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[1983-12-12-CWA-Mid-South Coliseum] Jerry Lawler vs Randy Savage (Cage)

Superstar Sleeze

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AWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler vs Randy Savage - Memphis, Mid-South Coliesum 12/12/83


"EVERYONE DIES!" Randy Savage's verbal ravings during the match.


I have seen this before, but never in full and honestly I have been underwhelmed by this match. Mostly because I was expecting OMG LAWLER VS SAVAGE~! and instead it was just a great match. I will say this match definitely features the two of the best working punches in history. I love Savage's windup right hand almost like how a pitcher in baseball wind ups before delivering a fastball. Savage is in full Memphis heel mode running away and stooging for Lawler's punches. Lawler starts the match off unusually red hot with furious punches. Savage spits on Lawler to get him so riled up that he makes a mistake and Savage applies a chinlock to quell his momentum. Lawler throws him into cage, which is set up to go to the floor and Savage is staggered and falls ass first to the outside in a great bump. Savage starts to fiddle with his tights so here comes the foreign object playing that is a hallmark of the Mempho territory. Savage rakes eyes maybe with the foreign object it is hard to see and now he just suffocates Lawler. Awesome working punches, the double axehandle to the floor and ramming him into the cage. Lawler is coming back with punches and wrestles the foreign object away from Savage and he drives into Savage's eye, naaaasty. Now, we get the problem with the match, if there was ever a Memphi/Lawler spotfest this is it. That sounds weird because Memphis is almost as anti-spotfest as you get, but here they are start just throwing out spots against each other. Savage misses an Elbow from the top of the Cage and that is just another spot in the middle of the match! Lawler thinks better of going to the top of the cage instead hits a flying bodypress for two. Savage is just up flying into the middle rope and then he is doing a tremendous airplane spin. The airplane spin would be so over in today's hipster culture, but I guess the Giant Swing is that, but more athletically impressive. They are both come out staggered and Lawler tags with a right! Like most Memphis matches, it is all about piledriver teases which I love, Savage headbutts him in the balls to stop one. Savage throws him into the cage, but STRAP DOWN~! Lawler with furious punches only to Jos LeDuc trigger the DQ in the cage match. That was a super lame finish, but it is tough to start the first match of a series off with a cage match. They really had to though because this feud was already so hot from Savage's promos on ICW TV and the interpromotional feud. So you had to do the cage match, but you wanted to get more out of the feud so you needed the shitty ending. It is all action, but it is just all over the place. Savage missing the top of the cage elbow was crazy, but treated like just another spot. Still a great match that should be seen, but it was no Savage vs Garvin. ****

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  • GSR changed the title to [1983-12-12-CWA-Mid-South Coliseum] Jerry Lawler vs Randy Savage (Cage)
  • 6 years later...

This was quite underwhelming, despite the good presentation. I get the idea of the cage being there to keep them in the ring and everyone else away from it, but at the end of the day we got lots of rest holds (in a cage) and DQ finish for interference (in a cage), so what the hell. The bout itself wasn't terrible or anything: good Lawler punches, Savage used the structure well a couple of times and decent selling. With a good finish or a more "rough" approach, this would have been so more enjoyable despite all the political restraints

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