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Maybe we could use a little comedy


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Guest teke184




I don't know whose promo is more incomprehensable, Juvy with his rapid-fire Spanglish or stuttering Bob.


Those conversations during the long drive have GOTTA be priceless.

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Guest Some Guy

What has Juvi done to drar heat in WWE so far? I remember reading that he was pissed about having to wear coveralls and would unzip them and oil up the exposed part of his chest.

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Juvi has always managed to get heat in the locker room just for being himself. Stories of him running over Brad Armstrong with a car, screaming naked in a hotel lobby, running and hiding in a corner when he saw The Rock in an airport and wanting to oil his body up more than WWE bookers were willing to let him are legendary.

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Guest Some Guy

Yeah, but all of those things except the last one happened before his WWE run.


The oiling up thing is funny in an eye rolling type of way, not something I would get pissed over if I were one of his coworkers.

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

and since juvi fucked up, London cant use any of his OWN finishers. The reason Juvi hadnt wrestled in long time was because of his botching moves and poor backstage behavior.


Juvis aggravated alot of people over the years. I Think they should pair him and Cowboy Bob together on screen. Thatd be astounding.

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Guest Famous Mortimer

I'd love to see a couple of random guys thrown together and tell them to make up their own tag team gimmick. Nothing else has worked the last few years so this just might.

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Guest teke184

I'd love to see a couple of random guys thrown together and tell them to make up their own tag team gimmick. Nothing else has worked the last few years so this just might.

Shit, the last time that happened by accident, Booker T and Goldust got over more than almost any other babyfaces on the RAW roster.
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Guest Local Jobber R

I'm sure Nunzio always jobs at MSG.


Hey, maybe Booker will get a win if WWE ever tours Africa.

WWE should give Booker T the World Heavyweight Title the next time they tour Sun City, South Africa.
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