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[2017-07-23-NJPW-G1 Climax] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yuji Nagata


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These two have such great chemistry together. You had Tanahashi heeling it up with his limbwork, tossing the proverbial ace guitar out of the ring to focus on attacking the veteran's leg to plenty of boos. Nagata was as spirited as ever, with the crowd firmly behind him. Nagata's facials and the his selling were great here, especially toward the end of the match. I liked that Tanahashi kept going back to the knee to try and derail Nagata's momentum and that final slap exchange was awesome, with Nagata getting busted open and his exhausted swings and misses before collapsing face first on the mat. This may have been my favorite match of the tournament so far.

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This was one of the matches I was most looking forward to in the tournament due to it being Nagata's final G1 & because there is so much history between him & Tanahashi. Their possible final meeting ever in singles action did not disappoint as they might have put on the best match they've had together. Loved Tana heeling it up a bit, the atmosphere was great with the crowd booing him & being behind Nagata - Tanahashi on control was awesome, loved the work over the leg & for the most part, Nagata's selling was really good. ALL of Nagata's big moves were amazing because they were done in such dramatic fashion to make people people believe that he could do it, he could beat the Ace right there, in that moment. Oh & that slap exchange - super badass. Loved it. Great match. ****

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These two have always matched up super well and this was one of their best matches together in history. As of right now, I could only think of the April 2007 match as being better. Tanahashi had a cool heel dynamic in this one and Nagata is the ultimate sympathetic figure knowing this will be his last G1. Knowing that fact, this will likely be the last singles match between the two. Tana was given the torch from Nagata and he has carried it with pride for the past 10 years. The work here really evolved over the course of the match from the engaging mat work to the big bombs that were hit in the closing stretches. The teases of the big moves were also used well as nothing was spammed in the slightest. Tana brought a big stiffness to his slaps as Nagata was bleeding under his eye. All of these moments melded together into a wonderful G1 match and perhaps the last truly great singles match in his career. ****1/4

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Ioan at PTBN:



After an even opening exchange, Tanahashi was able to duck Nagata’s kicks and wisely targeted his elder’s legs, hitting a grounded Dragon Screw before applying a figure-four. Despite attempts to reverse the hold, Nagata was forced to the ropes, and Tanahashi went back to the leg then mocked his opponent by hopping around the ring. This didn’t go down well, and Nagata peppered Tanahashi with kicks and stomped him on the mat. Time for a slap battle, which Nagata concluded with a big kick to the chest, before nailing an Exploder for two. Tanahashi landed a spinning neckbreaker in return, drawing boos, then hit a German suplex. Another Dragon Screw kept him on top, but Nagata was able to counter a charge to the Shirome armbar, forcing Tanahashi to scramble to the ropes. He continued to punish the arm, nailed the Justice Knee, then hit a super Exploder from the top-rope! Two-count only! Spinning brainbuster! One, two, no! Nagata went for the backdrop, but Tanahashi countered and scored a low dropkick to the leg, then they faced-off and slapped the hell out of each other, with Nagata rallying after fading, but eventually collapsing to the mat. He was bleeding from the cheek at this point. Sling Blade! Two-count only. Nagata caught Tanahashi up top and looked for another super Exploder, but he was finally dislodged after a barrage of elbows and a headbutt, whereupon Tanahashi nailed the crossbody and splash versions of the High Fly Flow for the well-earned three-count!

A simple and beautifully told story of Nagata’s refusal to back down and determination to score a big win in his final G1. He’s been tremendous in all three of his matches so far. Tanahashi, as he often does, played up the heelish tendencies, working with the crowd’s inclinations and getting plenty of reaction in return. Really, really good match. ****1/4
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  • GSR changed the title to [2017-07-23-NJPW-G1 Climax] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yuji Nagata

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