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Owen Hart


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Some might think it's blasphemy, but I always believed Owen was better than Bret. Had he lived, he most likely would've surpassed Bret in wrestling history as the best Hart if he wanted to. As someone mentioned in an earlier post, it was a just job though and he seemed to be settled on cruise control, whereas Bret had the drive. Bret vs. Owen at Wrestlemania is still one of my favorite 'Mania matches. Owen's facials post match are priceless.

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Owen was one of those guys like Sayama who was a really early tape trader favorite.


When Owen first started with WWF in 1988 as a full timer. The tapes from house shows that aired on satellite of local cable networks became a big deal on the tape trader scene. It may have been the only time matches of Barry Horowitz were soaght after like those were.

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I've always found Owen to be more interesting character-wise and in facial expressions. I'm also, 'til this day, more entertained by his matches than Bret's. That SummerSlam match from '94 was one of my early favorites, and still has a very special place in my heart.

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