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[2010-01-24-IWRG] Black Terry & Dr Cerebro vs Hijo del Diablo & Gringo Loco


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This was a Super Libre match and an old fashioned bloody brawl. It reminded me of the kind of brawls we saw on the Memphis set. This is as basic as it gets, four guys beating the shit out of each other and painting the canvas red. Really cool start with Terry and Cerebro trying to rush the USA team in the aisle, but end up getting faked out and jumped from behind. The Gringos get the advantage and Cerebro and Terry are bloody, and they go back and forth, punching each other and slamming each other into things. Gringo Loco brings out his bag of cactus, that felt like a comedy spot other times we have seen it, here it had a real Abby feel as he drove a Cactus into Black Terry's bloody head.

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  • 1 year later...

Very basic match, with a great heel tactic at the beginning to set up the Cerebros getting the hell beaten out of them. Lots of stomps to the face and heads getting bashed into chairs, all 4 guys bleeding and bathing the arena in their blood. Black Terry Jr. deserves a Pulitzer price for filming this feud, because his work gives you all the super close ups of terrified bloody faces and the crazy heat this match had. Even the choking, biting etc. came across as genuinely hate filled, adding to the intensity when you had Hijo literally at Terry's throat. They end up working a really fun finishing run with the crowd hugely into Terry, him busting out a cool DDP diamond cutter, Loco taking a moonsault on outstretched legs, crazy Dr. Cerebro dive and all that. Rudos end up playing their cards better and get some more heat afterwards.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2010-01-24-IWRG] Black Terry & Dr Cerebro vs Hijo del Diablo & Gringo Loco
  • 1 year later...

Just for context, Super Libre basically means No DQ. This is hot and heavy from the off with the teams fighting from the entrance. The violence is there right away with Cerebro being cut open via biting. Next minute we see Black Terry in the match bloodied up with Diablo beating the hell out of him. Terry's selling in the match is off the charts. He looks so vulnerable when absorbing everything the rudos dish out but when he goes back on offence he is able to transfer it to great heat for himself and the match. Cerebro added some great strikes where he looks like he is trying to break Diablo’s face. This was a wild uncontrollable brawl. And it was awesome. ****1/4

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