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I thought this might make an interesting thread. Basically, I'm asking what the best matches are that you've seen that work a style outside of that style's environment. For example, I consider Benoit v Jarrett from Starrcade '96 to be a really good WWF main event style match, at least the style that would be used a lot after Austin rose to the top. Some have also referred to Kawada/Albright as an excellent NJ heavyweight-style match. So, for some more suggestions:


(1) What's the most AJPW-style match you've seen outside of AJPW?

(2) What's the best lucha match you've seen outside of Mexico?


Those are just a few examples, but this could be cool.

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Guest Some Guy

Benoit and Austin's match on SD!, outside of the finish was not really a WWE ME style match. In fact most of Benoit's pre-04 stuff wasn't really WWE style.

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Guest Famous Mortimer

I think the main event from WM13 could have worked as an AJPW main event match, although I've not seen it in a while so I could be way off.

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Guest Famous Mortimer

Taker vs. Sid?

Was that the main event? Shows you how long it is since I've seen it. I, of course, mean Bret v. Stone Cold. Oops :)
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