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Lutte Internationale/International Wrestling


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Effective as of today, the Big Time Wrestling promotion based out of Detroit is now moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada and will now be known as Lutte Internationale or International Wrestling, depending on the market. Several roster moves via trades & free agency will be announced shortly to reflect the new direction of the market and official activities for the promotion will start on June 1st with an important event. The first TV taping will air the next day, June 2. In the meantime, Lutte Internationale will hold 2 small events in late May to introduce their roster to fans in Montreal and Quebec City.


Dates & cards to be announced soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

June 1st




The press gathered at the Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montreal for Lutte Internationale’s major announcement promised for today. Lutte Internationale’s promoter Frank Valois came out first, introduced by play-by-play announcer Guy Hauray – also MCing the press conference - to officially welcome everyone attending and officially announcing the launch of Lutte Internationale. Valois said it’s an historic moment for Quebec wrestling and he couldn’t be more proud to bring back top professional wrestling in the province of Quebec. From the start, Valois confirmed that in addition of running TV tapings & shows in Montreal and the province of Quebec, Lutte Internationale will hold shows in Ontario and in the Maritimes a little bit later. Valois explained the decision of holding shows in Ontario by saying that he wanted to give fans from Big Time Wrestling an opportunity to keep following their favourites and booking shows in Ontario will allow them to cross the border and attend several excellent nights of action. Valois also announced that Lutte Internationale will hold joint shows with the World Wrestling Federation once in a month in the Toronto area. Finally, Valois also confirmed that Abdullah the Butcher will headline the first house show for Lutte Internationale this Sunday in Brampton, Ontario when he will wrestle Dino Bravo in the main event.


Then, Frank Valois made the much anticipated big announcement: he has been able to secure the services of Jacques & Raymond, the Rougeau Brothers, following a trade made with Mid-South a few weeks back. Jacques & Raymond were formally introduced to the press, and their brother Armand, who signed with Lutte Internationale, accompanied them to the podium. Jacques was the first to take the stage:


“C’est une grande fierté pour moi pis mon frère Raymond de revenir dans notre belle province mais surtout, de faire revivre la lutte à Montréal. On a toujours été fiers de nos racines et de représenter la famille Rougeau partout où on a lutté mais quand cette opportunité de revenir à Montréal s’est présenté, c’est quelque chose qu’on ne pouvait pas refuser. "


(Translation : It’s with great pride that my brother Raymond and I are coming back in our beautiful province but more specifically, to take part in the revival of professional wrestling in Montreal. We’ve always been proud of where we come from and to represent the Rougeau family everywhere we’ve wrestled but when the opportunity to come back in Montreal presented itself, it’s something we couldn’t pass.)


Raymond then was next to speak:


On sait que y aura beaucoup de pression sur nous autres à cause de notre nom; de qui est notre père, de mononcle Johnny pis de tout ce que le nom Rougeau représente pour les fans de lutte québécois. Mais ce sera pas différent que ça ne l’est pour les autres Québécois sur le roster comme Dino Bravo pis Ricky Martel. C’est pas de la pression : c’est une immense fierté. Et en plus, notre p’tit frère Armand aura la chance de vivre ça avec nous autres. Vous pouvez être certains qu’on ne décevra pas personne! "


(Translation : We know that there’ll be a lot of pressure on us because of our name; of who was our father, uncle Johnny and everything the Rougeau name represents for Quebec wrestling fans. But it won’t be different than it is for the other Quebecers on the roster like Dino Bravo or Rick Martel. It’s not pressure; it’s immense pride. And furthermore, our little brother Armand will be lucky enough to live that with us. You can rest assured we won’t disappoint anybody!”)


Armand also spoke a few words:


“Tout ce que j’ai toujours voulu, c’est de faire la même chose que Jacques pis Raymond. Aujourd’hui, Lutte Internationale m’en donne la chance pis j’ai bien l’intention de la saisir. La lutte, c’est dans mon sang pis dans mes tripes. Je veux devenir aussi bon que mes frères pis c’est ici que ça va arriver!"


(Translation : All I ever wanted was to do the same thing Jacques & Raymond did. Today, Lutte Internationale gives me the opportunity and I intend on seizing it. Wrestling is in my blood and I crave it. I want to be as good as my brothers and it’s gonna happen here!”)


Finally, the moment arrived for the Rougeaus to officially sign their Lutte Internationale contract. After everything’s done, announcer & MC Guy Hauray goes to talk to Frank Valois to tell him something. Valois then addresses the press and tells them that someone unexpected wants to speak. Valois then introduces manager Frenchy Martin, decked in his artiste gear, with the monocle and everything.


“Pour ceux qui me connaissent pas, j’suis Frenchy Martin et j’suis ici pour représenter les intérêts de quelqu’un qu’on veut oublier. À partir de maintenant, je suis le gérant du meilleur lutteur qu’aura Lutte Internationale et j’ai nommé Greg Valentine. Justement, j’veux vous lire un message qu’il m’a demandé de vous transmettre :


« Chers journalistes attitrés à Lutte Internationale,


Vous avez été conviés pour une grande annonce concernant les frères Rougeau mais il était important pour moi de vous faire connaître mes états d’âme. Alors qu’on déroule le tapis rouge pour les frères Rougeau, on relègue aux oubliettes celui qui devrait être le champion International; celui qui est l’actuel champion du territoire de Détroit, celui qui n’a pas été battu pour ce titre, moi, Greg Valentine. Je suis dégoûté par le manque d’objectivité du promoteur Frank Valois, qui est aveuglé par le nom Rougeau et qui refuse de voir la vérité en face; les Rougeaus se font donner tout cuit dans le bec et ne travailleront pas autant que moi et d’autres lutteurs. Vous verrez bientôt que je ne suis pas le seul à tenir ce discours et que d’autres se manifesteront. J’ai ainsi mandaté Frenchy Martin comme mon gérant ainsi que de la Légion de Frenchy, laquelle je suis très fier de faire partie et je tenais à informer Frank Valois et les journalistes ici présents que bien que je m’engage à respecter contractuellement les dates d’événements dans lesquelles je dois lutter, je ne me présenterai à aucun événement télévisuel jusqu’à ce que Frank Valois me reconnaisse comme le champion poids lourds International légitime. Si Frank Valois est un homme d’honneur, il reconnaîtra ses torts et corrigera la situation.



Greg Valentine. »


Alors, la balle est dans ton camp, Valois. Tant que mon poulain ne sera pas nommé champion International, tu y verras pas la face à la TV. T’es intelligent, fais ta job! "


(Translation : For those who don’t know me, my name is Frenchy Martin and I’m here to represent the interests of someone who we seemingly want to forget. From this moment forward, I’m the manager of the best wrestler Lutte Internationale will ever have and his name is Greg Valentine. Speaking of which, I want to read you a statement he asked me to share with you:


Dear members of press covering Lutte Internationale,



You’ve been assigned to cover this major announcement of the Rougeau brothers signing but it was important for me to share my feelings with you. While the red carpet is being rolled for the Rougeaus, the one who should be the International Heavyweight Champion; the current champion of the Detroit territory, the man who was unbeaten for this title, Greg Valentine, is being put on the backburner. I am disgusted by promoter Frank Valois’ lack of objectivity, and who’s blinded by the Rougeau name and refuses to see the truth; the Rougeaus are getting things handed to them and won’t work as much as me or other wrestlers. You’ll soon see that I’m not the only one thinking as such. So I ensure dmyself the services of Frenchy Martin as my manager as well as for Frenchy’s Legion, which I’m very proud to be a part of and I wanted to inform Frank Valois and press members here today that while I intend to respect the contractual dates I’m already booked in, I will not attend any TV taping until Frank Valois recognizes me as the legitimate International Heavyweight Champion. If Frank Valois is a man of honor, he will acknowledge he’s wrong and will correct this situation.



