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I was really excited to see this when it popped up. Both guys are legends in Texas. Dale Valentine would become Buddy Roberts.


The 1st fall was really methodical. It felt like 6 or 7 minutes of the 9 minutes were working a standing surfboard. The 1st fall didn't do a lot for me. Valentine's strength is bumping and stooging so we really didn't get that here.


The 2nd fall was short and sweet. All of Spoiler's punches and his stomps look great.


3rd fall was better, but still not good enough to save the bout.


Final thoughts.


I didn't think they told a tight enough story. I felt they had Spoiler sell way too much. Dale didn't do enough things on top to make things interesting.Bottom line the match didn't play to the wrestlers strengths.



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I didn't like the Dale Valentine stuff I've seen from Southwest mostly for the reasons you mention there. Buddy Roberts is great at bumping and stooging and when he's pretending to be Johnny Valentine's brother he works too "tough."

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If the wrestler is under the ropes, the hold is broken as the wrestler is considered out of bounds.

If the wrestler has to reach for the ropes to grab it, the wrestler is not deemed to be "out of bounds", and the hand will be removed from the rope.


This is pretty much how it was called in the AWA, albeit inconsistently.

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Vintage Wrestling Week continues at NWAClassics.com! ONLINE TODAY:

Texas Heavyweight Title Match - ORIGINAL SICODELICO vs. GINO HERNANDEZ (with Gary Hary) from May 9, 1980.

Original commentary by PAUL BOESCH - a postmatch attack by MARK LEWIN - and some surprise celebrity commercials make this a Must-See Matchup!

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Sicodelico vs Gino was a blast. I liked it a lot. First of all, there were elements of a lucha title match, though obviously morphed a bit. It was more like whispers of one. And on top of that, at one point early on, Gino even did the lucha bump to get space, and he took over in the first fall with Negro Casas' back spin kick. I love how Gino straddles the line between vulnerable and getting clowned and being competent and cocky and dangerous. He reminds me of Buddy Rose that way even if he's not quite on that level. The finish had a fun bit of call back but really needed to be more vicious. I get what they were going for and it could have worked but it needed a little more.


There was a lot to like here, I think.

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I found a lot to like about this match.

I enjoyed the 1st fall the most. I enjoyed the IWRG mat work early. Then Gino was like screw this and goes full blown rudo. Very structured like a Lucha fall.

The 2nd fall had some good lucha elements. I liked Gino in control early just beating on Sicodelico. Then like any good technico he makes a comeback with tons of fire.

The 3rd fall was interesting. Sicodelico is selling a shoulder injury. Gino attacks it for a second, but then goes for the mask. Lewin in for the save. Calling the heels pussycats.

I also enjoyed the commercials. Showing how big a wrestling town Houston is/was. 3 1/2*

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Based on what we have released so far - if I were to produce a DVD / Blu Ray disc - what matches would you suggest be included?


Should we do all Gino Hernandez collection OR Jose Lothario collection - or a general NWAClassics disc - or an NWA Championship match collection?


Thanks for your input!

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For sales you'd probably do best with a NWA Championship disc. As much as everyone here has raved about Gino & Jose none of us really knew just how good they were before the service came out and thus it feels like something that would be hard to sell to someone who isn't already a subscriber.


For single wrestler sets you'd probably do a lot better with something like a Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair disc.

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You'd need the big names in matches people haven't seen.


There are a couple of Andre matches, vs Spoiler and Stasiak I think. There's Harley vs Gino for the title. There's the Duggan/Dibiase cage match. There's the RnR vs Midnights match that was new to us, I think? There's a couple of Jake matches to choose from. One Dusty (Maybe the Lewin one, but the Funk vs Lewin one could be better), one JYD vs Reed. You want at least one Guerrero (or Guerreros) match to pay up on the name and there are a lot to choose from.


That's the way I'd go. Then try to get someone to do liner notes to give everything some context and show the importance. Maybe see if JR or Cornette would push it on his podcast, that kind of thing.

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Actually a Cage match disc might not be a bad idea because there are some pretty awesome ones you could put on there with Duggan/Dibiase, Gino/Jose, Dibiase & Doc vs Guerreros, Fabs vs. Guerreros and I'm sure there are a few others that I'm just not thinking of first thing this morning.

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I was really looking forward to this. Meltzer put over Gomez a lot in the Observer. This was my 1st time seeing him. Overall I was dissapointed in the match. Started out fine, but turned into a lot of nerve holds. Gomez didn't get a lot of offense in to boot.

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Tony Atlas vs Ivan Koloff



This was a real solid bout. Ivan was great at calling this match. He did a great job at highlighting Atlas strengths. He put over his strength. He put over his speed. He highlighted Tony's great dropkick, I loved the finish of the 1st 2 falls. I loved the post match brawl.I dug the best chant ever of You can't beat Texas. I hated Ivan's over reliance on the nerve hold. Overall, good stuff 2 3/4*. Got some commercials. I loved the break check commercial. They also had a Houston 100 commercial which is something I donated to instead of getting a speeding ticket in the 90's.

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Dick Murdoch vs Al Madril just got uploaded with no date so I went looking. BTW the picture quality is amazing.


I found this on wrestlingdata.com


February 24 1978


Ron Slinker vs Denny Alberts

Jay Youndblood vs Billy Spears

David Von Erich vs Barry Orton

Eric the Red vs Gino Hernandez

Al Madril vs Dick Murdoch

Rocky Johnson vs Killer Karl Krupp

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Murdoch vs Madril


I liked this a lot. In some 1st fall we have Murdoch working a headlock and talking shit to the crowd. Just totally heeling it up. Murdoch used some good heel tricks. He used the hair pull into the headlock. He threw elbows into the neck. Madril steals the 1st fall.


The 2nd fall Murdoch is the aggressor. He teases a stranglehold/rabbit punch. He gets a chair and hits him. He begins working the leg . This was all well done This all makes sense and wins with a half crab.


3rd fall was more great leg work. Again Madril steals the fall with a flash pin. 3 1/4*

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