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[2016-05-05-WWE-Smackdown] The Miz vs Sami Zayn


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I'm sure it's a fairly unique opinion but at this point I'm completely convinced Miz is a better worker than Zayn. He's really great at stooging and both of his big transitions ruld (him countering Zayn's ten punches in the corner and pulling him out of the ring). Zayn is a fairly standard armdrag-flip flop babyface not really adding much. It was fairly predictable how this one was going to end as soon as Owens joined commentary and I feel like I've seen the "two heels attack one face before the other face makes the save" spot five times in the last two weeks in the IC title feud but here the post-match had a couple of neat details, like Miz pushing Zayn into a Cesaro Uppercut to save himself and Maryse trying to save Miz from a Giant Swing but Cesaro not only overpowering her but pulling her into the ring. So yeah. Miz is really good.

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