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Who do you guys think are the top five workers


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I'm really curious. I don't really know how much love people like Austin Aries or Alex Shelley would get. I'm not sure where Samoa Joe or CM Punk or Low Ki would rank, if at all. How about American Dragon, Christopher Daniels or Homicide?


It'll be interesting to see. Without Puro or Lucha or WWE, who's names sprout to the top?

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I've actually had a conversation with someone that didn't like Samoa Joe. His argument was that Joe was stiff and that wasn't what wrestling should be all about. I tried to counter-argue that it was just a different style. He also didn't like Low Ki.


So, then we moved from Joe's stiff style to his look. He didn't like his look because he said he was flabby and only looked big when next to indy workers. I couldn't very well argue that. He does look small when next to someone like Billy Gunn. Of course, he has great stamina and is samoan, so his physical appearance shouldn't matter when he brings the workrate.

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I don't even know what to say to that, Loss. I like Triple H more than most people. I think he's a good worker that harshly gets shit on. I think that he has a passion and a great love for the business.


That being said, I've heard about Punk coming into WWE as well. I just don't know how it's going to work. Last I heard, Punk was trying to bulk up. He won't be able to use the majority of his moves, especially the Pepsi Plunge. I don't know how well his tattooes will go over. I doubt WWE will let him keep the "Straight Edge" gimmick.


I just don't know what to think. I guess if Triple H likes him, politically, it'll play out good for Punk. Of course, if Punk is stuck with some Simon Dean type shit, it's not going to matter anyway.

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Guest Kilgore Trout

I'll agree with the majority that Joe and Danielson are the two best. I think at this point Joe is a bit better but Danielson has the potential to be one of the very best ever. Rounding out the top five I'd have Low Ki, Homicide and James Gibson. If Punk hadn't signed he'd be in or around the top 5. Honourable mention to the ultra talented Rocky Romero as well as guys who aren't at the level of the top 5 wrestlers but are still very good such as Aries, Super Dragon, Rod Strong and Jay Lethal.

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I find him to have a slow and hoss-like approach to things. I honestly believe all those "great" matches he had were carryjobs by his opponents. He just doesn't appeal to me as a "top 5 worker". He's the longest reigning RoH champ.... ok, that's Gabe's booking there. His feuds were against good workers (though I'd be hard pressed to call Homicide a good worker but I digress). Basically Joe's a smallish version of those chubby Japanese workers that people seem to like a lot, that's carried to good matches. This is obviously just my opinion.

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Personally, I love Joe. I wouldn't put him ahead of AmDrag but I do really like him. I don't get the Styles love. He seems to botch a lot of stuff to me.


I'd say:


1.) American Dragon

2.) Samoa Joe

3.) Low Ki

4.) James Gibson

5.) CM Punk


Punk beats Homicide. I also like Colt Cobana a lot but I don't think he's a great worker.

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I don't think the gap between Joe and Gibson is that enormous at all. After watching a few Gibson matches (soemone I never liked in WWE), I am slowly becoming a fan. So far, so good on the indy scene for him.


As for Homicide, he has his moments but for every Homicide-Danielson there is a Homicide-Acid to negate any positive feelings.

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Guest Kilgore Trout

As for Homicide, he has his moments but for every Homicide-Danielson there is a Homicide-Acid to negate any positive feelings.

Just try to pretend the Homicide of 2004/2005 is a different person to the one before that. It works for me.
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