Greg Valentine. »



So the choice is yours ,Valois. As long as my client isn’t named the International Champion, you won’t see him on TV. You’re a smart man, do your job!”)


After those words, Frenchy Martin left the room, leaving Frank Valois seething and having to be restrained by the Rougeaus. The Rougeaus escorted Frank Valois out to the back and MC Guy Hauray told the press that neither Frank Valois nor the Rougeaus would take any question at this time and Frank Valois will make a statement on the matter very soon. Hauray thanked the press for attending the press conference today and left.

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Taped at CHLT-TV Studios, Sherbrooke, QC

June 2nd, 1984





Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier welcome the viewers to the premiere episode of Lutte Internationale TV


Guy: It is with great pride that we welcome all of our viewers to this very first episode of Lutte Internationale. A huge hour of in-ring action to kick us off, including a huge 8-Men Tag Team main event between the team of Bob Backlund, Rocky Johnson, Dino Bravo & Rick Martel vs The Creatchman Family but we don’t know who will be part of the Creatchman Family!


Édouard: Indeed, this promises to be an exciting night of wrestling. And it’s also the official debut of the Rougeau family as all 3 brothers Jacques, Raymond & Armand will kick us off and ---but,wait a minute, Eddy Creatchman is on his way!


(Eddy “The Brain” Creatchman makes his way to the set and he’s not alone: he’s accompanied by the Wild Samoans – Afa & Sika-, Samu and as well as Stephen Petitpas who’s now dressed like a sheik for some reason.)


Eddy Creatchman: Les maudits Rougeaus, vous pouvez pas savoir comment je les haïs, ces maudits morveux-là. Je me lève la nuit pour les haïr! J’aurais dû me douter qu’ils iraient pleurnicher à Frank Valois pour qu’ils les prennent! De venir icitte, c’est la pire gaffe qu’ils pouvaient faire parce que y ont un gros bullseye sur leur dos. Hauray, Carpentier, vous avez toué deux entendu la lettre de Greg Valentine que Frenchy Martin a lu durant la conférence de presse. Les autres que Valentine parlait dans sa lettre, ben c’est moé pis ma famille. Là, Valois leur en a donné une p’tite facile aux Rougeaus à soir mais ce sera pas toujours de même. Parce que j’ai rassemblé les gars les plus redoutables que je pouvais trouver pour en faire MA famille, une famille qui sera toujours meilleure que celle des Rougeaus. J’suis allé chercher les 3 gars les plus dangereux que vous pourrez jamais trouver : Afa, Sika pis Samu, les Wild Samoans! Pis icitte, lui (pointing to Stephen Petitpas), je l’ai amené avec moi à Detroit voir mon grand chum The Sheik pis ensemble on en a fait une machine brutale, à l’image du Sheik. Stephen Petitpas, yé mort. Maintenant, c’est Sheik Ali! Pis à soir, on va montrer à Backlund, Robinson, Bravo pis Martel qui c’est qui run la bâtisse icitte. Je vous en passe un papier, les Rougeaus ont intérêt à regarder ce qu’on va faire à soir pis si y sont intelligent pour cinq cennes, ils vont sacrer leur camp pour pus jamais revenir!


(Translation : Those damn Rougeaus, you don’t know how I hate those snot nosed kids. I get up at night to hate them. I should’ve known that they’d go crying and whining to Frank Valois so they could take them. Coming here was the biggest mistake they could ever make because they have a big bullseye on their back. Hauray, Carpentier, you both heard about the letter from Greg Valentine that Frenchy Martin read during the press conference. The others Valentine was referring to in this letter, it was me and my family! Because I assembled the toughest guys I could find to make them MY family, a family that will always be better than the Rougeaus. I picked up the 3 most dangerous men you could ever find: Afa, Sika and Samu, the Wild Samoans! And this guy (pointing to Stephen Petitpas), I brought him along with me in Detroit to see my great friend The Sheik and together we made a destroying machine, just to the Sheik’s image. Stephen Petitpas is dead; now, it’s Sheik Ali! And tonight, we’ll show Backlund, Robinson, Bravo and Martel who runs this place here. I can promise you this; the Rougeaus better watch what we’ll do tonight and if they’re smart enough, they’ll leave and never come back!)


The Creatchman Family leaves with Eddy, but not before trying to intimidate both announcers. It now seems that we’re ready for our opening contest.



Match #1

The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques, Raymond & Armand) vs Pete Doherty, Charlie Cook & Buzz Tyler


A very nice ovation for the returning Rougeaus as they made their way to the ring. Little brother Armand looks to be very well in-sync with his older brothers as everyone gels together with some very nice tag team moves. The trio of Doherty, Cook & Tyler is doing the best they can but it’s to no avail as Jacques & Raymond finish up Doherty with La Bombe des Rougeau to get the victory.


Winners: Jacques, Raymond & Armand Rougeau


For the next match, we see Paul Christy making his way to the ring along with George “The Animal” Steele. Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier remind the viewers at home that Steele & Christy, along with now free agent Masa Fuchi, were part of the Christy Menagerie in the Detroit territory. Paul Christy has his wrestling gear on and seems ready for action but first...


Paul Christy: So this is Lutte Internationale, huh? The so-called mecca of pro wrestling. Because, yeah, I heard this was what it was called. And to think that George & I left Detroit to work in this hellhole! I don’t understand a damn thing you people are saying, it’s so annoying! (Crowd boos Christy mercilessly)...But I am a professional and I’ve got a job to do so I will do it. I’m here to issue an open challenge to anybody that works here who’s willing to step into the ring with me. Let’s see if there’s any of you, frogs, that have the balls to take me on!


To Paul Christy’s surprise, the first man to come out from behind the curtain is none other than Frenchy Martin! Everyone in attendance seems to be confused but are willing to hear Frenchy.


Frenchy Martin: Now, Christy, I don’t know what your problem is with my home province of Quebec but if you have a problem with this town, then, you have a problem with me, too! Because I’ve always been proud of wrestling here and entertaining these people! (Another surprise: crowd cheering Frenchy!) But, this isn’t about me, Christy. I heard that you issued an open challenge for someone to wrestle you right here, right now? (Christy nods affirmatively and points at Frenchy). Oh no, no, no...like I said, it’s not about me. I’m a manager now. I think I found someone for you to wrestle tonight...well...wrestle isn’t a good word here. I should probably use the word “fight” because my friend would be more willing to fight you....unless you’ve changed your mind?


Paul Christy: Are you kidding? Changed my mind? Not a chance, Frenchy! Bring on whoever you’ve got! I’ve got all day to beat up one of you, frogs!


Frenchy Martin: Well, you’re close but no cigar. It’s not a “frog”, as you say. But it’s an....animal alright. THE Animal!


(Christy looks puzzled and he has no time to react BEFORE GEORGE STEELE CLOCKS CHRISTY FROM BEHIND! Steele throws himself on Christy and referee Luigi Macera tries to separate them. Frenchy Martin steps into the ring and is able to get Steele away from Christy. The crowd is completely shocked by what just happened.)


