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[2000-01-29-NWA Wildside-TV] Bad Attitude (David Young & Rick Michaels) vs Jerry Lynn & Kid Kash


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I am really looking forward to the Bad Attitude team. Here they are made to look dominant vs. the invading ECW team and work really well together with double teams and effective heel tag work. The finish was done in a great way to make the big stars win but keep the homegrown talent strong in defeat. David Young in particular had a good mix of power and agility throughout this match and meshed well with Kid Kash. ***

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Pretty good match, and nice surprise for the live crowd. Pretty impressive that Kid Kash supposedly broke his jaw at the ECW TV taping at Center Stage and still wrestled here with his jaw wired shut. They mostly took care of him and he wasn't in that much. Basic tag match but well done. Familiar staples like Lynn as FIP with the heels clapping their hands after ref distractions in lieu of making actual tags. The titles were at stake after some pre-match persuasion from the ECW guys, but the match ended in a countout, which I can understand, but which the crowd saw through as the booking copout it was and didn't like at all. Still, the match was solid, and David Young in particular looked good. ***

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  • 5 weeks later...

I had no idea ECW guys were working other indies around this time. I was a big Bad Attitude fan around 2001/2002 so It was nice seeing them in the early days. Michaels looks so indie compared to Young but they made a hell of a tag team. I liked the story of the guys from the "big time" coming down to Georgia to face the big guys there. Just good southern tag team wrestling here. Didn't even mind the finish as it protected all involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Pre-match interview from Rick Michaels where he calls out Ricky Morton and the Rock & Roll Express for the next show, before saying how they want some competition as they’re sick and tired of playing around with a bunch of kids. The ECW TV show entrance music plays and out walks Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash. Lynn tells them that the people are fed up of their moaning and if they’ve got any testicular fortitude they’ll put the belts on the line against them and they’ll kick their ass ‘ECW style’. Michaels accepts before Young tells them they’re not in ECW, they’re in the house Bad Attitude built. The commentators also inform us that Kash broke his jaw at the ECW tapings last night and his mouth is wired shut.


Kash and Young open and exchange hammerlocks before a series of arm drags and hip tosses end up with both members of Bad Attitude out on the arena floor. Michaels wants Lynn and Kash is only happy to oblige. A flying headscissors and a clothesline over the ropes sees him back on the outside though. Young tries to attack Lynn from behind but he gets back dropped out and onto his partner. Pescado by Lynn onto both. Back in the ring and Lynn runs the ropes but Young (still on the floor) grabs his foot and a little stumble enable Michaels to nail him with a DDT. Bad Attitude go to work on Lynn including some rule breaking behind the referees back and some phantom tags (with the other member of the team just clapping) when the official is distracted by Kash. Dreadful looking handspring elbow by Young. Russian legsweep from Michaels and Kash is in to break up the pin. Young with a spinebuster (no-one does it better apparently!), Michaels with a sort of frog splash and Kash again has to break up the pin. Young goes for a backdrop but Lynn with a DDT and he’s finally able to tag in Kash. He unloads on Bad Attitude and it’s not long before all four men are in the ring. Kash and Young start brawling on the floor and Kash cracks him in the head with a chair. Lynn with a tornado DDT and Michaels is able to get a foot on the ropes. All four are back in the ring before they all end up on the outside. As they fight at ringside the referee continues his count, and with the ECW guys keep an eye on that, when he reaches nine they dive back in the ring to win the match, but not the titles. The finish doesn’t go down well will the crowd as they start chanting ‘bullshit’ at it.


Michaels is a scuzzy looking sort, but he and Young make a decent little team. They’ve a few tag team manoeuvres and work well together (I especially liked the phantom tag spots they were doing). I started to lose interest when they were getting the heat on Lynn as that felt as though it went on a tad longer than was necessary. Things picked up though when Kash was in there. The audience shat on the finish although I thought it was pretty smart, and to be fair what were they expecting? The outsiders weren’t going to win the belts and this way the champs are protected and the ECW guys don’t have to job, which I’m guessing was a caveat for being able to get them to appear in the first place.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-29-NWA Wildside-TV] Bad Attitude (David Young & Rick Michaels) vs Jerry Lynn & Kid Kash

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