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[1993-12-25-WWF-Superstars] Interview: Bret & Owen Hart


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  • 4 months later...

Bret and Owen are reunited! Vince and Stan Lane interview them from the Jumbotron, where they appear to be superimposed. They are against a blue backdrop announcing that they are challenging the Quebecers for the tag titles at the Royal Rumble. Owen continues hinting a heel turn, talking about how it doesn't matter if what he said was true and that he will be leading the way from here forward with Bret right behind him.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Stan Lane is such a phony. I always thought this teased-heel-turn-then-abandonment-then-real-heel-turn move was a little puzzling, like they decided to reset things, but I think it works. A brother-vs.-brother match needed a lot more build than a typical Memphis heel turn.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I looked at it as more of Bret not wanting to fight Owen and doing whatever he could so he wouldn't have to. If it had been anyone else but Owen I would agree with you, Marty.


Owen has to dial the rhetoric back a bit under the circumstances, but his heelishness continues to show through when he talks about leading the way with Bret behind him and how it doesn't matter if the stuff about Bret getting all the recognition and him getting none is true. Anyone who can watch this and not figure out exactly what's going to happen at the Rumble simply isn't paying attention.


I agree about Lane being a phony as a broadcaster. That's likely why he didn't last long, even in a place like the WWF where phonies tended to find a home. I could be mistaken, but I don't think they referred to him as a former wrestler at any point, even though they could have used his past as a way to establish credibility for him in the booth. I remember not liking him very much on play-by-play, and I can't believe that he'd be much better as a color guy, although I suppose we'll find out as we head into '94.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-12-25-WWF-Superstars] Interview: Bret & Owen Hart
  • 2 weeks later...

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