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[2018-02-18-BJW] Dick Togo vs Takuya Nomura


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Nice little match here with Togo da gawd doing a great control section over Nomura's leg after the young breh got a little too cocky. The comeback is done really well with Takuya fighting his ass off to try to even things out, loved his selling of the leg every time he connected a kick, it wasn't about fighting smart this time, he wanted to show Togo he could deliver damage no matter in how much pain he was in. Ending made sense. Hard not to have fun in these 12 minutes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, this was fun stuff. It's been a minute since I've watched Togo but he looked as good as ever working over that leg. You could see the transition off the ring post coming, but sometimes expecting the payoff only makes its arrival that much sweeter. Nomura seems to be getting better all the time. He was more assured here than the last time I saw him (middle of last year, I think) and his selling of the leg after throwing kicks was more believable than that of guys with tenfold his experience.

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Another Dick Togo match, another collection of little things that make me smile: his boot to the ear to escape the cross armbreaker, his ducking of the slaps as Nomura tries to out of the figure four, his trip and graceful little hop over Nomura’s body to set up the crossface. What a gem of a wrestler. Nomura holds his own for sure.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I love Togo, all the little things he does, and of course, my love for Nomura is never in doubt. He understands pro-wrestling better than guys with twice his experience. Savvy matwork to start from both guys, with Togo's experience getting the edge over the younger Nomura. After Nomura kicks the ringpost outside like a dope, Togo supelxes him onto the floor, hits a running senton off the apron to the floor, and continues working the leg inside the ring, putting Nomura in the figure-four. I love how he keeps Nomura's hand away from the leg and ducks the slap attempts. Really good selling of the leg from Nomura, even when he's laying in the kicks. He's able to pull out a flash armbar off a punch attempt and then peppers Togo with some snug open hands. Really liked Togo's first crossface lock off the roll up, and then the finish, catching the PK attempt, sweeping the leg and floating up into the crossface, rolling back when Nomura reaches for the ropes to submit him. Simple formula, good psychology, an invested crowd, and under 15 minutes. This ruled.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2018-02-18-BJW] Dick Togo vs Takuya Nomura

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