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Bracket #1, Round #3, Match #6


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end tomorrow morning at the latest. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Guest KingPK

Chris Benoit


Edge can thank others making him look good for making it as far as he has. Benoit is probably one of those guys.

You can even take out the "probably". Also, Eddie carried him in their matches in 2003 and Rey was probably the better worker when they tagged against Benoit and Angle. He's starting to come into his own a bit now, but Benoit's got him beat.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Benoit, although I think it's closer than a lot of you guys think. Edge has consistently been over with the fans and been entertaining to listen to (well, until recent years). Benoit struggled to find his place. While he was having some great matches, he was lost in the shuffle.

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