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[2000-07-28-CMLL] Negro Casas & Mr Niebla & Emilio Charles Jr vs Shocker & Scorpio Jr & Bestia Salvaje


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In matches like these, you see the frustration that you can get from watching CMLL week to week. These six don't really have an overarching angle or big theme they are building to right now so it feels like they are kind of in neutral. Neutral of course is a good match as all of these guys minus maybe Charles is elite in 2000. Shocker has the flash and charisma and Bestia/Scorpio can bring the bruising hate. Casas continues to be one feud away from having a breakout performance and I want it to happen soon as his kicks at the end of the match on the outside were brutal and quintessential Casas. Your ho hum enjoyable CMLL trios that was given some time. ***1/4 (6.3)

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of this felt like a pretty big Niebla showcase as he outsmarts all the rudos and works comedy spots with them before finishing Shocker for the first fall. Niebla has been fine to me if a bit hokey for lack of a better word. Everybody looks crisp here and Shocker takes a really nice bump off Niebla's shoulder block. This was a fine trios match, nothing memorable, but a pleasing wrestling match through and through.



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  • 2 months later...

A quiet month for CMLL ends with a snappy trios match between these teams. Shocker looked fantastic in this. He really has blossomed into a world-class talent. There seems to be a lot of parallels between Shocker and CIMA as far as the year 2000 is concerned. Just like his Monterrey work with Tarzan Boy, he manages to make Niebla look ten times better than usual. The other exciting thing about this was the fire it lit under Casas. You'd think after all those years of Casas feuding with Bestia and Scorpio that the last thing you'd want is more of the same but their ugly mugs bring out a passion and intensity that's been missing from most of Casas' performances to date. There's nothing quite like pissed off Casas and to top it all off we get a fired up Emilio as well. That's hard to beat.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-28-CMLL] Negro Casas & Mr Niebla & Emilio Charles Jr vs Shocker & Scorpio Jr & Bestia Salvaje

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