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1984 & 1985 Fresh Faces


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Okay guys, I consider my self a pro wrestling connoisseur, but it is safe to say that debut dates are not my forte. Through some basic research I have come up with this list... we will utilize this list for the fresh face and "return" drafts as we have some guys coming back into the business in 1984. Here is the list. PLEASE... help finding out other people who debuted in 1984 and 1985. I have a base line list here to go from, so if we can do some more research and find people, it will help our cause for those fresh face drafts and what we can do with them.




Tommy Heggie

John Quinn

The Spoiler

David Morgan

Lou Winston


Italian Stallion

Tom Zenk

New Guinea Man Eater aka Botswana Beast, Kamala II

Billy White Cloud

Thomas Ivy

David Johnson

Wendell Cooley

David Haskins

Manuel Villalobos

Johnny Rapone

Mickey Doyle

Jay York

Rick Renslow


Jushin Liger





Gino Hernandez

Pat Tanaka

Steve Simpson



Phil Hickerson

Kendall Windham

Nikita Koloff






Steve Armstrong

Baby Doll



Tracey Smothers



Great Muta

Masa Chono

Scott Hall

Shawn Michaels

Dan Spivey

Jim Powers





Paul Roma




John Nord

Nick Kiniski



Lance Von Erich

Paul Diamond





Bart Sawyer





Mick Foley





Bam Bam Bigelow

Miss Elizabeth




Brady Boone

Tom Brandi



Lex Luger



Chris Benoit

The Ultimate Warrior

Luna Vachon




Missy Hyatt



Please post any other people with whom you think started out around these times so that we can add them to the lists whether they are big names or not so we can put these drafts together.

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Gino debuted then was inactive during this period until May of 84.


ah ok.


I didn't realize that. it was just weird and popped out to me.



When I started, I offered to just have Gino and Houston and then work from there but he was inactive. He is one of my all time favorites and a guy who could literally control the tide of a company and carry it if he hadn't fallen to drugs. Just too bad.

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I don't know exact dates, but this is the "Rookie Draft" that Crazy Max did for 1984 a few years back. I've just cut and paste it....


- Baby Doll (Nickla Roberts)

- Blue Demon Jr. (Lucha Star)

- Brady Boone (Portland favorite, the future Battle Kat/Fire Cat)

- Chris Champion (of New Breed Fame, AKA Yoshi Kwan)

- Dan Spivey (Skyscraper, Japan star, Waylon Mercy)

- Fred Ottman (Big Steel Man, Tugboat, Typhoon, Shockmaster)

- Gary Nations (The Second Lord Humongous)

- Jason Knight (Of ECW Fame)

- Jim Powers (The Young Stallion)

- John Nord (Nord the Barbarian, The Berzerker)

- Keiichi Yamada (Jushin Liger)

- Keiji Mutoh (The Great Muta)

- Kendall Windham (Brother of Barry, son of BJ Mulligan)

- Madusa Micelli (Top female Wrestler, Alundra)

- Masahiro Chono (New Japan legend)

- Nick Patrick (Future Referee)

- Nikita Koloff (No selling monster)

- Oly Olsen (Tod Olsen)

- Paul Diamond (Kato, Maxx Moon)

- Paul Roma (Young Stallion, Power & Glory, Pretty Wonderful, and dare I say is, a Horseman)

- Pierroth, Jr. (Lucha star)

- Ricky Vaughn (Future Lance Von Erich)

- Robbie Brookside (UK favorite, teamed often with Regal)

- Scott Hall (Razor Ramon)

- Shawn Michaels (Name says it all)

- Shinya Hashimoto (Japanese star)

- Steve Doll (Member of the Southern Rockers, AKA Steve Dunn of Well Dunn)

- Steve Lawler (The Brawler, patterns his look and style after Jerry the King, without the gimmick)

- Steve Regal (Darren Matthews, a Real Man's Man)

- Steve Simpson (South African native, made it big in Dallas)

- Tom Zenk (The Zeeeeee Man!)

- Woman (Manager, AKA Nancy Sullivan

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I found this but it does have some guys we have active for 1984