Frenchy: Luigi Macera, whether you want to or not, this match will happen. Paul Christy agreed to the terms so it’s gonna happen. As for my new friend George Steele right here...every Legion needs its enforcer, his gatekeeper. And this is exactly what George Steele will be: Frenchy & Greg Valentine’s gatekeeper. Yes, the REAL International Heavyweight Champion! As a matter of fact, Greg Valentine asks me to tell everyone back in the locker room that if they want a piece of the champ, they’re gonna have to go through The Animal first. And trust me, it won’t be just the Animal. There’s plenty more to come. Now, Macera, ring the bell!


Referee Luigi Macera begrudgingly rings the bell and the match is under way.


Match #2

No Holds Barred

George “The Animal” Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) vs Paul Christy


Paul Christy has no chance whatsoever to regroup from The Animal’s vicious attack. With no disqualification in effect, it all plays into George Steele’s hands. Steele spends a good part of the match beating up Christy outside and uses the camera wires near the broadcast booth to choke Christy. Steele finally sends Christy back in the ring and has no problem finishing up his former ally with the Jumping Splash to get the 3 count.


Winner: George “The Animal” Steele


Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier now discuss the events that we’ve just witnessed and now wonders how strong will Frenchy’s Legion when it’s all put together. Guy & Édouard also plugs the match tomorrow night in Brampton, Ontario between Dino Bravo & Abdullah the Butcher. That brings along the team of Bob Backlund, Rocky Johnson, Dino Bravo & Rick Martel to talk about their match tonight. Édouard Carpentier asks Martel his thoughts on what was said during the press conference when Frenchy Martin interrupted the Rougeaus’ contract signing.


Rick Martel: J’aimerais te dire que j’suis surpris de ce que Frenchy Martin a fait mais malheureusement, non. J’ai déjà considéré Frenchy comme un frère après tout ce qu’il a fait pour mon frère à Porto Rico. Mais quand tu te tiens avec des rapaces comme Greg Valentine, c’est ça qui arrive. Astheure que Frenchy a décidé de représenter Greg Valentine, y va devoir vivre avec les conséquences que ça implique. J’ai des comptes à régler avec Valentine datant de Detroit. Je sais que certains doivent se demander pourquoi ce soir Bob Backlund est dans notre équipe, compte tenu de ce qu’il m’a fait à Detroit le soir où j’affrontais Valentine pour sa ceinture mais après avoir jasé de tout ça, on a mis tout ça derrière nous pis on est concentrés à 100% pour la famille Creatchman. Pis quant à Greg Valentine, tu peux toujours te prétendre le champion International mais le vrai champion sera couronné dans le ring, comme ça doit l’être. Que ce soit moi, Dino, Bob, Billy ou n’importe qui d’autre. Fais un homme de toi, Valentine!


(Translation : I’d like to tell you that I’m surprised of Frenchy Martin’s actions but unfortunately, I’m not. I once considered Frenchy a brother after everything he did for my brother in Puerto Rico. But when you’re hanging out with scums like Greg Valentine, that’s what happens. Now that French decided to represent Greg Valentine, he’ll have to live with the forthcoming consequences. I’ve got a score to settle with Valentine going back to Detroit. I know that some people might be wondering why tonight Bob Backlund is in our team given what he did to me in Detroit while I was feuding with Valentine over his belt but after talking it out, we’ve put all of this behind us and we’re 100% focused on the Creatchman family. As for Greg Valentine, you can always claim to be the International Heavyweight Champion but the real champion will be crowned in the ring, like it should be. Whether it’s me, Dino, Bob, Billy or anybody else. Be a man, Valentine!


Édouard now turns his attention to Dino Bravo who wants to talk about his match with Abdullah the Butcher tomorrow night in Brampton, Ontario.


Dino Bravo: Comme ça, Eddy Creatchman est de retour pis il veut nous faire la vie dure à nous les Québécois? Comme si c’était pas assez d’avoir sa famille Creatchman avec lui, Eddy a décidé de m’envoyer Abdullah the Butcher dans les pattes demain soir en Ontario! Ben j’ai des nouvelles pour toi, mon Creatchman : j’en ai pas peur d’Abdullah! Tu peux m’envoyer qui tu veux pour m’affronter : Abdullah, les Samoans, Samu, Sheik Ali, n’importe qui d’autre que tu trouveras mais y a une chose qui est certaine, c’est que Dino Bravo s’écrasera pas contre un membre de la famille Creatchman. J’ai trop de fierté pour te laisser gagner quoique ce soit. Comme Ricky l’a dit, moi aussi, j’ai les yeux sur la ceinture à Greg Valentine pis j’suis prêt à faire tout ce que je peux pour avoir ma chance. Valentine pourra faire sa p’tite vedette autant qu’y le voudra mais y pourra pas se sauver éternellement. À soir, Backlund, Robinson, Ricky pis moi, on règle votre cas, les Creatchman. Demain soir, c’t’au tour d’Abdullah. Ce sera pas beau mais ça va valoir le prix d’entrée!


(Translation : So, Eddy Creatchman is back and wants to give us Quebecers a hard time? Like it wasn’t enough to have his Creatchman family behind him, Eddy decided to send Abdullah the Butcher against me tomorrow night in Ontario! Well I’ve got news for you, Creatchman: I’m not scared of Abdullah! You can send whoever you want to face me: Abdullah, the Samoans, Samu, Sheik Ali, whoever else you’ll find but one thing is for certain and that’s that Dino Bravo won’t lie down for any Creatchman Family member. I’ve got too much pride to let you win anything. Like Ricky said, I too have my sights on Greg Valentine’s belt and I’m ready to do everything I can to get my shot. Valentine can do his prima donna as long as he wants to but he can’t hide forever. Tonight, Backlund, Robinson, Ricky and I, we’re taking care of you, Creatchmans. Tomorrow night,it’s Abdullah’s turn. It won’t be pretty but it’ll be worth the admission!


Billy Robinson: Tonight, we’re just one cohesive unit. We’re focused on beating the Creatchman Family and that’s all that matters in the end.


Bob Backlund: The Creatchman Family wants a war? We’re gonna give it to them! You can bank on that!


All 4 babyfaces high-five each other and leave to crowd cheers. Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier are heading us now back in the ring for another match.


Match #3

The Caribbean Connection (Carlos Colon & Chicky Starr) vs “No Class” Bobby Bass & Rudy Kay


Fans are seemingly behind Carlos Colon & Chicky Starr, who are also gelling pretty well as a tag team, as opposed to Bobby Bass & Rudy Kay; Rudy obviously more comfortable wrestling with his brother Bobby. The end of the match comes when Carlos Colon is able to make Rudy Kay quit with the Figure Four Leglock while Chicky Starr neutralized Bobby Bass with the DDT.


