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[1998-12-26-MPPW-TV] 1998 PPW Awards


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  • 3 months later...

Dave and Cory present various achievement awards for 1998. Rookie of the Year is Derrick King. Most Improved is Kid Wikkid. Randy Hales interrupts the award giving and asks Tony Falk to come out. He says no one voted on this award but him. Hales proceeds to air all of his dirty laundry on television, so the award he is presenting him is Turkey of the Year!


Brandon Baxter is out later in the show to bring out some guy that is going to beat Tony Falk tonight. I don't know who the guy is with Baxter but this segment looks awfully bush league, and I like Brandon Baxter just because he seems like a genuinely nice guy.


Back to the awards ... Woman of the Year is Stacy. Samantha is out to take exception and Dundee comes out to calm her down, telling her it's all politics and nothing to get bent out of shape about. After all, Stacy will take her clothes off at the drop of a hat. This brings Lawler out and they argue for a minute.


Most Hated goes to Randy Hales. Hales finds that insulting since he's the one who brought Power Pro to Memphis. Manager of the Year goes to Brandon Baxter and Hales ends up attacking him from behind but they end up brawling around over it. People are getting way too worked up about these awards. It's not like it's a contentious PWO thread for crying out loud.


I have no idea why Brian Christopher is nominated for Most Popular, but he is. He comes out before the name is revealed. Lawler is the winner and Christopher is angry because he's an idiot. A Dundee-Christopher brawl breaks out. Seriously, just hand out the awards and act civilized.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

PPW did have some good stuff, but in some areas they're not even trying: Derrick King using "Sexy Boy" as his theme?


Tony Falk just nodding along as Randy Hales recounts his wife cheating on him and his divorce is laugh-out-loud funny. He's not as happy with his Turkey of the Year award from Hales, and throws the trophy down and storms off.


Falk is back out confronting Brandon Baxter. He's wrestling somebody blindfolded at the show tonight--the guy appears to be some local DJ or celebrity, I'm guessing. I do like Falk as a Jerry Gergich-style sad-sack reluctant heel.


The last two awards are pretty Memphis-by-numbers. I agree with Loss on Christopher--he's just being a delusional idiot and not in the good wrestling-heel kind of way. Sometimes it'd be a more refreshing swerve if Memphis or the Big Two did something that *didn't* turn into an angle.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1998-12-26-MPPW-TV] 1998 PPW Awards

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