Aaron Holt
Andre Lago
Andy Moreuir
Athol Foley
Barry Bruno
Ben Bassarab
Bill Armstrong
Bill Cody
Bill Murdoch
Billy Jackson
Billy Travis
Blackie Guzman
Bob Belinski
Bob Boucher
Bob Boyer
Bob Scott
Bob Tuck
Bobby Jones
Brian Lucas
Brian Mackney
Brian Harper
Bruce Dean
Butch Moffatt
Burrhead Jones
Cal Manson
Chi Chi Lothario
Chris Carter
Chris Pepper
Claude Gosselin
Cy Jernigan
Cyclon Negro
D.C. Drake
Damian Kane
Dale Moore
Dan Greer
Dan Spivey
Danny Babich
Danny Little Wolf
Danny Young
Dave Gobeil
Dave Petro
David Anderson
David Jones
David Morgan
Denis Goulet
Dennis Upton
Don Kolov
Don White
Doug McColl
Eric Spraccia
Ernest Rheault
Eddie Carson
Evan Latour
Francisco Flores
Frank Starr
Fred Curry
Fred Ottman (aka Tugboat, Shockmaster)
Freddie Freeman
Frenchy Lamonte
Frank DeFalco
Frank Marconi
Frankie Laine
Gary Martinelli (The Italian Stallion)
George Guimond
Gino Brito
Gino Lombardo
Greg Winston
Guy Chabot
Harley Daniel (Hillbilly Jim)
Henri Cardenal
Israel Matia
Ivan Putski
Jack Kreuger
Jake Milliman
Jake Banman
Jason Friday
Jeff Gouldie
Jeff Grae
Jerry Jacobus
Jerry Oski (aka Jerry O)
Jim Kelly
Jim Lancaster
Joe Apollo
John Baker
Joe Cagle
Joey DiMonte
Joey War Eagle
John Banman
John Cosman
John King
John Richmond
John White
Johnny Rapone
Johnny Wilhoit
Jonathon Anderson
Jonathon Sayers
Josh Stroud
Keith Eric
Kenny Rogers
Kevin Jeffries
Kevin Stewart
Kip Kelly
Lanny Kean (Cousin Junior)
Larry Anson
Larry Jones
Lou Fabbiano
Lou Winston
Louis Laurence
Mark Greer
Mark Ragin
Marty Jannetty
Mighty Igor
Mike Allen
Mike Blood
Mike Dupree
Mike Starbuck
Mike Stark (aka Humongus)
Mike Stone
Mike York
Muhammad Saed
Nacho Berrera
Nick Kiniski
Nikita Koloff
Obie Davis
Ole Olsen
Pat Murphy
Paul Garner
Pete Caparella
Peter Flowers
Phil Apollo (aka Vince / Dale Apollo)
Phil Lafon (aka Dan Kroffatt)
R.T. Reynolds (aka Cpl. Kirshner)
Ralph Lemieux
Randy Barber
Randy Rich
Randy Witt
Reggie Rapone
Reynald Dube
Richard Cummings
Rick Davis
Rick Hazzard
Rick Jones
Rick Smith
Ricky Reno
Rick Renslow
Ricky Bruno
Ricky Johnson
Ricky Santana
Ricky Vaughn (aka Lance Von Erich)
Robbie Royce
Robert Reed
Rod Hayter
Ron Ellis
Ron Hutchinson
Ron Kessler
Roy Lee Welch
Sam Darrow
Sam Houston
Scott Armstrong
Scott Hall
Scotty Campbell
Scrap Iron Scranton
Serge Jodoin
Shane Douglas
Shawn Michaels
Sherri Martel (as a manager)
Skip Williams
Sonny King
Speedy Solomon
Steve Armstrong
Steve Brinson
Steve Logan
Steven Dunn
Teddy Marshall
Ted Ellis
Ted Grizzly
Teddy Marshall
Terry Ellis
Terry Manton
Terry Scholl
Thomas Ivey
Tim Gerrard
Tim Horton
Tito Senza
Toby Manka
Tom Zenk
Tony Condello
Tony Colon
Tony DeVito
Victor Mercado
Yvon Lavardue
Zane Smith

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Where's this list from Pwsony?


I think it is conclusive of the names we discussed along with some of those random out there ones that we haven't or may not be aware of. I am on board with the idea of a full length draft and all of these guys becoming available at one as Boon suggested. The only question is to when? Would we want to do 1 draft or split it up into 2 or 3 and have them be cycled in? Say we did the first draft in April, then another in July, then another in October or something , then by the time we got to the new year we could restart the cycle starting in January going forward?

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It doesn't matter to me when, as long as we have roster space available to add. If you do it in June, it would give us 2 additional roster spaces. If you do it soon, I ask that we have those 2 spaces now but don't go to 39 until September. I understand the new writers could really use a boost now and would want it sooner rather than later. I just think most of us have a brand new roster with angles to start. If we do the draft with out adding roster space, we have to cut guys we have not even had a chance to use. I mean I am excited to work with people like Bugsy McGraw or Skip Young but could I really use them and leave Nikita Koloff or Shawn Michaels undrafted. I guess I could but that seems like an unfair choice we would have to make after this last week long draft.

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I took the 1984 debuts from the initial post, the list sony posted, the list Boon posted, and names Kev posted in the other thread, stuck them in a list, removed all the duplicates, and then ran it against a list of all the guys on current rosters and free agents and removed those duplicates. Here is the caveat - if there were minor misspellings or such, a guy could slip through the cracks. I didn't have time to check each name individually. If someone is listed on a current roster under a different name, that would also fall though the crack. So, might wanna double check. I also did not check actual debut dates or anything.


