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[1982-06-18-NJPW] Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan

paul sosnowski

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This is the first of 3 singles matches they had in Japan in 82. Andre comes to the ring accompanied by Arnold Skaaland. He's a malicious monster heel, shoving and screaming at the crowd. Hogan and Andre start shoving each other before the bell. Andre drops a hammerfist and takes Hogan to the mat, controlling his arm and shoulder. He starts smothering Hogan with a face palm, Hogan backs Andre into the ropes for a break. But Hogan starts hammering Andre, a big chopping fist to the head, but the Giant does not budge. Andre grabs Hogan and nails him with a huge headbutt and Hogan goes to the outside. But wait, Hogan recovers and sneaks back in, whips Andre across the ring into the corner post. The Giant is down. Hogan hits a kneelift, but Andre gets him in the dreaded bearhug. Hogan nails Andre in the head and opens a cut, biting down on it. Andre goes down again. Hogan gets him in a bearhug and actually lifts the Giant off the mat a little bit. Andre shoves him off and knees him in the face. Andre chops Hogan and hits another big headbutt. Big boot to the face and Hogan goes over the top again. He struggles to get back in the ring, but Andre hammers him down twice. Hogan climbs up to the top rope and hits Andre with a double axe handle!!! Andre chops Hogan again but Hogan comes at him with the AXE BOMBER. Hogan hits another one and they both go over the top rope to the floor. Double countout at 9:48. 3 ***


But wait, its not over. They continue brawling on the floor. Other wrestlers try to break it up, but Andre chokes out Hogan with the ringside cables. Finally Antonio Inoki makes the save. Andre back in the ring, faces off with Hogan and Inoki, but realizes he is out numbered and backs down. He skulks away, screaming and showing his hate for all involved and unleashing his wrath on anyone who gets in his way.


Andre and Hogan have a rematch in 3 weeks. But next week it's Hogan and Inoki vs Andre and El Canek!!!



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  • GSR changed the title to [1982-06-18-NJPW] Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan
  • 5 years later...

This ruled! Hogan was so over and Andre decided to work as a heel here, he did it really effectively and the crowd got heavily involved. Hogan's strength got put over as a big deal, especiallu if compared with Andre's size and power, the Giant also sold quite a lot for him. After Andre finally took over, Hogan showed his desperate side and even went on the top rope (!), trying everything to stop the monster from assaulting him. Hogan's rage led the match to a double bump and double countout, which worked well given the circumstances

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