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Lutte Internationale August 1984


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August 19th, 1984

Centre Paul-Sauvé, Montréal, Quebec


-Armand Rougeau beat Denis Goulet in 14:28 with a top rope dropkick


-Dennis Condrey (w/Jim Cornette) beat Buzz Tyler in 17:33 with the Enziguri


-International TV Champion Gino Brito beat Charlie Cook in 13:36 with a cross body block


-International Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine (w/Frenchy Martin) beat Pete Doherty in 12:32 with the Figure Four Leglock


-Jacques Rougeau beat Justice Dubois in 6:43 with a sunset flip


-Chicky Starr beat Baron Von Raschke in 7:33 with a piledriver


-King Tonga (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Billy Robinson in 5:07 with the Tongan Death Grip


Strap Match: Samu (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert (w/Sherri Martel) in 10:56

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August 24th, 1984

Burlington, Ontario


-Gilles Poisson beat Tito Senza in 4:29 after using a pair of brass knuckles


-Sika (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat The Spoiler in 5:34 with the Samoan Drop


-Carlos Colon beat "No Class" Bobby Bass in 12:51 with a Figure Four Leglock


International TV Championship: Gino Brito beat "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers (w/Sherri Martel) in 10:18 to retain


-The Wild Samoans (Afa & Samu, w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Baron Von Raschke & Chicky Starr in 35:52 when Afa pinned Chicky with the Samoan Drop


-"Dr D" David Schultz & Raymond Rougeau beat Justice Dubois & "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert (w/Sherri Martel) in 52:41 after a low blow on Gilbert by David Schultz.

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Taped at CHLT-TV Studios, Sherbrooke, QC

August 25th, 1984




(After the opening intro, we go to Guy Hauray & Édouard Carpentier for the start of the show)


Guy Hauray: Hello, wrestling fans, and welcome to another edition of Lutte Internationale TV. We’re only 2 days away from the beginning of the Johnny Rougeau Memorial Cup and tensions are high, especially here for Lutte Internationale as all 4 of our entrants are hoping to make this territory proud and win the prestigious trophy. But before all that, we got lots of action this week again, Eddie.


Édouard Carpentier: Indeed, Guy. Including in our main event as Rick Martel prepares himself for his rematch against Greg Valentine for the International Heavyweight Championship as he faces Hercules Ayala in our main event. And also this week, the Minis are back as The Haiti Kid takes on Little Tokyo.


Guy Hauray: But first, all 3 Rougeau brothers are in action!


Match #1

The Rougeaus vs Serge Jodoin, Tito Senza & Charlie Cook


The Rougeaus are most definitely determined this week as they work a flawless match against the opposing trio. Armand seems to grow more and more confident as time goes by alongside his two brothers. The Rougeaus finish off the match with La Bombe Rougeau on Serge Jodoin to capture the victory.


Winners: The Rougeaus


(After the match, the Rougeaus go join Édouard Carpentier at the broadcast booth for a promo)


Édouard Carpentier: Jacques, Raymond, Armand, congratulations for your victory this week. Jacques, it looks like you and Raymond are ready for the Johnny Rougeau Memorial Cup.


Jacques Rougeau: Édouard, on est plus que prêts, on est en mission. Ce trophée-là, ça vaut plus qu’une ceinture de champion pour nous autres. On acceptera rien de moins que moi ou Raymond qui repart avec le trophée. Malgré tout le respect qu’on a pour Rick Martel. On sait qu’il veut gagner ce tournoi-là autant que nous autres mais l’honneur de la famille Rougeau est en jeu pis on a pas l’intention de les laisser tomber!


(Translation : Édouard, we’re more than ready, we’re on a mission. This trophy means more to us than a championship belt. We’ll accept nothing less than myself or Raymond coming back with the trophy. With all due respect to Rick Martel. We know he wants this tournament as bad as we do but the Rougeau family’s honor is at stakes and we’re not intending on letting them down.


Édouard Carpentier: Raymond, I think we all know that the possibility of you facing off with Bob Orton & Dick Slater during the tournament is very real. With all the bad blood stemming from the past supercard at the Forum, can you keep your focus long enough to go through them?


Raymond Rougeau: Pour être franc avec toi, Édouard, c’est dur à dire. Y a tellement de choses qui nous passent par la tête quand on pense à Orton & Slater que je peux pas te dire à 100% qu’on va garder notre contrôle. Mais d’une manière ou d’une autre, on va retrouver Orton & Slater pis régler nos comptes avec eux autres. Si c’est pas durant le tournoi, ce sera très bientôt. On pourra pas avancer avant d’avoir réglé leur cas.