The following guys were in various rookie lists but on a roster and were removed from the draft list:


Athol Foley Ben Bassarab Bill Cody Cal Manson Cy Jernigan David Morgan Frankie Laine Fred Curry Gino Brito Israel Matia Ivan Putski John Cosman John King Johnny Wilhoit Josh Stroud Louis Laurence Mighty Igor Mike Allen Randy Barber Randy Rich Robert Reed Roy Lee Welch Sam Houston Scott Armstrong Sonny King Tony Colon



The draft list then is:

Aaron Holt
Andre Lago
Andy Moreuir
Baby Doll
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Bruno
Bill Armstrong
Bill Murdoch
Billy Jackson
Billy Travis
Billy White Cloud
Blackie Guzman
Blue Demon Jr
Bob Belinski
Bob Boucher
Bob Boyer
Bob Scott
Bob Tuck
Bobby Jones
Brady Boone
Brian Harper
Brian Lucas
Brian Mackney
Bruce Dean
Burrhead Jones
Butch Moffatt
Chi Chi Lothario
Chris Carter
Chris Champion
Chris Pepper
Claude Gosselin
Cyclon Negro
D.C. Drake
Dale Moore
Damian Kane
Dan Greer
Dan Spivey
Danny Babich
Danny Little Wolf
Danny Young
Dave Gobeil
Dave Petro
David Anderson
David Haskins
David Johnson
David Jones
Denis Goulet
Dennis Upton
Don Kolov
Don White
Doug McColl
Eddie Carson
Eric Spraccia
Ernest Rheault
Evan Latour
Francisco Flores
Frank DeFalco
Frank Marconi
Frank Starr
Fred Ottman
Freddie Freeman
Frenchy Lamonte
Gary Nations
George Guimond
Gino Hernandez
Gino Lombardo
Great Muta
Greg Winston
Guy Chabot
Harley Daniel (Hillbilly Jim)
Henri Cardenal
Italian Stallion
Jack Kreuger
Jake Banman
Jake Milliman
Jason Friday
Jason Knight
Jay York
Jeff Gouldie
Jeff Grae
Jerry Jacobus
Jerry Oski (aka Jerry O)
Jim Kelly
Jim Lancaster
Jim Powers
Joe Apollo
Joe Cagle
Joey DiMonte
Joey War Eagle
John Baker
John Banman
John Nord
John Quinn
John Richmond
John White
Johnny Rapone
Jonathon Anderson
Jonathon Sayers
Jushin Liger
Keith Eric
Kendall Windham
Kenny Rogers
Kevin Jeffries
Kevin Stewart
Kip Kelly
Lanny Kean (Cousin Junior)
Larry Anson
Larry Jones
Lou Fabbiano
Lou Winston
Madusa Micelli
Manuel Villalobos
Mark Greer
Mark Ragin
Marty Jannetty
Masa Chono
Masahiro Chono
Mickey Doyle
Mike Blood
Mike Dupree
Mike Starbuck
Mike Stark (aka Humongus)
Mike Stone
Mike York
Miss Elizabeth
Muhammad Saed
Nacho Berrera
New Guinea Man Eater aka Botswana Beast, Kamala II
Nick Kiniski
Nick Patrick
Nikita Koloff
Obie Davis
Ole Olsen
Oly Olsen
Pat Murphy
Pat Tanaka
Paul Diamond
Paul Garner
Paul Roma
Pete Caparella
Peter Flowers
Phil Apollo (aka Vince / Dale Apollo)
Phil Hickerson
Phil Lafon (aka Dan Kroffatt)
Pierroth, Jr
R.T. Reynolds (aka Cpl. Kirshner)
Ralph Lemieux
Randy Witt
Reggie Rapone
Reynald Dube
Richard Cummings
Rick Davis
Rick Hazzard
Rick Jones
Rick Renslow
Rick Smith
Ricky Bruno
Ricky Johnson
Ricky Reno
Ricky Santana
Ricky Vaughn
Ricky Vaughn (aka Lance Von Erich)
Robbie Brookside
Robbie Royce
Rod Hayter
Ron Ellis
Ron Hutchinson
Ron Kessler
Sam Darrow
Scott Hall
Scotty Campbell
Scrap Iron Scranton
Serge Jodoin
Shane Douglas
Shawn Michaels
Sherri Martel (as a manager)
Shinya Hashimoto
Skip Williams
Speedy Solomon
Steve Armstrong
Steve Brinson
Steve Doll
Steve Lawler
Steve Logan
Steve Regal - William
Steve Simpson
Steven Dunn
Ted Ellis
Ted Grizzly
Teddy Marshall
Terry Ellis
Terry Manton
Terry Scholl
The Great Muta
The Spoiler
Thomas Ivey
Thomas Ivy
Tim Gerrard
Tim Horton
Tito Senza
Toby Manka
Tom Zenk
Tommy Heggie
Tony Condello
Tony DeVito
Tracey Smothers
Victor Mercado
Wendell Cooley
Yvon Lavardue
Zane Smith
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Rain made a good point,


For Japanese guys and luchadors, if they worked dates in America, then we can use them, if they didn't they should be off the list.


Would someone be willing to look through the list and give me names to delete? I am loaded with some other things tonight, if it isn't done by this weekend, I should be able to do it.

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