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Tim Cooke

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As my OCD continues to run rampant, I now must make a list of my personal top 25 matches. At first, I thought I would do nothing more than a list but lists without comments generally suck. So with each match, I will try to give a simple run down of why it makes such a high ranking with myself and any other comments that are necessary.


This list is also going to be very limited when it comes to All Japan 1990's. Not because the matches aren't great, but because I can not for the life of me, get into them at this moment. 2 guys with awesome punches, stomps, knees, etc. give me much more joy these days....who knows why?


Started thinking about this on Saturday so I am going to update a lot whenever I feel I need to add something to the list.


So here goes-hopefully this will turn out to have more and more commentary on the actual matches as time goes on.




Rock n Roll Express vs. Randy Savage/Lanny Poffo (1983 & 1984 Memphis)


* Both of these matches are short. The first is 9:30 and 7 minutes airs. The second is 13:50 and 7-8 minutes airs. They will count as one because essentially they are. The first leads directly into the second and the second would lead into a great third match if it happened or showed up on tape.


This will be re-watched back to back sometime with more in depth comments.


El Hijo del Santo vs. Negro Casas (July 18, 1987 - LA)

The theatrical side of lucha with a technico versus a rudo, high stakes on the line as Santo puts up his mask versus Casas' hair. I think I said this elsewhere but in 2005, this match looks as good as anything in the wrestling world. In 1987, it must have been mind bending. Casas is responsible for every wild rudo bump that takes place today. More on this after I re-watch this week.

* I also have the following from the Santo/Casas series to watch starting when I get home from work today:


- Santo vs. Fuerza from Hamada's UWF June 1990

- Santo vs. Casas from UWA Commercial release (1991 probably)

- Santo vs. Casas from September 19, 1997 Hair vs. Mask

- Santo/Casas vs. Bestia Salvaje/Scorpio Jr. from March 13, 1999 Double Hair vs. Double Mask


I anticipate that any of the last 3 matches could make this list. I have seen Fuerza/Santo before and it is solid, but it is also in Japan and thus not real lucha.


El Hijo del Santo/Bestia Salvaje/Scorpio Jr. vs. El Dandy/Negro Casas/Hector Garza (11/29/96 - CMLL)

This is the week after Santo's heel turn and is basically a showcase for Santo to show how great of a rudo he is and for the technico's to get revenge. The booking of this heel turn is really what places this on the list. The booking here is as good as anything I have ever seen. The national treasure of Mexico, who would never turn on his people, does the un-thinkable and turns rudo and joins sleazy Bestia and Scorpio. Technico El Dandy and rookie Phenom Hector Garza step up to the plate to put Santo in his place but they aren't enough. They need someone else-someone who knows Santo the best-his archrival Negro Casas. Can they co-exist? Where does this lead? Great fucking storytelling and if I could understand the promos in Spanish, I am sure I would be flipping out even more.


El Hijo del Santo vs. La Parka (December 23, 2001 - Monterrey)

The ultimate bloodbath (I could see Eddy's awesome bleeding performance at Judgement Day 2004 rivaling this). It's Super Libre so both of these guys are not happy with each other to say the least so they kick the crap out of each other with great brawling, bleed buckets, and still work in all of the typical highspots you see from these guys.




El Dandy vs. Negro Casas vs. El Hijo del Santo (12/6/96 - Triangular Revenge Match)


Midnight Express vs. Rock n Roll Express (4/12/86 - NWA)


And much much more.

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I look forward to hearing the rest of your thoughts. I'm definitely hoping I can get over the hump with lucha in the near future, because it sounds like based on my tastes, it's right up my alley in terms of what I like in wrestling. I just need to grow comfortable with the rules and customs. I didn't have to do that to think Santo/Casas is one of the greatest matches in wrestling history, though.

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Excellent site for kind of getting a heads up on shows. CMLL actually has about everyone worth a damn in lucha so your chances of seeing guys you know is pretty good. Plus they show everyone with name on screen before matches.


The main thing going on right now is Perro Aguayo Jr. has a heel stable going with Hector Garza, Damian 666, Halloween and a couple of other guys. Negro Casas and Mistico have been trying to get Aguayo into a hair match.


The matches have been excellent and guys like Ultimo Dragon have been around and Nakamura and Tanahashi should be coming to town in the next few months with the IWGP Tag Titles.


Avoid AAA like the plague though. The shows are awful unless some NOAH talent is passing through. It's sports entertainment gone bad and CMLL stole all of their decent to good workers.


I know how you feel though. I started watching in 98 and it took me a long time to understand the internal logic to matches and such.

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Guest Local Jobber R

Avoid AAA like the plague though. The shows are awful unless some NOAH talent is passing through. It's sports entertainment gone bad and CMLL stole all of their decent to good workers

The Triple Mania shows from Japan are half way decent.



no clue who I'm watching or what they're fighting for, and with no clue what the rules are, it's impossible to get involved.

Good lucha libre does not need bad announcing or drama to make it entertaining. All you need to know is that most of the matches are 2/3 pinfalls, its good (Tenicho) vs bad (rudo), and in tag matches there is the captian's rule that being the captian or both members need to be pinned to win the pinfall, and then there is the cibernetico match which is basically a elimation tag team match.
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