(Translation : To be frank with you, Édouard, it’s hard to say. There are so many things going through our minds when we think about Orton & Slater that I can’t assure you 100% that we’ll keep our emotions in check. But one way or another, we’ll meet Orton & Slater again and settle our score. If it’s not during the tournament, it will be very soon. We can’t go forward until we’ve settled this.)


Édouard Carpentier: And finally, Armand, I can’t let you go without asking you about last week when The Missing Link came to your aid against Samu last week. Is there any kind of friendship between you two?


Armand Rougeau: Honnêtement, je le sais pas, je m’en suis pas rendu compte avant qu’on m’en parle après l’émission la semaine passée. Tout ce que je peux dire, c’est que je savais pas que The Missing Link était là et j’ai aucune idée de ce qu’y voulait faire. Je le connais pas mais je le remercie quand même pour être venu m’aider la semaine passée. Et pis je pense que Samu vient de trouver son homme!


(Translation : Honestly, I don’t know, I didn’t notice until I was told about it after the show last week. All I can say is that I didn’t know that The Missing Link would show up and I don’t know what he wanted to do. I don’t know him but I thank him for coming to my aid last week. And I think that Samu just found his match!)


(The Rougeaus leave the set as Édouard Carpentier joins Guy Hauray at the broadcast booth)


Guy Hauray: So Eddie, are you convinced that one of the Rougeaus will win this?


Édouard Carpentier: I don’t know if any of them will but they don’t need any more incentives. This is in honor of their late uncle. They know that many people, including Orton & Slater will be looking to ruin that for them. Quite frankly, I think that the Rougeaus will cross paths with Orton & Slater some time during this tournament.


Guy Hauray: We shall be fixed in a few days. When we come back, the Minis are here!






Rick Martel vs King Tonga


George Steele vs Gino Brito for the International TV Championship


The Caribbean Connection vs The Wild Samoans for the International Tag Team Championship


Match #2

Special Attraction

The Haiti Kid vs Little Tokyo


The Minis have always been a big attraction in the Montreal territory and have historically been loved by the audience. This one was no exception. As expected, lots of comedy spots to entertain the crowd, especially at the expense of referee Luigi Macera. The Haiti Kid picks up the victory over Little Tokyo with a sunset flip.


Winner: The Haiti Kid




Match #3

Dino Bravo & Baron Von Raschke vs Frenchy’s Legion (w/Frenchy Martin)


What was supposed to be a tag match never happens as while Dino Bravo makes his way to the ring, he’s attacked by none other than Billy Robinson! Robinson smacks Bravo from behind with a chair and Bravo collapses at ringside. Robinson mounts Bravo and pummels him while Frenchy’s Legion quietly walks away, visibly amused by what they’re seeing. Buzz Tyler comes out of the locker room, trying to help Bravo but is met with a vicious European Uppercut that sends him on the floor. Finally, Bravo’s tag partner for the night, Baron Von Raschke, comes out and pulls Robinson away from Dino. Von Raschke and Robinson exchange a few words and shoves but that allows Dino Bravo to stand up and grab the chair to hit Robinson from behind! Now, the roles have been reversed and Bravo is mounting Robinson and pummelling him with right hands. Baron Von Raschke tries to separate him from Robinson and calm him while Frenchy’s Legion comes back to drag Robinson closer to the locker room. Dino Bravo goes to the broadcast booth and takes Guy Hauray’s microphone.


Dino Bravo: Là, Robinson, j’suis à boutte de te voir la face à chaque fois que j’ai un match. J’ai jamais été du genre à reculer devant personne faque tout ce que t’avais à faire, c’était de demander d’avoir un match contre moi. Mais comme t’as l’air trop gêné pour le demander, m’as le faire moi-même. Billy Robinson, toi pis moi, le 13 septembre au Forum de Montréal. On va régler ça une bonne fois pour toute!


(Translation : Robinson, I’m sick and tired of seeing your face every time I got a match. I’ve never been the type to shy away from anyone so all you had to do was ask for a match with me. But since you seem to be too shy to ask, I’ll do it myself. Billy Robinson, you and me September 13 at the Montreal Forum. We’ll settle this once and for all!)


