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[2017-08-27-AJPW] Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Naoya Nomura & KAI


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Welp, they did it again. This was the Nomura showcase in a Strong BJ formula match, and of course it works like a charm. Fun shine segment with Naoya and KAI getting the upperhand over the two beasts before the young kid gets pummeled by Daisuke, from then on we got the always awesome "small team tries to come back against Sekimoto & Okabayashi" comeback story, with Nomura being the stand out, showing great fire and good offense while a really good Sumo Hall crowd rallies behind him. This had dope spots and nearfalls and kept building drama until the end. Fucking awesome tag match, what a year for Strong BJ, best fucking tag team in the world.

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Yeah, this was a real breakout performance for Nomura and I thought his chemistry with Yuji Okabayashi was especially awesome. Tons of fire, a hot crowd, that close stretch was something else. I really liked Yuji's suplex counter to the small package attempt and then just throwing Nomura with the powerbomb when Nomura tries for his new finish. Daisuke was also being more of a dick here, between stepping on Nomura's face and pissing off KAI on the apron. KAI's proven himself to be a good tag team wrestler in AJPW, so it'll be interesting to see if he finds a new partner since Nomura has stated that he is waiting for Jake Lee to return from injury. Personally, I'd love to see KAI and Maruyama team.

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Thoughts from the moty thread



Nomura Kai Vs strong bj ajpw 27/8/17- yes

This was a very strong tag title match to compliment last year's hoss title match. Here it was the case of strong bj being far more experienced as a team while Nomura and kai, a team of guys who lost their tag partners who have barely teamed just desperatly throwing themselves at the mounds of muscle that is strong bj.

Nomura in particular was spectacular in this match and was really his comming out party and made him a star and in one match went from a guy just out of young boy status to kouraken triple crown challenger.

The big bombs and brilliant performances in the ending sequence between Yuji and Nomura make up for the fairly dull 5 mins in the early to mid match. ****1/4 one of the tag matches of the year along with twin towers Vs strong bj.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent match. Great performances from all involved - Strong BJ did their thing & it was awesome as usual; loved their work over KAI & Nomura + they sold super well for them when it was time for that as well. Gotta agree with all the talk of this being a standout performance from Nomura, he truly did have a very strong performance. ****

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  • GSR changed the title to [2017-08-27-AJPW] Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs Naoya Nomura & KAI

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