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From Bryan Alvarez:



This is so funny I can hardly even write it.  Seems Triple H recently discovered the Internet.  That?s funny enough, that a man in 2005 could just recently have discovered the Internet.  It gets better.  As the story goes, he went online and was shocked to read what people thought about him.  I guess he figured he?d go online and hear everyone talking about how he was the next Ric Flair, and the greatest of all time, and so on.  So now, he?s obsessed with message boards and such, and he?s outraged, which is why we got that angry promo on Raw last week and will be getting more insider bullshit in the future.  There is a belief that he?s actually so obsessed about his legacy that he will in some way work hard to change the current perception.  All I have to say is if that?s his plan, he?s done a pretty shitty job so far the last few weeks.  In his defense, I was one of those on the Internet that did actually vote for him for the Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame, and I?m also one of those who thinks that, in terms of his in-ring, he?s criticized more than he deserves.  Now as far as his political maneuverings and such, and the reason he?s still on top right now after all these years and could get the WWE Title back whenever he wanted it (and will), that?s criticism that I wouldn?t consider unfair.

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Guest TheShawshankRudotion

Benoits title reign was completely uneventful because he was tied up with Evolution for the vast majority of the time, and when he wasn't, he was playing second fiddle in a feud between Hardy and Kane under the much more important HBK/HHH "blowoff", and tagging with Edge inexplicably as tag champions while HHH was centre stage with Eugene. Just because HHH tapped out to Benoit doesn't mean that Benoit was put over. If Benoit was put over, he'd be on TV more than HHH and presented as being more important than HHH - he wasn't. He wasn't "over" HHH.


Batista, on the other hand, HHH put over and deserves a lot of the credit in Batistas popularity.

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I love what Jim Ross said in that column he did on wwe.com, that McMahon has totally lost touch with what wrestling fans really want, and what real people are interested...that he is so out of touch he takes a limo when he gets his haircut.


I guess when I look at WM20 as a single event, I saw that at least for that one night, Triple H tapped out in the middle of the ring to Benoit. It was the Main Event, the 20th Anniversary of their greatest event ever, in their holiest of holy arena. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'll plead ignorant about what happened before and after. I was at somebody else's house watching the show, and I never watched one episode of RAW after that...I wouldn't watch that crap if you paid me.

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