(Billy Robinson simply nods his head while being restrained by Frenchy’s Legion and yells that he’s gonna see Bravo at the Forum. Meanwhile, Baron Von Raschke has now calmed down Bravo and they both leave the broadcast booth to retreat backstage.)


Guy Hauray: So we now have another match for September 13 and this one should be intense!


Édouard Carpentier: Billy Robinson has always done everything to avoid being in the same ring than Dino since July 5. Even in tag matches on the road. But now, Robinson will have no choice but to face Dino man-to-man on September 13. I don’t know how much more motivation Dino Bravo will need but Billy Robinson better be ready!


Guy Hauray: When we come back, it’s main event time!



Dino Bravo vs Billy Robinson


**********COMMERCIAL BREAK**************



Match #4

Rick Martel vs Hercules Ayala


Rick seems to be back to 100% in this match with Hercules Ayala this week. Ayala shows good sportsmanship at first but doesn’t hesitate to go for Martel’s ribs a bit later on in the match to ensure himself an advantage. And it also doesn’t take long for the International Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine to show up at the broadcast booth and to take a seat with Guy & Édouard. Hercules works on Martel with bearhugs and abdominal stretches to weaken his ribs but Martel is able to mount a comeback with a beautiful hip toss on Ayala. Valentine gets up to watch closely the end of the match and then, Martel finishes off Ayala with a slingshot splash to pick up the victory.


Winner: Rick Martel


(As soon as the bell rings, Valentine jumps in the ring and clocks Martel behind the head with his title belt! Valentine throws down the belt and immediately goes for the Figure Four Leglock....but Martel blocks and shoves him head first in the corner! Valentine goes down and Martel locks in the Boston Crab! Valentine screams in pain and frenetically taps out. Frenchy Martin comes out and pulls Valentine away in safety as Martel is left standing with the International Heavyweight title belt in the ring. The show ends as Martel grabs the International Heavyweight Championship and holds it high above his head while Valentine & Frenchy are fuming outside.)





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August 25th, 1984

Palais des Sports, Sherbrooke, QC


-International Heavyweight Champion Greg Valentine & Sheik Ali (w/Frenchy Martin & Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Buzz Tyler & Pete Doherty in 8:35 after Valentine held Doherty's tights


-Hercules Ayala & Dino Bravo beat Charlie Cook & Billy Robinson in 13:56 when Robinson abandoned Cook at the end of the match


-Samu beat The Missing Link in 12:13


International Tag Team Championship; The Caribbean Connection beat The Wild Samoans (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) in 22:52 - TITLE CHANGE!


International TV Championship: Gino Brito beat George "The Animal" Steele (w/Frenchy Martin) in 10:17 to retain


-Rick Martel beat King Tonga (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) in 43:08 with the Slingshot Splash

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August 26th, 1984

Oakville, Ontario


-Sheik Ali (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Buzz Tyler in 15:59 with the camel clutch


-Afa (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman) beat Tito Senza by countout in 13:39


-Jacques Rougeau beat Leo Burke in 8:56 with a top rope dropkick


-Richard "Le Magnifique" Charland (w/Frenchy Martin) beat The Missing Link in 18:44 with a belly-to-back suplex


-Mad Dog Lefebvre (w/Frenchy Martin) beat "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert (w/Sherri Martel) in 12:44 with a shoulderbreaker


International Tag Team Championship: The Caribbean Connection beat The Rougeau Brothers (Armand & Raymond) in 34:42 when Colon submitted Armand to the Figure Four Leglock to retain

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Got a chance to sit down and get back into reading. Lutte continues to impress and personalizes itself apart from the competition. I like how all things build towards the tournament but you still have some big stuff going back on homebase. I like the use of the managers and the slow rise of Hotstuff. I see him being a big part of Lutte's future.

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August 31st, 1984

West Guilford, ON


-The Rougeau Brothers beat Tito Senza & Serge Jodoin in 13:42 with La Bombe Rougeau


-"Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert (w/Sherri Martel) beat International Tag Team Champion Carlos Colon in 31:59 with the Hot Shot


Street Fight: Hercules Ayala beat Mad Dog Lefebvre (w/Frenchy Martin) in 28:48


I Quit Match: King Tonga & George "The Animal" Steele (w/Eddy "The Brain" Creatchman & Frenchy Martin) beat Dino Bravo & International TV Champion Gino Brito in 50:13 after Gino Brito passed out due to losing too much blood and couldn't continue.

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