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Smash wrestling is streaming VOD now.


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Good promotion. Musgrave and Grimmas both really enjoy the shows. I've seen several matches and even a few full shows over the last couple of years and they rarely disappoint.


Regulars include Josh Alexander, Super Smash Brothers, John Greed, Sebastian Suave, Brent Banks, Scotty O'Shea, Tyson Dux, Matt Cross and others I'm forgetting at the moment. Not all of those guys may be your speed, but I think each of them is talented in their own way and some of them (especially Cross) come across as big stars there and are over in unique ways in the Smash setting. My favorite of the bunch is John Greed, who is a big, grizzly looking guy, who is a surprisingly good athlete, a big bumper and a fresh presence on their shows. He's like the best version of Roadblock imaginable basically. I also really like Banks as a heel character though I don't think he's all together there as an in ring performer.


They have brought in guys like Hero, The Bucks and most recently Drew Gulak and Biff Busick several times. Other big name guys have made the rounds there too I'm just forgetting them at the moment.

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Oh, boo. Not the Smash promotion I thought it was.


The Smash wrestling, ran by Tajiri in Japan was one of my guilty pleasure shows for a long time. I watched almost all of their shows. There was a really good Fit Finlay Vs. Tajiri match. I also really liked Hajime Ohara's look & thought Starbuck was pretty good. Was also the first exposure I ever had to Kana. Was not a fan of Veneno at all though.


Too bad they closed, or went out of business, or whatever the hell happened.


So I Googled this promotion & after reading what Dylan said, I'm going to have to check them out too. Thanks for the heads-up, Shoe.

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Alex Shelley is the champion.


They are running an angle where Shelley, Gulak, Busick and Tavik (a local guy) think the promotion is trash and Suave and Greed are standing up for the promotion. Josh Alexander just wants the title and is not picking sides. A real fun angle.


They just ran Hero-Ciampa, so they do some "dream match" type stuff too.


Tyson Dux is so under-rated and should be talked about more. Gulak and him had a awesome, albeit very short, match on the last show I was at.


Watanabe is there a lot too!


Another good thing is their focus on women. There is a women's match every show and once a year they run an all-women's show. Vanessa Kraven, Cherry Bomb, etc.. are all pretty decent.

EDIT: If you are on the fence, go to youtube. Their youtube channel has a lot of free matches and a weekly tv show.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started watching the Any Given Sunday show and I thought I'd share my thoughts.


Brent Banks vs Matt Cross


This started out really hot. Then we get some meandering brawling. Cross has a lot of fun offense. He takes a bump and looks like he dings his knee. Banks takes control and doesn't go after the knee at all. Banks work on top was the epitome of mediocre. He really brought the match down for me. 1 3/4*



Candice LaRue vs Kimber Lee


These gals worked their asses off. They did some nice mat work, mixed in some snug strikes. Did some dives. I was really impressed. 3 1/4*


Goat Brigade vs Smash Brothers


Crowd seems to love the Super Smash Brothers. The SSB are pretty charismatic. We get a long shine sequence.The Goat Brigade start a heat sequence that didn't last long. More SSB look good for a little longer. Now we get another heat section for the GB and it's pretty short. A lot of stuff is happening. This is a match that seemed like it got over huge live. I liked the match, but wasn't blown away by it. 2 1/2*


Johnny Gargano vs Tyson Dux


Some fun mat work to start. It has a real English flair to it. I love Dux nailing Gargano with a forearm on a dive to the outside. Spear through middle rope. Another fun dive by Gargano. Dux with a nice Belly to back suplex on the apron. Spinning DDT into the crowd. Sprinboard DDT by Gargano. Dux slows down Gargano. We see a strike exchange between the 2. Tyson Dux nails a 2nd rope lawn dart. Gargano wins with a roll up. A fun match that ends flat. 2 1/2*


Going to take a break here.

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6 man Gauntlet match


This has become a staple on a lot of Indy shows. Some things I took from the match is Tarik has a ton of heat. Josh Alexander was booked super strong here. He eliminated 4 opponents with the Spinning Tombstone. Everyone got a chance to shine. Bailey shined the brightest. He got over big, and hopefully going forward he's booked here more often. The finish felt flat with Tarik running away, but in the grand scheme of things if we get Alexander nailing him with a Spinning Tombstone in a singles match this worked. 3 1/2*


Vanessa Kraven vs Courtney Rush


This was a chair match. This was terrible, especially if you compare it to the females match earlier. DUD


Gulak/Tarik vs Overdogs.


This was an ok tag match. I was expecting more to be honest though. 1 3/4*


More later on.

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The main event.


Hero vs Ciampa


Ciampa comes out with his ribs taped. We start out with with Hero in control. Ciampa is selling internal injuries, and is awesome doing it. It's all a ruse and Ciampa attacks. That was a great way to set up a heat segment. Ciampa and a kid in the crowd are playing off each other well. We get a little back and forth that eventually sees Hero go over. This was a fun strike exchange battle. We get a post match angle to set up future stuff. 2 3/4*



Final thoughts:


1.I loved the crowd. They were great. Plus on top of it they even looked like they could have been watching SMW or WCCW. They had a real Southern feel to them.


2. They seem to have a fun promotion. I will follow them so they sold me.


3. They seem to have some acts that get over huge live, that didn't translate on VOD. An example would be the Smash Bros.


4. Overall a real solid show that makes me want to see more of.

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