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There is also this that proves the point that e-books tend to be lazily written and poorly edited pieces of cheap trash


WrestleMania A Complete Ultimate History...welp, here was my "review" of it from another forum:


Okay, the Wrestlemania book is just annoying me so much, I feel the need to illustrate how lame this piece of crap is!

First, here is the Amazon description of the product:

Product Description
WrestleMania is a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event, produced annually in late March or early April by WWE, a professional wrestling promotion based in Connecticut. WWE first produced the event in 1985 to be its premiere annual event and has since produced twenty-eight editions with the twenty-ninth scheduled to take place in East Rutherford, New Jersey in 2013.

This booklet will give you lots of information and facts about the incredible history surrounding Wrestlemania. Millions of dollars have been made over the years.

Get the scoop on all the storylines and wrestlers that have taken center stage!

Alright, we begin right away, no credits, thanks, acknowledgements or anything, with a rundown of what I assume is this guy's most strangest WM matches of all time. Interesting placement, but okay, lets roll with it:

Hollywood Backlot Match
No mention of which year, no mention of the silly OJ parody, and this guy has the balls to declare that it was a match that "helped bring in the attitude era in the WWE." I'll give you Goldust himself, but not this match.

Dumpster Match
REALLY? This is pretty much the first indication of the lack of actual research that went into this. Yeah it was a crazy gimmick for a match, but in the context of how the feud was going, it did make sense.

Doink vs. Crush
Basically due to the second Doink that was never seen or heard from again. Ummm, okay.

Blindfold Match
This I'll give him.

Sumo Match
I'll give him this one as well, but the various boxing matches have been more stranger.

Okay, now to Top 10 WM Moments
Taylor over Bigelow
Ummmm, why is this in anyone's top ten moments?

WM II Battle Royal
Again, wha? Probably says more about who this guy is marketing this dopey book to.

Cyndi Lauper joins Wendi Richter
*face palm*

Benoit wins Championship
Ah yes, He Who Shall Not Be Named. Again, no context about why the win was so big at the time, and no mention of HBK. Oh but the guy made sure to mention Eddie celebrating with Benoit afterwards, and the sad fact that both would be dead by 2007.

Owen Hart defeats Bret Hart
A very markish "Perhaps years of watching gave Owen the advantage as he anticipated every move" OH COME ON! Anyone reading this HAS to know that the matches are pre planned, unless you are also waiting to hear about Santa Claus as well. And to top it off, no mention about the cherry on the top of Owen's win, the fact that the show ends with Bret winning the title, with Owen sulking in the shadows. Oh, but he is sure to mention Owen's tragic death, but makes a mixup by saying it was during the opening sequence of the PPV event.

Ray Charles sings America The Beautiful at WM II
I love the song, but is it deserving a moment in ANYONE's Top Ten moments in WM history?

Shawn vs Razor's Ladder Match
Alright, I can see this belonging on a list.

Stone Cold vs The Rock X-7
THIS match is the one picked? Why, just because of the turn? I'd go with their last one at Safeco, or their first one in 1999.

WM 2000's TLC Match
I can see this being in a conversation of top moments, but considering the rest of this list, seems like a hastily drawn up list with the two biggest "EXTREME" style matches he could think of with this and the HBK/Razor Ladder match.

Hulk vs Andre WM III
An easy choice for number one. But probably on due to the fact that it is so often cited as being THE MOMENT.

Okay, next a so-so review of the True Wrestlemania Story DVD that came out. Pretty standard badly written blogish review, not too much of a problem.

Next article for some GOD KNOWS reason is a preview of Wrestlemaina 24! I shit you not. This e-book is released in 2012, and yet I'm reading a preview rundown of the major matches on a card from 2008, complete with instructions on how to watch on a TV to PC software.

Next article jumps ahead to 2010, but is just an article that reads more like a book introduction than an article mid-way through a book! Clearly no-editors were involved in making this piece of turd.

Next up, as I stated before, a bit markish-slant article previewing Rock vs. Cena. I say markish because the article speculates what could actually happen if either men had to back out. As if the WWE never HAD a backup plan, ever. Oh and for the record, this fool should do some research and realize that Hogan-Savage was planned the moment it was decided that Savage would walk out of WM IV as the champion. Year long programs have been done, granted not as much in this day and age, but it's not completely foreign. Though nice use of the falling apart of the Nexus and the RAW computer GM as examples of major storylines that fell apart because of being dragged out too long.

*sigh* And the "book," such as it is, wraps up with an article entitled WWE's Superbowl of Wrestling- Wrestlemania 24
Yes, after doing a preview of an event from 4 years ago, the book finishes with yet another WM 24 preview article! HUH?

I just had to share how fucking pathetic this supposedly "complete history" of Wrestlemania was supposed to be!


Not part of that: Here is what it read like, some website guy promises this big ass, week(s) long and epic WrestleMania coverage leading up to the PPV, then on the day of the event realized he has nothing done, and rather than admitting laziness or explaining real life stuff had gotten in the way, just hastily threw up random crap and called it a day!


So I'd wager non fiction eBooks really are more let the buyer beware, and you are getting what you pay for, as opposed to digital versions of printed books. Most likely because the "authors/editors" probably don't realize how much time is spent even with the shorter page count books that are on actual bookshelves and just think about how much "cash" they are going to roll in, despite the cheap price.

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