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Kushida vs Sabin vs O'Reilly


My favorite part of the match was the Kushida/O'Reilly exchanges. Especially with the arm work. I liked the finish. Sabin seems so low rent. Good match though. Hope we get a final at BOTSJ between Kushida and O'Reilly based on their exchanges.

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The Liger tag I mean come on. I know Liger was just there last year but a legend like that should be a pretty big deal for a show like this, and matches with him should be worked like he's a big deal. But instead the heels got the heat on Liger, he never really got a run of offense to make up for it and the match ends after he stooges for Maria's gimmick. Felt like a throwaway TV tag match. I guess the atmosphere didn't help either, this crowd gave Liger a decent enough pop but hasn't been into much tonight.


Commentary sucks as always. Hopefully some of the later matches are better, I'm pretty down on the show so far.

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Okada vs Alexander


That bump Alexander took off Okada's dropkick was boss. Okada makes so much sense in the ring.Great match with both guys looking tremendous. If this doesn't get Alexander a NJ tour I'll be shocked. Best match of the night so far by far.

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Roppongi Vice vs The Decade vs The Addiction


Baretta really carried the match with his FIP work. It was full of hot moves, tons of nearfalls. You could say they ran through too many finishers. I liked the actual finish though with Daniels stealing the win.

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Tanahashi vs Elgin


Elgin quit the flip leg drop it sucks. Stick to the suplexes it makes more sense for your character. Elgin is a guy who doesn't work a match. He just spreads out the stuff he does. Pretty much what I was expecting.

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The Bullet Clubb vs ROH All Stars


Bullet Club is over huge. These guys bare tearing it up. A superplex to the outside. They need their heads examined. Yes it was over kill at times, but holy shit that was amazing and a MOTYC.

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I liked the main event a lot -- really it was the only thing on the show I particularly liked. Still hurt by the very mild crowd, although it was cool how they were massively pro-BC the whole night but finally they booed when one of the Young Bucks broke up Strong's superplex spree.

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A lot of the matches didn't meet my expectations. Though they didn't stink the joint out. You can question some of the booking decisions. Like the portrayl of Liger. Losing reDragon hurt. Making Kushida's match a 3 way probabaly hurt it. Most of the undercard was in the 2 1/2- 3 * range for me. The Main Event was off the charts. I also liked Okada/Alexander a ton. I need to give Nak/ACH a rewatch and see if my expectation level played into my liking the match. For me a thumbs up show.

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Plus it seems their were a lot of travel issues. Fish never made it. ACH had the trip from hell and had to borrow gear, and Hanson was held up at the border.of some So the energy level of some of the guys might not have been where it needed to be.

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The word is that Fish missed his flight. So did ACH , but of course he got another one . However his gear was stuck in Buffallo , hence the long tights.


I loved the show . I went into it knowing the NJPW big 3 would not put anyone over, their matches would just be showcases . The matches were fine , good to see these guys in North America.


I like the finish of the 3 way tag . It really helped enforce that Daniels and Kazarian are just a couple of heels who will take any short cut to win a match. I like seeing Kushida get the win . He dropped two in Philly , he was due a big win. ROH should try to book Kushida on a regular basis , he really fits in with the company ..


The main event was just insane fun , those guys are just nuts . Roderick Strong should get bookings with NJPW after this tour . He is the MVP of this tour. Strong proved how great he really is in the ring. Who cares if he cannot cut a promo , his work more than makes up for his lack of mic skills.


The only things I did not like were all of the managers and seconds . I do not see why Moose needs two managers. Veda Scott and Stokely Hathaway really add nothing to the show. Waste of money to book them. Also I am weary of Maria 's act . I guess if you are 13 years old that sort of thing will hold you interest . I buy a wrestling ippv to watch wrestling. There is a strip club about 4 miles from my house , I could just go there to see Maria's act. I would have rather seem Liger wrestle than do a comedy match .


I though Silas Young got a bad deal tonite , he should be in more high profile matches at this point in his career . Silas has more than paid his dues.


All in all a good time. I would buy the replay, it is worth the money.

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Hey , I notice that Adam Cole was not booked . Also Nigel was not booked . Maybe Sinclair has stopped flying Nigel in just to do a couple of promos ? I don't think the ROH match maker , Nigel McGuiness , name was mention during any point in the show.

You're right about Nigel.

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I rewatched Nak/ACH and I was a little harsh on it. In rewatch it was in the 3 1/2*. The main event is still amazing. The crowd seemed better miked this time around too.

That's good to hear. What was it that you liked better the second watch?

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I did this show a rewatch and here are my final thoughts.


Gedo/Moose vs Young/Wattanabe


This was a Moose showcase. Other than those shitty headbutts he looked like a killer. I like what I've seen of Wattanabe on the 2 shows this weekend. 1 3/4*



Sabin vs Kushida vs OReilly


A fun match. I'm not a fan of 3 ways but this was ok. Kushida looked great here. O'Reilly had some fun moments here. Kushidas and O'Reilly's interactions made the match and has me hoping for a BOSJ Final. 3*


Kingdom vs Liger/Sydal


This was a solid southern tag. Sydal was on fire. Liger got a huge pop. I wish they didn't do the Maria spot with Liger, but it was fun and the match wasn't built around Maria. I like my booking idea that Maria's bra is laced with either and that's why guys act all loopy after the motorboat. 2 3/4*


Okada vs Alexander


I overrated this a bit when I 1st watched it. It's still good. I liked Okada's work on top. Alexander's selling was really good. He's a great underdog babyface and he really did a good job getting a pro Okada crowd behind him. He made a great comeback at the end. Okada is a master at timing his kick outs. 3 1/2*


Addiction vs Roppongi Vice vs The Addiction


This was good. Again I think it would have been better if we cut the Decade out of this. Baretta's FIP work was good narrative in the match. I liked Addiction's heel work here. Romero's charisma smoked everyones in the match. Sometime he relies on the comedy too much. 3*


ACH vs Nakamura


This didn't meet my expectations. It was fun though. It felt by the time ACH got on a roll the match was over. 3 1/4*

Lethal vs Naito


This is a match between 2 guys who don't usually deviate from their comfort zone. Pretty much what I expected. Still even knowing how it would play out it was pretty good. Naito's offense made for a great comeback. 3 1/4*


Tanahashi vs Elgin


Elgin worked on top most of the way and his work really doesn't interest me. He has some fun power spots but it's not enough if you lack story telling. Tanahashi working underneath was solid, but not amazing. He worked really hard here. The finish was very odd. 2 1/2*


The Bullet Club vs ROH All Stars


I loved this match and really saved the show for me. We start off with wild chaotic fight. This was going all over ringside. It settles down a bit and Strong starts as the FIP. While this is going on we have some more fighting between groups on the floor. They work over strong really well and Strong is a bad ass in the FIP role. On top of that he really showed a lot of fire in the roll. The ROH side work over Nick Jackson and this was well done. So far we have a wild fight, We get a great shine sequence, and then a really well done Heat segment. On top of that Hanson gets a 2nd FIP spot and he's terrific in the role. In between all of this we have more fighting and an array of amazing dives and highspots. Everyone gets their moment in the sun. in an homage to the Von Erich triple dropkick the Bullet Club hit a 5 man super kick. Strong superplexing everyone out of their boots. On top of this the crowd is going nuts. I was blown away by this, and had a big time feel to it. 4 3/4*

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