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Dusty vs Tank Patton

I thought this was a well worked matched. Dusty was pretty spry here. In the 1st fall I enjoyed Patton's arm work. He also incorporated a hair pull to control Dusty. All the work in the 1st fall was really smartly done. Dusty hits a beautiful cross body for the 1st fall.

The 2nd fall was entertaining as well. Patton using stomps. Great looking punches to the eye. It looked like he was trying to bust Dusty up hard way. He's smashing Dusty's head onto the table by the ring. Then they have this beautiful punch exchange. Overall really smart match. 2 1/2*

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I saw Dusty vs Tank and the Lothario tag third fall.


No major comments. Dusty was so great at working from underneath but it was interesting to me how the crowd seemed sort of reluctant to take the ride with him. Some of the brawling out on the floor was a lot of fun. I got a kick out of Tank's gear. He would have been a great 1991 WCW jobber.


There was a lot to digest in the Lothario tag. I think what stood out the most was how well Lewin and Spoiler worked together in keeping the claw on Jose. It wasn't really southern tag distraction heat. It was more like a Texas Tornado Tag heat, where Lewin would just interfere freely but it was too late by the time the refs or Gomez could intervene. I wish the finish was a little better put together. They were doing a test of strength with a minute left. It didn't build the drama nearly as well as it could have. Lots to appreciate though. Every match with the Spoiler seems like a bit of luck.

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Spoiler vs Halcon


This had a lot of interesting things going for it. In the 1st fall we see the Spoiler focus on Halcon's neck area. To keep him away from his neck Halcon uses some nice looking arm drags. Spoiler refocuses his effort again on the neck and uses the ropes to spring off of. He pins Halcon with a springboard knee drop to the neck.

The 2nd fall we see them work some complicated timing spots. Halcon was using his Lucha skills to keep Spoiler off balance. Halcon took a nasty bump to the outside. Halcon steals the 2nd fall.

The 3rd fall was pretty great. It starts off with some real nasty arm work. Then transitions to the leg. Then Halcon goes for a front crab that gets positioned into a camel clutch. All of that was pretty unique. Halcon starts to undo the mask. Spoiler gets control and goes for the claw. Each time he couldn't make the claw stick. So in a brilliant maneuver Spoiler rips the mask so he can now lock on the claw. This ends in a DQ, and Halcon rips off Spoiler's mask. 2 3/4*

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I liked the Valentine vs Ichiban match quite a bit. Babyface Greg was very interesting, just stoic and no-nonsense. He could have with that sort of badass tough guy persona in a number of territories. I would have liked to see him in mid-south with it, for instance. It didn't really make me miss the best of his heel work though.

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It's official I'm sold on Conway Jr. as a babyface. We got to see his skills on display. We see his selling, and his fire. Lewin is wearing thin on me at this point. The fact Funk had a 4 3/4* match with the guy truly is a miracle. I want more Tiger Conway Jr.

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One thing I like to watch during the NWA Classics matches is the reactions of the fans at ringside. Without fail - even if the style in the ring is different from today - the fans are into these matches!


I love watching the fans at ringside. Some are wearing a coat and tie! I've 70's looking guys at ringside who could pass for Cheech and Chong. I've seen old ladies getting in the faces of the heels. I love this nostalgia part of the collection - even if all of the matches aren't technical classics.

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Lothario vs Killer Brooks



All right another Lothario match. This time against Killer Brooks.; In the 1st fall we see Lothario work an arm. Lothario makes quick work of Brooks in the 1st fall. 2nd fall Brooks does some solid heeling on the crowd. Lothario starts working the nose. This was really fun. Brooks goes to the dreaded nerve hold. Lothario made it interesting by fighting under neath. Lothario's punches were great. The 3rd fall started out a wild brawl. It settles down. This was a pretty solid match. 2 3/4*

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One thing I like to watch during the NWA Classics matches is the reactions of the fans at ringside. Without fail - even if the style in the ring is different from today - the fans are into these matches!


I love watching the fans at ringside. Some are wearing a coat and tie! I've 70's looking guys at ringside who could pass for Cheech and Chong. I've seen old ladies getting in the faces of the heels. I love this nostalgia part of the collection - even if all of the matches aren't technical classics.

I totally agree. Plus the crowd is about as patriotic as it comes.

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Sheepherders vs Bruise Bros.


This is the Sheepherders debut in Houston, and what a way to get a heel team over as dangerous. They get super heat and just beat the crap out of both faces. They leave the faces a bloody mess. This was had a real gritty and violent feel to it.
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Been playing catch up, Just small comments though.


I liked Lothario vs Brooks a lot. It was nice to see Jose a bit more towards the height of his power. He still framed the ring like he always does but he also took the fight to Brooks a bit more. Just more evidence towards the fact he was damn good.


I wish there had been a minute or two more of Mike vs Gary Hart. I liked Lewin in it, at times not sure what to do in the face of what Hart was facing. Unfortunately, I don't think Hart's been helped hugely by this footage. You think of what Jimmy Hart or Bobby Heenan or Cornette might have done in that same situation.


Conway vs Slatton was a lot of fun, just a good ten minute match. Conway comes at things from awkward angles at times, which is offputting in some ways, but worked for him. Slatton seemed to take the bumps in awkward ways too and Boesch was more than happy to point out how painful it looked. Fun, emotive heeling from Slatton. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him. He would have fit in perfectly in the Stud Stable.

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