Winners: The Caribbean Connection


Before the main event, Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier announce some of the matches taking place on Quebec City’s first Lutte Internationale Card next Saturday night, June 9th at the Colisée. Confirmed for the show:



Rick Martel vs Mad Dog Lefebvre (w/Frenchy Martin)


Billy Robinson vs Sika (w/Eddy Creatchman)


Jacques Rougeau vs Sheik Ali (w/Eddy Creatchman)


Armand Rougeau vs Hercules Ayala


+ Dino Bravo, Gino Brito, Raymond Rougeau & more


Main Event

8-Men Tag Team Match

Bob Backlund, Billy Robinson, Dino Bravo & Rick Martel vs The Creatchman Family (Wild Samoans, Samu & Sheik Ali, w/Eddy Creatchman)


It’s an understatement to say that there’s lot of tension in the air and the Creatchman Family all are looking like legit madmen on their way to the ring. Meanwhile, the babyfaces are focused and confident as they head inside the ring. Things started good for the faces as they were able to work on Sheik Ali a bit. The tide turned when Martel got in the ring and got clubbed in the back by Samu while running the ropes. Eventually, Martel was able to capitalize on a mistake by Afa, who missed a headbutt from the corner and Martel was able to tag in Bravo. Bravo gets the hot tag and cleans house. Eventually, referee Adrien Desbois loses control as everyone gets in the ring. The end of the match comes when Dino Bravo sets up Sheik Ali for his Side Suplex but Eddy Creatchman uses his cane to trip Bravo and Ali falls on Bravo. The referee made the 3 count , not seeing that Eddy was also holding Bravo’s foot! Bravo is livid as Backlund, Robinson & Martel are trying to calm him down but Bravo wants no part of it, having to be restrained by his teammates. The Creatchman Family gets a controversial victory to close this first episode of Lutte Internationale .





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That was a really fun read. Your heel stable seems to have had a great beginning here in Quebec and wondering how the babyfaces will match up. I know I said it before but I love the two langauges.


I think you have found the perfect role for the Animal. I was always unsure what I would do if I ever had him on my roster and nothing compares to what you have done with him.


Also love your future joint promotion idea with WWF as you have the perfect roster for it.

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June 3rd, 1984

Brampton Memorial Arena, Brampton, Ontario


-George "The Animal" Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) beat "No Class" Bobby Bass in 9:55


-Rudy Kay beat Pete Doherty by disqualification in 14:01


-"Pretty Boy" Doug Somers beat Charlie Cook in 13:54


-The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond) beat The Oates Brothers in 19:07


-Bob Backlund beat Gino Brito in 8:47


-Samu (w/Eddy Creatchman) beat Leo Burke in 11:38


-Carlos Colon beat Richard "Le Magnifique" Charland (w/Frenchy Martin) in 14:28


-Abdullah the Butcher (w/Eddy Creatchman) beat Dino Bravo in 12:11 in a bloody brawl, that saw the involvement of Baron Von Raschke who interfered at the end of the match. Afterwards, Baron Von Raschke neutralized Bravo in the Claw, allowing Abdullah to deliver multiple fork shots to Bravo's forehead as well as multiple splashes. Dino had to be stretchered out of the building.

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June 8th, 1984


Jarry Stadium, Montréal


Card taking place after a junior baseball game


-Sika (w/Eddie Creatchman) beat Bobby Kay in 7:12


-"Pretty Boy" Doug Somers beat King Tonga in 11:43


-Raymond Rougeau beat George "The Animal" Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) in 11:12


-Gino Brito beat Dino Bravo in 5:09. Referee stopped the match as Dino Bravo couldn't continue. Bravo was wrestling against doctor's orders.

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Taped at CHLT-TV Studios, Sherbrooke, QC

June 9th, 1984





(After the usual opening credits, we find Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier at their desk for the show’s introduction)


Guy: Wrestling fans, welcome to this edition of Lutte Internationale for this week. We need to address several incidents that took place earlier last week. Most of this week’s episode will feature exclusive footage of some shocking & vicious events. Some of these images are very graphic so viewer discretion is advised.


Édouard: Indeed, Guy, shocking & vicious are weak words to describe some of the things that we’ve witnessed. Eddie Creatchman & Frenchy Martin had promised to make the fan favorites’ lives a living hell and they’ve started that last week.


Guy: Of course, we’ll talk about what happened to Dino Bravo last Sunday in Brampton, Ontario. But first, we will take you to some unaired footage of a match that took place between Leo Burke, Billy Robinson & Paul Christy vs Pete Doherty, Charlie Cook & Buzz Tyler. You won’t believe who showed up!




(The footage rolls as we see the end of a dark 6-men tag match and the finishing moment sees Leo Burke putting on the sleeper on Pete Doherty to get the victory for his team. As the winning trio of Burke, Robinson & Christy are leaving the ring, Burke being the last to leave, out of nowhere comes Dr. D David Schultz from behind, swinging a chair in the back of Burke! Burke collapses on the canvas as Schultz continues to stomp Burke’s back. Schultz places the chair in the middle and he picks up Burke. Schultz places Burke between his legs and hits his piledriver ON THE CHAIR! Schultz gets up and taunts the crowd as referees flock the ring to check on Burke. Then, not too far behind the referees, Frenchy Martin enters the ring and hugs Schultz. Frenchy raises Schultz’ hand in the air and we go back to the studios.)


Édouard: We were hoping to have some explanations from Frenchy Martin about this and ---wait, speaking of the devil, here he is.)


(Frenchy Martin walks on the set along with his new protégé “Dr. D.” David Schultz, looking smug and particularly happy with what we just saw.


Édouard : Frenchy, what was that?


Frenchy: Ça, c’est ce que j’appelle un début fait avec CLASSE. J’ai pas pu faire autrement que de m’assurer que le message se passe et que ça se rende jusqu’à Ricky Martel pis sa p’tite gang. Je vais tout faire pour qu’on reconnaisse Greg Valentine comme champion International légitime et le gars derrière moi (pointing at Schultz) en fait partie intégralement. Parce qu’on sait exactement ce qui va se passer; Ricky va demander à ses p’tits amis de surveiller ses arrières parce qu’il est pas capable de se défendre tout seul. Ben devine quoi, Ricky? Dr. D, y va faire en sorte que t’en auras pus d’ami quand viendra le temps d’affronter Valentine! T’as intérêt à te faire à l’idée parce que jusqu’au moment où tu vas rentrer dans le ring avec le vrai champion, Dr. D va s’assurer que tu le fasses seul! Comme il se doit! Pis je peux te garantir que ce sera la seule et unique fois que tu vas vouloir te frotter à ma Légion. La seule!


(Translation : That’s what I call a CLASSY debut. I couldn’t do anything else but to make sure that the message goes straight to Rick Martel and his buddies. I’ll do everything to ensure that Greg Valentine gets recognized as the legitimate International Heavyweight Champion and the man behind me (pointing at Schultz) is an integral part of the plan. Because we know exactly how this will go down: Ricky will ask his little friends to watch his back because he can’t fight on his own. But guess what, Ricky? Dr. D will make sure that you won’t have any friends when the time comes to face Valentine! You better get used to it because until the moment you step into the ring with the real champion, Dr. D will make sure that you do it on your own! Like you should! And I can guarantee you it will be the only time you’ll want to stand up to my Legion. The only one!)


(Dr. D grabs the mic from Édouard Carpentier’s hands)


Schultz: As for you, Leo Burke, it’s simple: wrong place, at the wrong time. You pretty much were the sacrificial lamb that I needed to have to make my point. My eyes are set on one man and that’s you, Rick Martel. Like Frenchy said, I’ll make sure that Greg Valentine gets a fair fight to prove he’s the real International Heavyweight Champion. And as for tonight, I heard that Leo Burke wants revenge on me so be my guest, Leo. Be my guest. The pleasure will be ALL MINE! HAHAHAHA!


(Schultz leaves the broadcast booth along with Frenchy Martin. Guy & Édouard discuss what could possibly happen in the main event tonight between Leo Burke and David Schultz.)


