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Jose Lothario vs Killer Karl Krupp


This was pretty interesting. I'd say it was one of the better Krupp matches I've seen. I will admit I don't seek him out though. From a story telling perspective this worked. Though some of the story telling could have been more dynamic. I loved Krupps early arm work. I especially loved the hammerlock pin attempts. I enjoyed Lothario's one arm comeback. Then Krupp shifts to the nerve hold. This was just there. Though Lothario tried to make it work by showing some fire. I liked Lothario's jabs to try to get some seperation. Eventually, Krupp catches him with the claw. The 2nd fall Krupp is attempting the claw again. Lothario turns the tide and and starts working over his claw hand. I especially loved Lothario's knee to the claw hand. The finish was pretty great with Krupp leaping from the top rope into a Super sock punch. The 3rd fall leads to a double count out. I loved the postmatch with both guys fighting and trying to get in for the psychological win. 2 3/4*

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Mongolian Stomper vs Dick Slater



This was a weird match. I thought the 1st fall was rather dull. It had it's moments, but the finish set up the excitement for the rest of the match. Stomper goes over the 1st fall with the claw and it bloodys up Slater. The 2nd fall Stomper is attacking the cut. Now this is more like it. Slater though steals the fall. The 3 rd fall is tremendous and a wild double juice brawl. This was hate filled, and both guys were going after the cuts. Overall I'm not sure how I feel about this match.

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I totally mis judged this match.


Dick Slater vs Mongolian Stomper


I re watched this match and really missed the boat.


First fall


Stomper is using some basic heel stuff to get the crowd louder and louder. He kept grabbing his ears because the noise was hurting his ears. On top of that Carson was getting on the mic telling the crowd to keep it quiet. They were getting heat right off the bat. Eventually the physical work begins and it's Slater all over Stomper's arm. Slater's arm work is pretty violent. He even throws headbutts to the arm. Stomper is pretty great at eating all of the arm work. Eventually though Slater throws a couple of head butts to Stomper and this kind of stuns Slater. This allows Stomper to take control and his offense is very violent. Stomper is working over Slater's head. He's kicking it, smashing it into the ring post, and locks on a claw. This claw was about the most violent way to apply it. This looked like it could crush a baseball. In a really nice touch, Stomper releases the claw and smashes Slater's head into the ring post and puts the claw back on for the finish. Slater is busted open and bleeding big time.


Fall 2


Stomper is destroying the cut. Again with stomps, head smashes, knees, and the claw. Slater gets a great hope spot in only to get cut off by the Stomper. Slater though is able to sneak in a victory with a small package.


Fall 3


This is a brawl. In the ring out of the ring. Both guys are bloody as hell. This is totally out of control. The crowd is on it's feet. Carson is on the mic speaking Mongolian to the Stomper. Both guys are just beating the holy hell out of each other. Some of the other wrestlers are out and try to stop the Stomper to no avail. Man this was such a battle. 4*

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Slightly related, one very cool thing about the footage now, as opposed to a year ago, is that we're starting to see gaps filled and whole swaths of matches, to the point where Houston is coming into focus as a territory instead of just a series of matches. We're starting to see more narratives over weeks and months and years and the fans' evolving relationship with certain wrestlers or the wrestlers' relationship with one another, or specific stylistic things that you can only spot when you have context. That's one of the things I'm most excited about moving forward. I don't think we can easily talk about Houston like we do Memphis or Portland currently, but I think we're getting there and it really was a hell of a territory.

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I'm at the space city comic con . I went by and talked to Hacksaw Duggan talking to him about being the most over babyface in Houston and nwaclassics.com. I showed him my Houston Wrestling program book . He looked through for a good 10 minutes. He put over Gino, Doc ,Gordy, and the Stomper. He even called his wife over and goes you've never seen Gino before.

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High definition has not done George Harris any favors but this match was really cool to see. Boesch pulled out some nice moves and looked pretty good, he reminded me of Thesz for some reason.


The picture quality is fantastic for 1971. I hope we get more matches from this time period.


I believe this is the card if anyone is interested.


8/13/71 Houston, TX @ Sam Houston Coliseum
American Champion Wahoo McDaniel drew Johnny Valentine
Paul Boesch vs George Blimp Harris
Ray Mendoza vs Toru Tanaka 2/3
Nick Kozak vs Thunderbolt Patterson
Buddy Wolff vs Bobby Shane
Jose Lothario vs Bronko Lubich

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Paul Boesch vs George Harris the 3rd


This is 5 billion stars. This was such a great comedy match. Made even better by Boesch commentary. George Harris the 3rd is the overweight manager of Bronco Lubich. Watching this match I need to find out more about him. His facials and timing was on point. He was really theatrical. Paul had his moments too. The icing on the cake was post match Boesch makes fun of him in slow mo.

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Dusty vs Ivan Koloff



This just popped up on nwaclassics.com. I thought this was a fun little brawl. Ivan was great at bumping and making Dusty look good. Dusty had a lot of energy here. This was super heated with the crowd. Dusty vs Foreign Menace has been a big draw. They are both busted open. I didn't quite understand why we had Texas Death Match rules if the finish was putting your opponent in the coffin. Still the crowd ate this up, and it was different. 3*

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Giving you guys advance notice: Press Release going out today. We have been quietly re-branding ourselves as "NWA On Demand" since we do plan to supplement the network with newer NWA content.


We have a new website / domain name at nwaondemand.com with about 300 matches up so far. We are also going to start offering "First Week Free" to new subscribers.


The new website is much more improved and easier to navigate than the old one. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

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And that chronological list is awesome. I have referred to is many times and really appreciate your effort and support. We should have all the matches on the new website by today. The search option is much faster. And Roku should be done within 30 to 45 days (I have been promised . . .)

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