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[1989-11-10-NWA-Power Hour] Lex Luger vs Dick Murdoch

Superstar Sleeze

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NWA US Champion Lex Luger vs Dick Murdoch – NWA 11/89


If anybody still has any doubts about Luger’s being a phemnomenonal worker between 1988-1991, they will be effaced by this consummate heel performance. He put over Murdoch very strongly in the beginning selling well and constantly looking to break his rhythm by powdering. By constantly fighting out of Murdoch’s arm work with strong rights, he made Murdoch earn his shine. Murdoch did so with gusto really letting his hands fly and show great babyface fire. JR did his job so well putting Murdoch over as a legit challenger and how seriously Murdoch was taking this match. I really liked Luger going after the arm only to be tripped up and then have Murdoch work over the leg. Luger’s verbal selling was tremendous and added so much to the match along with his great leg selling. Luger was able to hit a powerslam, but was too close to the ropes to hoist him into the Torture Rack. From there, Luger put on a clinic over how to work over the lower back with power and the Boston Crab. Some really good build on the Boston Crab. Murdoch was great at selling and a really strong babyface. I loved Luger putting his head against the turnbuckles for extra leverage. As Murdoch started firing back with the rights to the midsection (awesome verbal selling) Luger would try to get his feet on the ropes any chance to get the pin but Nick Patrick always caught him. The match broke down into a donnybrook in the corner with both men laying their hands on Nick Patrick triggering the Double DQ. I love that was a collar-elbow tieup ten minutes after this match started those are the little things that remind me I am watching a pro wrestling match not an gymnastics exhibition. Overall, this was a great match that showcased a serious, firey side of Captain Redneck and Lex Luger at the height of his powers. ***1/2

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