Match #1

“No Class” Bobby Bass & “Pretty Boy” Doug Somers vs Caribbean Connection (Carlos Colon & Chicky Starr)


A rematch from last week’s match won by the Caribbean Connection, only this time, Bobby Bass has another partner in “Pretty Boy” Doug Somers. Although the chemistry is there between Bass & Somers, Colon & Chicky seem to be headed for another victory. However, as Colon is putting his patented figure four leglock on Somers, Bass grabs his branding iron and enters the ring with it. Colon releases the hold and goes for Bass, wrestling the branding iron away from him. The melee ensues as all 4 men are now fighting in the ring and referee Luigi Macera has no choice but to throw out the match. Still, the Caribbean Connection is able to chase Bobby Bass & Doug Somers away from the ring.




Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier now discuss another incident that happened last week when cameras stop rolling during an impromptu match between Raymond Rougeau and Samu. We go once again to the exclusive footage in the finishing moments of the Rougeau/Samu match. Eddie Creatchman is in Samu’s corner and is doing his best to get under Raymond’s skin. In the end, Rougeau hits his savate kick to Samu and covers him but Eddie Creatchman steps on the ring apron to distract senior official Adrien Desbois. Jacques Rougeau runs from backstage and takes care of Eddie Creatchman. Meanwhile, Samu wanted to use the distraction to his advantage and attempts his Samoan Drop but Rougeau slipped behind him and was able to take him down with the Japanese Armlock, the Rougeau family’s trademark signature move. Samu has no choice but to tap out! And as soon as the bell rings, Afa & Sika, the Wild Samoans jump in the ring to attack Raymond. Jacques then jumps in the ring and a brawl erupts between both teams. Eddie Creatchman is able to grab his men and they retreat backstage.


Back to the broadcast booth, Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier discuss what just happened and they have no doubt that both teams are probably the best in Lutte Internationale right now. Guy then announces that both the Rougeaus & the Wild Samoans will wrestle each other to crown the inaugural International Tag Team Champions at the Montreal Forum supercard on July 5th. However, by decree from Frank Valois, both teams have been instructed to not come into physical contact of each other unless being contractually involved in a match. Carpentier explains that promoter Frank Valois wants to make sure that both teams won’t fall in a trap of escalating violence and wants both teams to be 100% focused on winning the International Tag Team Championships. Hauray also mentions that promoter Frank Valois and the Montreal Athletic Commission will keep an eye on Eddie Creatchman to make sure that his team respects the rules.




International Tag Team Championship

The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond) vs The Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika, w/Eddie “The Brain” Creatchman)




Back from the commercial break, Guy Hauray and Édouard Carpentier discuss what happened during the main event of the Brampton, Ontario show on Sunday night when Dino Bravo was brutally attacked by Baron Von Raschke & Abdullah the Butcher. Once again, footage is shown of the final moments of the Dino/Abdullah match as referee Adrien Desbois got inadvertently knocked out by Dino’s high knee and when Bravo got his hands on Eddie Creatchman on the ring apron, Baron Von Raschke ran from behind and attacked Bravo. Von Raschke applies the Claw on Bravo and while Bravo is a very strong man, Von Raschke’s grip is too strong for a weakened & bloody Bravo to escape. The referee being still out, Abdullah uses his trademark fork on Bravo’s forehead and then hits 3 consecutive splashes on him. Von Raschke exits the ring by orders of Creatchman. The referee comes to his senses and Abdullah covers Bravo for the win. Abdullah, Von Raschke & Creatchman celebrate while Bob Backlund & The Rougeaus run in to check on Bravo. Backlund and the Rougeaus assist officials and paramedics as Bravo is stretchered out.


As the footage finishes, Guy Hauray explains that doctors have advised Bravo to take time off and heal his broken ribs but Bravo has refused and has stated that he will wrestle anyway, against doctors’ orders. Hauray also says that Creatchman has sent a videotape with his reactions following what happened.


Eddie Creatchman: Je te l’avais dit, Bravo, qu’on te ferait mal. Je te l’avais dit que toé pis tes amis, les Rougeau, vous alliez regretter d’être revenus par icitte. Abdullah pis mon nouveau protégé, Baron Von Raschke, y ont fait exactement ce que j’avais dit qu’y arriverait. Mais là, y parait que Dino veut faire son fier pis qu’il veut lutter pareil même si on lui a cassé des côtes? Ben, c’est parfait pour nous autres! Tu nous rends juste la tâche plus facile! D’ailleurs, j’suis en train de préparer une grosse surprise, mon Bravo. Pis je te promets que celle-là, elle va en valoir la peine. Le 5 juillet au Forum, tu vas en avoir pour ton argent! Parce que oui, je pourrais t’envoyer Baron Von Raschke pour te régler ton compte mais moé, j’aime faire durer le plaisir. Te voir souffrir, Bravo, j’adore ça. Je garde Von Raschke pour la fin, juste pour mon propre plaisir, Bravo. On se revoit le 5 juillet au Forum avec ma surprise. Pis ça, c’est si tu te rends jusque là!


(Translation : I told you, Bravo, that we would hurt you. I told you that you and your buddies, the Rougeaus, you’d regret coming back. Abdullah and my new protégé, Baron Von Raschke did exactly what I said would happen. But now, word is that Dino is too proud and wants to wrestle even though we broke his ribs? Perfect for us! You’re just making our job easier! In fact, I’m currently preparing a huge surprise for you, Bravo. And I promise you that this one will be worth your while. July 5 at the Forum, you’ll get your money’s worth! Because, yeah, I could send Baron Von Raschke to finish you off but I like for the fun to last a bit longer. Seeing you suffer, Bravo, I love it. I’m saving Von Raschke for last, just for my personal amusement, Bravo. We’ll see you on July 5 with my surprise. And that’s if you last until then!)


Back to the broadcast booth, Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier are speculating on what this surprise could be about. But before going to the main event, Guy Hauray announces that promoter Frank Valois will release a statement next week on the International Heavyweight Championship situation.




Dino Bravo vs Eddie Creatchman’s surprise


*******************PROMO AD FOR QUEBEC CITY SUPERCARD TONIGHT************


Match #2


Leo Burke vs “Dr. D.” David Schultz (w/Frenchy Martin)


Leo Burke came to the ring still favouring his neck and that was David Schultz’s target from the start. Frenchy’s hired assassin is dominant and works throughout the match on Burke’s neck. While Burke is able to mount a little offense, Schultz is always able to regain the advantage. Schultz sets up Burke for his piledriver but Burke reverses by back dropping Schultz on the mat. Burke sits on Schultz and hooks the leg for the upset win! Burke has no time to celebrate as Dr. D goes right back on Burke and jumps on him. Frenchy steps in the ring and orders Schultz to hit him with the piledriver! Schultz obliges and executes the piledriver on Burke. Schultz steps outside the ring and grabs a chair at ringside. Schultz throws it back in the ring and is about to execute another piledriver on the chair when all of a sudden, Rick Martel comes out from the back and charges the ring. Schultz & Frenchy retreat as Martel invites Schultz to fight him. This week’s episode comes to a close with an intense staredown between Martel & Schultz.





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June 9th, 1984


Colisée de Québec, Quebec City, QC




Special Guest Referee - Quebec City Boxing Legend Fernand Marcotte : Bobby & Rudy Kay beat Kendo Nagasaki & Baron Von Raschke (w/Eddie Creatchman) in 7:33. The end came with Eddie Creatchman attempting to get involved with special referee Fernand Marcotte and Marcotte KOed Creatchman with a solid hook to the jaw. Nagasaki was distracted and Bobby Kay made the pin to cause the upset.


