I hate most in modern pro wrestling: 1. Running  and 2. Overselling. As I ran out of Shooter vs Wrestler matches I have started to wade back into pro wrestling matches. This match really reminded how beautiful traditional pro wrestling can be. As Inoki once named his show, Pro Wrestlers Be Strongest!

Both Tanahashi & Tenzan played to their strengths and the result was a terrific, elegant match. It is a battle of tempo that often gets lost in Shoot-Style or Inokiist style matches. Here it is the clubbering, lumbering Tenzan vs the quick, hit 'n run Tanahashi. Tanahashi is my choice for best Japanese Wrestler of the 21st Century. He is just on here. He is the best possible version of Keiji Mutoh. What is also so unique is this match is early enough in Tanahashi's career that it predates his formula of working the knee. 

The match when viewed through the lens of tempo just falls into place sublimely. If Tanahashi keep it uptempo, he has the advantage and is supplying the excitement, but there is also a looming dread and stress that any moment Tenzan can just headbutt him in the breadbasket. Early on we see that with a quick sunset flip attempt, Tanahashi tries to quicken the pace but is stopped dead with the butt to the solarplexus. Tenzan clubbers. If you seen one Tenzan match, you know the drill: headbutts, Mongolian Chops, general clubbering. He Irish Whips Tanahashi. This creates the space to allow Tanahashi to generate his offense. He springs into a reverse cross body. He just seamlessly without pause throws his body at Tenzan, elbow drop, Senton. He goes for a superplex, but gets the worst of it. Tenzan is back up and he is clubbering. 

Tenzan escalates he hits the Diving Headbutt the first big move of the match. Tanahashi cradles. This discombobulates Tenzan long enough that Tanahashi can increase the pace again. It looks like Tanahashi is overzealous and Tenzan is going to throw him to the floor but Tanahashi skins the cat. He is all over Tenzan. Nice dive! Finally Tanahashi by hurling his body and keeping Tenzan off balance has earned his right to hit bombs. He hits one German couldnt hold the bridge but holds the waistlock so he can get the bridge. Which I loved! Dragon Sleeper for Tanahashi. He goes for the win when he thinks Tenzan is unconscious. 

Tanahashi goes for the Dragon Suplex, but Tenzan elbows out. Mongolian Chops. Tanahashi goes to block...HEADBUTT TO THE BREADBASKET! OH HELL YEAH! Saito Suplex, great Levelling the Playing Field spot. Here comes the Fighting Spirit Breakdown, it is lame but short. Tenzan spinning heel kick another level the playing field spot. 

I always get worried about the home stretch in this timeframe. Very easy to go NOAH and do too much. Tenzan hits his weird Tombstone variant and then Anaconda Vice. Tanahashi rolls him on the shoulders which again fits with Tanahashi's offense strategy which is gets Tenzan into weird positions. My favorite part of the finish stretch was Tenzan missing the moonsault opening him up to an amazing finish stretch that would make Ricky Steamboat or Keiji Mutoh jealous. 

Shining WIzard! Dragon Suplex! Inside Cradle! Backslide out of a headbutt to the breadbasket attempt (THAT SPOT WAS *****)! Back to Dragon Sleeper! I love Tanahashi so much, I fell in love with him all over again and boy oh boy I wanted the kid to do it! Again Tanahashi cant win with the Dragon Sleeper. He gets to his feet first, but as he is picking Tenzan up, Tenzan does the only thing he can...LUNGE AT HIM WITH HEADBUTTS TO THE STOMACH! REPEATEDLY! I never know how much I could love a headbutt to the stomach. Tenzansault which I bit on as the finish. Great nearfall! Anaconda Vice is the finish but what he does is pick him up and throw him down to the mat while in the vice twice. I would have liked to see Tanahashi lose by pinfall here but still the tap out was great. 

I feel like this was Marty Sleeze special two dudes staying true to their characters, lets the clash of styles tell the story, using the headbutt to the breadbasket as the touchstone, Tanahashi generating his offense so well, really interesting transitions, everything feels organic and snug. Pro Wrestling Be The Best! ****1/2

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  • 1 month later...

I had no idea that New Japan pushed a young Tanahashi all to the way to the G1 Final. This doesn't feel like a marque match up, but you know Japanese crowds love an underdog. Tanahashi's already pretty good at this point, but it's Tenzan that does the heavy lifting to ensure that this is a worth final. How about that Tenzan, huh? Didn't know you had it in you. It's amazing to me that both Kojima and Tenzan have managed to find success as singles wrestlers despite the crappy state of the business. This was an exciting match. I absolutely loved the dragon sleeper vs anaconda vice battle. The finish was awesome. Hail, Tenzan!

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