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[2000-07-16-ECW-Heatwave] Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn


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This was a real good ECW style match. Corino is able to hit a gusher off of a tornado DDT on the floor and that creates the narrative of the match. I find it really strong and effective how much Corino can bleed while not coming across as sympathetic. Having Victory out there to constantly run interference helps that narrative. He grounded Lynn here and we didn't get some of the spotty and stand off spots that can plague Lynn matches. Lynn also ups the intensity by writing DIE from Corino's blood. The finish has a lot going on with a ref bump and what not but it was effective in the false finish and leading to Lynn winning off of the Cradle Piledriver and gaining some good momentum for the future. The most lifeless part of this match is Cyrus and Styles on commentary really trying to play up and shoe horn the Network vs ECW angle at every moment. ***3/4 (7.7)

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah it's almost as if Corino plays a sympathetic babyface taking opportunistic moments to hang around in the early parts of the match. Lynn really acquitted himself well to dominating Corino and controlling him in the early going. Corino's blade job is really sick. His shifting in the second half of the match kind of resets the roles to what you would expect especially with Victory helping here and there. The rollup sequence kind of feels trite but just as I'm rolling my eyes it culminates nicely with a cradle piledriver and win by Lynn. This was good and I thought a really good showing from both, particularly Corino.



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  • 1 month later...

This rules. Corino's now established as a serious wrestler who can take a beating and keep fighting after Tajiri nearly murdered him at Hardcore Heaven. Here, we get Jerry Lynn wrestling a more aggressive, violent match than usual. I made the comment while watching this that Corino's hair color would match his trunks in a minute or two and good lord did it ever. This might be the definitive Corino blade job. Lynn doing the war paint with Corino's blood is a really memorable spot. They managed to nip the 'you fucked up' chants in the bud by immediately going to whatever was next, which I appreciated. The cradle piledriver finish looked brutal. Both guys did a hell of a job here. It's a shame more people don't talk about how great these two were, especially in the second half of the year. ***1/2

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  • 5 weeks later...

Corino's blade job is legendary here, and rightly so. (Although he really should have gone with white trunks here, I think, to put it over the top.)


The match itself is good but has a little too much ECW bullshit (why does every move have to be on a chair? why isn't the insane blade job enough?) but it's pretty good all the way through. The war paint spot is an awesome visual that I'm surprised hasn't been used more, even given that you need an insane blade job for it to be possible.


This feels like the match that really cemented Corino's spot as an upper card guy, along with the Tajiri match at Hardcore Heaven (weirdly, both losing efforts).

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-16-ECW-Heatwave] Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

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