-Raymond Rougeau beat Buzz Tyler in 11:17 with a Savate Kick


-George "The Animal" Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Gilles Poisson in 12:47 with a Splash


-Armand Rougeau beat Hercules Ayala in 6:50 with a piledriver


-Jacques Rougeau beat Sheik Ali (w/Eddie Creatchman) in 12:37 with a flying elbow drop


-Dino Bravo beat Gino Brito in 10:54 with a back breaker


-Sika (w/Eddie Creatchman) beat Billy Robinson in 7:33 with a Samoan Drop


-Rick Martel beat Pierre "Mad Dog" Lefebvre in 9:37 with a Boston Crab

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June 10th, 1984


Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario




-Dino Bravo beat Pete Doherty in 8:42 with a hold of tights.


-George "The Animal" Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Buzz Tyler in 7:32 with a Splash


-Sika (w/Eddie Creatchman) beat Bobby Kay in 11:44 with a Samoan Drop


-Kendo Nagasaki & "Dr. D" David Schultz (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Ted & Jerry Oates in 10:32 after Nagasaki used the Green Mist on Ted Oates


-Billy Robinson beat Chicky Starr in 11:32 with the Double-Arm Suplex


-Bob Backlund beat Armand Rougeau in 16:11 with the Crossface Chicken Wing


-Carlos Colon beat Jacques Rougeau in 5:39 with the One-Armed Atomic Drop


International Heavyweight Championship - Unrecognized by the Ontario Athletic Commission & Lutte Internationale: Greg Valentine (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Gino Brito in 28:02 with the Figure Four Leglock to retain.

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June 15th, 1984

Centre Paul-Sauvé, Montréal, Quebec


-Raymond Rougeau beat Bobby Kay in 12:26 with the Savate Kick


-Kendo Nagasaki beat Buzz Tyler in 14:34 with the Kamikaze Crash


-George Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Rudy Kay in 10:45 by countout


-Sika (w/Eddy Creatchman) beat "No Class" Bobby Bass in 12:37 by putting his foot in the ropes


-Billy Robinson beat Gilles Poisson in 4:26 with a European Uppercut


-Bob Backlund beat Richard Charland (w/Frenchy Martin) in 8:44 with the Crossface Chicken Wing


International Heavyweight Championship - Unrecognized by Lutte Internationale & the Montreal Athletic Commission: Greg Valentine (w/"Dr. D" David Schultz) beat "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers in 25:47 with the Figure Four Leglock to retain


-Samu & King Tonga (w/Eddy Creatchman) beat Armand & Jacques Rougeau in 18:51 after Samu hit the Samoan Drop on Armand Rougeau

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Taped at CHLT-TV Studios, Sherbrooke, QC

June 16th, 1984




(After the opening credits, we’re headed to the broadcast booth where Guy Hauray and Édouard Carpentier are standing to begin the show.)


Guy: Hello, wrestling fans, and welcome to another edition of Lutte Internationale. This week, lots of exclusive footage again featuring Rick Martel & the self-proclaimed real International Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine. But first, Édouard, we need to address what happened earlier last week with Dino Bravo.


Édouard: Indeed, Guy, we’ve seen some unusual behaviour from Dino Bravo as he appeared a tad frustrated over the weekend. As you know by how, Dino is wrestling against doctor’s orders following a vicious attack by Abdullah the Butcher & Baron Von Raschke 2 weeks ago. Let’s take a look back at Dino’s weekend:


(We cut to the footage of Dino’s 3 matches over the weekend, starting with his June 8th match versus Gino Brito. Dino seems to be in tremendous pain and has his ribs all bandaged up. Brito takes advantage of the situation and delivers a backbreaker to Bravo to get the victory at 5:09. Postmatch, Brito takes the mic and tells Dino that this wasn’t the Dino Bravo he has always known and wants to give him another match. Brito says that tomorrow night in Quebec City, he’s giving him another match and wants Bravo to rest before the match. Bravo disappointingly shakes Brito’s hand and the match is set.


We now cut to the following night at the Colisée in Quebec City for the rematch. Bravo looks to be suffering again but he looks much better in the ring than he did the previous night. Bravo is finally able to put Brito to rest with a side slam to win at 10:54. Just like the previous night, Brito extends his hand in respect but Bravo half-heartedly shakes Brito’s hand and leaves the ring.


Then, we finally go to next night at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto in which Dino wrestled enhancement talent Pete Doherty. Bravo seems to be more like himself and is completely dominating Doherty. Just like the previous night with Brito, Bravo ends the match with a side slam to win at 8:42 but uncharacteristically, he also decides to hook Doherty’s tights for extra leverage. )


(Now, we cut back to the broadcast booth with Guy Hauray is standing by for an interview. Armand Rougeau walks on the set.)


Guy: Armand, I’m curious to know what are your thoughts following the footage of Dino Bravo we’ve just seen.


Armand Rougeau: J’espère juste que c’est de la frustration de la part de Dino pis rien d’autre. Honnêtement, ça me déçoit. C’est pas comme ça qu’on est supposé se conduire dans le ring. On est des gentlemen, on est là pour divertir les fans et faire les choses de la bonne manière. C’est comme ça que mon père, mon oncle pis mes frères m’ont appris à faire les choses. Je suis franchement déçu.


(Translation : I hope it’s only frustration from Dino and nothing else. Honestly, I’m disappointed. That’s not how we’re supposed to conduct ourselves in the ring. We’re gentlemen, we’re here to entertain the fans et do things the right way. That’s how my father, my uncle and my brothers taught me to do things. I’m sincerely disappointed.)

(Then, all of a sudden, Dino Bravo comes from behind and smacks Armand behind the head. Armand turns around and raises his fists ready to fight. But Dino grabs the mic from Guy Hauray’s hand and speaks)


Dino Bravo: T’en as du front, toé, de venir dire ce que tu viens de dire là! T’es encore vert, t’as encore rien accompli dans le ring pis tu te permets de venir me dire comment je dois me comporter dans le ring? T’es même pas passé proche de vivre le quart de ce que j’ai vécu comme lutteur. Avant de faire ton smatte, Armand, fais tes preuves. Le jour où t’auras réussi à faire ça, tu pourras passer tous les commentaires que tu veux. Mais en attendant, prends ton trou, l’kid, pis laisse-moi dealer avec Creatchman pis sa gang comme je veux!


(Translation : How dare you come out here and say what you just said! You’re still green, you haven’t accomplished anything in the ring and you come out here to tell me how I should behave in the ring? You don’t have the quarter of my experience as a pro wrestler. Before acting like a smartass, Armand, pay your dues. Once you’ll have achieved that, you’ll be able to say whatever you want. Until then, sit your ass down , kid, and let me handle things with the Creatchman Family like I want to!)


(Armand Rougeau doesn’t back down and is still looking for a fight. Bravo shoves him around but Armand remains defiant.)


Dino Bravo: Écoute, Armand, si tu tiens tant que ça à impressionner tes deux frères, je vas t’en donner l’occasion. À ce que je peux voir, nos deux amis aux commentaires semblent avoir rien à faire à soir faque toé pis moé, on va leur donner de la job. Armand Rougeau vs Dino Bravo aujourd’hui! T’as-tu les couilles, l’jeune?


