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[1996-04-16-ECW-TV] Pulp Fiction


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bill Alfonso is upset about being called Fonzie. JT Smith sings "Fly Me To The Moon". Taz begs ECW fans to take a bath and stop drinking (Good luck there ...). Tommy Dreamer bangs his head into a locker and blades hardaway. Perry Saturn delivers this serious promo which Kronus follows by just saying "Bitch!", which is funny. Shane Douglas goes on about Dick-Flair-Stamford-Connecticut-something-or-other. Kimona Wanalaya promises to expose the biggest scandal in wrestling history over the weekend. Raven makes himself useful for once, delivering a somewhat okay promo.

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  • 4 years later...

Shane Douglas gets through an entire promo without calling someone or something a "piece of shit." Raven whines about Kimona Wanalaya. Only Taz can refer to his manager as "Fonzie." JT Smith sings. Damien Kane and Lady Alexandria talk about nothing. Taz channels Andy Kaufman in talking about ECW fans. Brian Lee yells at Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer busts himself open on a locker to prove some point or another. Perry Saturn channels Cactus Jack--he wanted to WRESTLE the Gangstas. Douglas wants Raven's title. Raven and Kimona continue their drama. Nice to see Raven happy for once.

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  • 1 month later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1996-04-16-ECW-TV] Pulp Fiction

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