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What amazed me about this match was the incredible heat the Midnight Express had. Bobby Eaton nearly got into it with a fan at ringside before the match started. And did you see the debris hit the ring on the finish. Especially where Condrey tried to blame the chain on the Rock n' Roll Express? The people were legitimately MAD - white hot heat - again you just don't see that kind of believeability anymore. Great match!

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We hear all the time the announcement not to throw anything into the ring in Houston. It's sort of a "mind the gap" style of joke you can make about the ambiance of the place, but this is one of the first times I've really seen the trash come flying in. Can you imagine if they did actually overturn that finish?

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Butch Reed vs Terry Taylor 5/11/84


This was a blast. Taylor is selling a neck injury. He has a neck brace on. Taylor is all over Reed to start. An eye rake by Reed, but Taylor fires back. Taylor charges Reed, but hits the ring post instead. Reed focuses on the neck with a swinging neck breaker. He picks Taylor up and drops him neck 1st on the rope. Reed snaps the neck again. Headlock by Reed, and he has a knuckle duster and hits Taylor with it. The crowd gets really heated here. Taylor is busted open. Reed attempts a piledriver, but Taylor counters with a back drop. Taylor hits an Atomic Drop, and then he nails Reed with a Piledriver. Theffcrowd is totally with Taylor now. Taylor with a flying drop. He follows that up with 2 knee drops. We get to a battle and Taylor exposes Reed's Knuckle Duster for the DQ. 3 1/2*

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We have an amazing - and very unusual - MAGNUM TA match being posted today. Okay experts - I know you will be able to tell me exactly what this match is going to be. Predictions?


If I had to guess, I'd go with one of these three pre-Magnum matches:


Boesch @ Houston, TX - Sam Houston Coliseum - July 31, 1981
Tom Prichard vs Terry Allen

Boesch @ Houston, TX – Sam Houston Coliseum – August 7, 1981

The Spoiler vs Terry Allen (How cool does that sound?)

Boesch @ Houston, TX - Sam Houston Coliseum - September 4, 1981

Buck Robley vs Terry Allen


OR, maybe this one:


Boesch @ Houston, TX – Sam Houston Coliseum – October 7, 1983

Magnum TA & Lone Eagle vs Tom Stanton & Cowboy Lang


Those are my guesses. There are some other fun oddities I can't wait to see eventually (like a cage match with Ladd, and a match with Bundy, and a series with Rip Rogers, and one match with Flair and a late match with the Baron), but that's what I'm going with.

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Mixed Tag


This was fun. I was shocked on how much time they got in 22 minutes. Stanton is a guy I've never seen. I had to contact Dave Musgrave to get some background. Stanton was great working comedy with the midgets, or taking bumps from TA. He really impressed me. Pretty much they were able to mix in the wrestling and the comedy. Lone Eagle really stole the show here.

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Kind of surprised to see my man Cowboy Lang as a heel in that match as I'm used to seeing him work babyface opposite Little Tokyo. I haven't had time to watch much lately but that match is going to be the first thing I check out when I start getting caught up.

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Lothario/H.Guerrero vs Kruschev/Ito


Jose Lothario has been a favorite of mine on the Houston footage. He's a guy who was considered a big deal in Texas. Finally we're getting footage of him and understanding why.


This is JIP about 5 minutes in.The match is more of a backdrop for the Guerrero heel turn. We see a little shine from Lothario and Guerrero. At one point Lothario delivers an amazing looking knee drop. So we Lothario as FIP. It's set up by a rope run into an Ito knee into the back. This results in some back work . Eventually Lothario is busted open. Their is some work on the cut, but they don't want to take away from the story which is the turn. Lothario picks Khruschev up for a slam and nails Hector. Fast forward a bit and Lothario trys to tag Guerrero in, but he walks off. This leaves Lothario to get pinned. Hopefully we get more Lothario/Guerrero action on the horizon.We get a post match Lothario promo. 2 1/2*

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I didn't think it was one of the strongest of the two ring six mans. Lots of claws to just kill time. I did like how the babyface in the middle's job was really to keep the heel busy or else he'd just interfere however he wanted. There were a couple of moments where it seemed like it was going somewhere but then it just led to a pinfall. I thought Dutch looked good.

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I didn't think it was one of the strongest of the two ring six mans. Lots of claws to just kill time. I did like how the babyface in the middle's job was really to keep the heel busy or else he'd just interfere however he wanted. There were a couple of moments where it seemed like it was going somewhere but then it just led to a pinfall. I thought Dutch looked good.

I think the double ring gimmick is cool, but is better live. I thought the action was solid. Kevin is really athletic. He pretty much preforms pop up rana. In the 2nd fall Kevin did a dive from ring to ring. David seems to grasp how to work holds and spots around them. Overall this was solid. 2 1/4*
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