(Translation : Listen, Armand, if you wanna impress your two brothers that badly, I’ll give you a shot. As I can see, our two buddies at commentary don’t seem to have anything to do right now so you and I will give them a bit of work. Armand Rougeau vs Dino Bravo today! Do you have the balls, kid?


Armand Rougeau: N’importe quand (Translation: Anytime!)


Dino Bravo: Parfait. On se voit tantôt, le kid. Bonne chance, tu vas en avoir besoin! (Translation : Perfect. See you later, kid. Good luck, you’ll need it!)


(Both Armand & Dino leave in opposite directions, Bravo leaving first. Then, Guy & Édouard comment on what they just saw.)


Guy: Armand wanted to speak his mind and Dino Bravo didn’t appreciate calling him out on his actions this weekend. Do you agree with Armand that the Creatchman Family is getting under Bravo’s skin?


Édouard: I think that Armand might be on to something here, Guy. I’ve rarely seen Dino in this state of mind. Yes, he has that hot Italian temper but he’s usually very composed. Perhaps wrestling Armand Rougeau will ease this frustration.


Guy: When we come back, we’ll take a look at both Rick Martel and Greg Valentine, plus a major announcement from promoter Frank Valois!


*****************Commercial break**************************


(Back from the commercial break, Lutte Internationale promoter Frank Valois is between Guy Hauray and Édouard Carpentier)


Guy: Welcome back to Lutte Internationale. On this week’s episode, we’re taking a look at the controversy surrounding the International Heavyweight Championship. As you know, during the June 1st press conference announcing the Rougeau brothers arrival in Lutte Internationale, Greg Valentine issued a statement that he would not wrestle on Lutte Internationale TV until he’s declared the official International Heavyweight Champion. We know that back in Detroit, Rick Martel was embroiled in a heated rivalry with Valentine over the Big Time Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. Before we get to our next announcement, we would like to take you back to this weekend where both Greg Valentine and Rick Martel were in action. Up first, we’ll take you back to our main event on Saturday night in Quebec City when Rick Martel wrestled “Mad Dog” Pierre Lefebvre.


(Cut to footage from last Saturday night’s event in Quebec City. We’re in the final moments of the main event at the Colisée between Rick Martel and Mad Dog Lefebvre. Lefebvre worked on Martel’s back throughout the entire match. Lefebvre even puts a bearhug on Martel and is getting close to finishing the hometown hero but Martel is able to survive and to break the bearhug. Martel whips Lefebvre in the ropes but Lefebvre reverses the irish whip. Lefebvre bends over for the back body drop but Martel strikes Lefebvre with the knee in the face. Lefebvre goes down and Martel is able to lock in the Boston Crab! Lefebvre is in serious pain and tries to fight back as his manager Frenchy Martin yells at Mad Dog to hang on. But unfortunately, the pain is too much and Mad Dog has no other choice but to give up. Rick Martel grabs the victory in this evenly contested main event.


Then, we switch to the night after at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto as Greg Valentine faces Gino Brito in the main event for the International Heavyweight Championship – so claims Valentine but Lutte Internationale & the Ontario Athletic Commission aren’t recognizing or sanctioning the match. The fans seem solidly behind Gino Brito in this one, despite the card taking place outside of Quebec. The champion looks to be taking this match a little lightly as Gino Brito is able to take control of the match early, using his scientific skills and his quickness to neutralize Valentine. However, Brito makes one critical mistake as he goes for a high knee in the corner but Valentine dodges and Brito’s knee hits the turnbuckle. Valentine sees the opening and works on Brito’s knee as his tactic is twofold; first to setup his Figure Four Leglock finishing move but also to prevent Brito from using the Figure Four, which also is Brito’s finisher. Valentine seems to be cruising all the way to victory but once again, his arrogance seems to cost him as he waits too long to apply the Figure Four and Brito shoves him in the corner with his boot and Valentine hits the turnbuckle face first. Valentine goes down on the mat and Brito seizes the opportunity to lock in his Figure Four Leglock! Crowd goes crazy as Valentine is in major trouble! However, as the referee seems to be out of position, Frenchy Martin is able to help Valentine to reach the bottom rope and Brito must break the hold. Brito releases the move but drags Valentine back in the middle of the ring. Brito then goes again for the Figure Four but Valentine jams his thumb right in Brito’s eye, momentarily blinding him. That allows Valentine to trip Brito and he locks in his Figure Four Leglock. Brito valiantly fights the pain but eventually, Valentine’s work on Brito’s leg is enough to secure Valentine’s victory. Valentine “retains” his championship. )


(We now return to the broadcast booth with Guy, Édouard and promoter Frank Valois)


Guy: And now, Lutte Internationale promoter Frank Valois will read a statement in regards to the International Heavyweight Championship situation.


Frank Valois: Thank you very much, Guy. In the lights of everything that has transpired since June 1st when Greg Valentine proclaimed himself the true International Heavyweight Champion and decided to fraudulently defend a championship that is not properly his, Lutte Internationale & the Montreal Athletic Commission have mutually decreed that on July 5th, at the Montreal Forum, Greg Valentine wrestles Rick Martel to crown an undisputed International Heavyweight Champion. We will instruct Lutte Internationale senior referee Adrien Desbois all the latitude needed so we can settle this situation once and for all. At the end of July 5, we will have a rightful and uncontested International Heavyweight Champion. In the meantime, until the date of the match, all matches in which Greg Valentine claims to defend the International Heavyweight Champion will not be regulated by Lutte Internationale or the athletic commission in place nor will a title change be recognized by our promotion. We’re hopeful to reach a final resolution on this matter at the Montreal Forum. Thank you very much.


Guy: There you have it! Valentine vs Martel at the Forum on July 5th! Eddie, we’ll finally have a rightful International Heavyweight Champion at the end of that night.


Édouard: More importantly, these two gladiators will finally settle a score that should have been resolved a long time ago. Either Greg Valentine or Rick Martel will walk out of the Forum the International Heavyweight Champion!


Guy: We’re told that we have via satellite Greg Valentine, ready to comment this huge announcement. Greg, what is your reaction to this announcement?


(Cut to satellite feed of Greg Valentine at his home with his Big Time Wrestling Championship belt sitting on the table in front of him)


Greg Valentine: My reaction is that Frank Valois is overstepping his boundaries as a promoter. Is it so hard for him to understand that I and only I am worthy of being the International Heavyweight Champion? What I did in Detroit isn’t enough to convince Frank Valois? Fine then. I’m gonna have to do it at the Montreal Forum on July 5. After that night, there will be no doubt whatsoever that I’m the real heavyweight champion. I’ve proven time and time again over the years that Rick Martel is not half the athlete or the wrestler that I am and the title in front of me proves it right there. We could’ve settled this the right way but you’ve chosen otherwise. Frank Valois, you will forever regret not giving me what I wanted on the first day I walked in this territory. I will cripple Rick Martel, sending him into retirement and then, you’ll lose your meal ticket. You’ll have no choice but to recognize that the real star in Lutte Internationale is me, Greg Valentine. Mark my words, on July 5, I will leave the Forum as International Heavyweight Champion.


(Back to the studios, we see Rick Martel standing next to Édouard Carpentier in street clothes, waiting for his turn to talk.)


Édouard: Strong words from Greg Valentine. Rick, I’m sure that you have a statement of your own to make, following Frank Valois’ announcement.


Rick Martel: Je te cacherai pas, Eddie, que je suis très heureux de la décision de Frank Valois de régler le problème de cette façon-là le 5 juillet au Forum de Montréal. J’ai toujours pensé qu’un champion doit mériter sa ceinture, pas pleurnicher pis demander tout ce qu’y veut comme si y était le roi de la place. J’ai travaillé toute ma vie, de manière honnête, pour accomplir ce que j’ai accompli comme lutteur. J’attends ce moment-là depuis longtemps, depuis Détroit. Cette fois-là, Valentine, ça va être très différent de la dernière fois. T’as peut-être Frenchy Martin dans ton coin mais t’auras pas personne à soudoyer pour avoir la ceinture. Parce que même si t’es un sale, t’as de la fierté, Valentine. T’as une famille à représenter. T’as un père qui va regarder ça avec attention pis qu’y s’attend à un minimum de dignité pis de respect de toi-même pour ce match-là. Tu voudras pas te présenter devant ton père Johnny Valentine avec une ceinture que t’as pas mérité. Comme moi, je voudrai pas me présenter devant mes fans pis mes amis en ayant gagné le championnat International injustement. Je vais faire tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour quitter le Forum comme champion International. Pis surtout, pour que les fans de lutte québécois aient un champion International dont ils vont être fiers. Pis ça, c’est quelque chose que je peux vous promettre. Vous serez pas déçus, le 5 juillet!


(Translation : I won’t hide this to you, Eddie, that I’m very happy of Frank Valois’s decision to settle this problem that way on July 5th at the Montreal Forum. I’ve always thought that a champion must earn his belt, not cry & whine and ask things like he owns the place. I’ve worked my entire life, honestly, to accomplish what I’ve accomplished as a wrestler. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, all the way back to Detroit. This time, Valentine, this will be different from the last. You might have Frenchy Martin in your corner but you won’t have anyone to buy off to get the title. Because even if you play dirty, you’ve got pride, Valentine. You have a family to represent. You have a father who will watch with attention and who expects a minimum of dignity and self-respect from you in this match. You don’t want to show up to your father Johnny Valentine with a belt you haven’t earned. Like I will not want to show up in front of my friends & fans by unfairly winning the International Heavyweight Championship. I’ll do everything in my power to leave the Forum as International Heavyweight Champion. But most of all, for the Quebec wrestling fans to have an International Heavyweight Champion they can be proud of. And that’s something you can bank on. On July 5, you won’t be disappointed.)


(Rick Martel walks off the set to a great ovation from the fans attending the taping.)


Guy: There you have it, the most important match in Lutte Internationale will take place in a couple of weeks. Coming up after the break, our feature bout of the week with Armand Rougeau vs Dino Bravo!





Greg Valentine (w/Frenchy Martin) vs Rick Martel




Match #1


Armand Rougeau vs Dino Bravo


Dino Bravo shows a very arrogant side of himself, probably still frustrated with the Creatchman Family getting under his skin. Bravo shoves the younger Rougeau a few times and even goes as far as to slap Armand in the face but the youngster isn’t intimidated and responds with a slap of his own. Both men traded fists early but the scientific side of both men takes over for the majority of the match. Bravo’s in-ring experience pays off as he’s completely dominating the young Rougeau. Bravo has enough and decides it’s time to end this. Bravo scoops up Armand Rougeau and puts him into a Canadian backbreaker. Bravo has the hold very tight and it looks like Armand will have to give up. However, Bravo isn’t well positioned and Armand’s foot touches the top rope. Referee Adrien Desbois indicates to Bravo he must release the hold and Bravo celebrates like he has won the match, even though the referee tries to tell him he didn’t. That allows Armand to sneak behind Bravo and he rolls up Bravo for the upset victory! Neither Armand Rougeau or Dino Bravo can’t believe what happened as Armand’s arm is raised in victory. Bravo smacks the canvas in frustration, realizing he got distracted once again. Guy and Édouard question if Dino Bravo’s mind will completely focused on his Montreal Forum match, especially knowing that Eddy Creatchman will probably reveal his identity until a few days before the match. Showing good sportsmanship, Armand Rougeau extends his hand in respect towards Dino Bravo. Bravo seems dejected but he ends up quickly shaking Armand’s hand and leaves the ring. The show goes off the air as Dino Bravo walks off the set while Armand Rougeau celebrates in the ring.





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June 16th, 1984

Centre Paul-Sauvé, Montréal, QC


-"Dr. D" David Schultz (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Rudy Kay in 11:48 with a piledriver


-Afa (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Buzz Tyler in 10:33 with a Samoan Drop


-Billy Robinson beat Charlie Cook in 9:55 with a back suplex backbreaker


-Kendo Nagasaki beat Baron Von Raschke in 7:06 after holding the Baron's tights. After the match, the Baron snaps and puts the claw on Nagasaki


-Sheik Ali (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Dino Bravo in 2:04 by disqualification after Dino Bravo used Creatchman's cane on Sheik Ali


International Heavyweight Championship - Unrecognized by Lutte Internationale & the Montreal Athletic Commission: Greg Valentine (w/Frenchy Martin & David Schultz) beat Raymond Rougeau in 43:41 with the Figure Four Leglock to retain.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed you coming into the project and the flavor you have given things here with Lutte. I love the angle with Valentine and the title. The only criticism I have is looking at your television, perhaps adding some small elements of font/style difference to loosen things up rather than the big body of text. Just a small thing that could help the readability of the television.

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June 17th, 1984

Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario




-Richard Charland (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Ted Oates in 13:31 after holding his tights


-The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond) beat Pete Doherty & Charlie Cook in 12:46 with La Bombe Rougeau


-Mad Dog Pierre Lefebvre (w/Frenchy Martin) beat "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers at 12:48 with a backbreaker


-Samu (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Billy Robinson in 8:29 with a top rope splash


-Baron Von Raschke beat Armand Rougeau at 8:32 after using a loaded glove on Rougeau.


-Sika (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Gino Brito at 10:50 with a Samoan Drop


-Dino Bravo & Leo Burke beat the Caribbean Connection at 8:32


International Heavyeight Championship - Unrecognized by Lutte Internationale & the Ontario Athletic Commission: Greg Valentine (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Gilles Poisson at 15:44 by countout to retain.

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June 22nd, 1984

Centre Paul-Sauvé, Montréal, Québec


Prior to the show, legend Pat O'Connor is introduced to the attendance.


-Hercules Ayala beat Armand Rougeau in 3:17 when Greg Valentine interfered and tossed his championship belt to Ayala to use on Armand. After the match, Jacques Rougeau ran in and attacked Valentine. Promoter Frank Valois came out and announced a tag team match for the main event between the team of Greg Valentine & Hercules Ayala vs Armand & Jacques Rougeau and appoints Pat O'Connor as the special referee!


-Kendo Nagasaki beat Buzz Tyler in 10:57 with the Kamikaze Crash


-Raymond Rougeau beat Jerry Oates in 12:37 with a Savate Kick


-Gilles Poisson beat Mad Dog Lefebvre (w/Frenchy Martin) in 5:49 with a bearhug


-Chili Bowl beat Lone Eagle in 12:43 in a Minis Match


Guest Referee - Pat O'Connor: Jacques & Armand Rougeau beat "International Heavyweight Champion" Greg Valentine & Hercules Ayala (w/Frenchy Martin) in 43:47 when George "The Animal" Steele accidentally tossed Valentine's title belt to Armand Rougeau who knocked out Ayala while Pat O'Connor was distracted with Valentine & Jacques Rougeau fighting outside the ring.

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