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6 man tag


I loved this match. It was for the Johnny Valentine Cup. This was the Houston 2 ring special. This was all action Gino is sporting the blond hair. Kerry already is an incredible athlete here working a really fast pace. We see Kerry with an adominal claw which is how all the brothers start with till they master the head claw. Conway jr. looking really good throughout the match. In a pretty cutting edge spot Conway Jr. with an Ohtani boot scrape. I loved all of the Lothario/Gino interactions, especially the punches. Gino was the glue to his team. Gino telling Tiger to shine his shoes was heated. Kerry duplicating the 2 ring dive that Kevin did was great just as Paul was telling the audience the story. Seeing Brooks miss a running elbow and go flying out of the ring was gold. This turned into a pretty spirited brawl. The faces win 2 falls to 1. Post match the heels turn on Marcus . Super fun 6 man tag. 3 3/4*

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Jake vs Slater


I'm a sucker for the manager in the shark cage above the ring. It never fails to dissapoint, and helps the box office. Jake/Slater might be my favorite Jake feud.


We see Jake target the arm. I like how Jake gets the gimmick over and keeps Journey relevant in the match. We see Jake using the post to soften up the arm. I'm a mark for limb work so this is heaven for me. Loving how Jake keeps going back to the arm. Slater with an eye rake, and he returns the favor and works Jake's arm. Slater wearing out Jake's arm with a chair. Crowd is totally with Jake. Jake is incredible selling that arm. We see Jake's boot come into play. Journey tosses a chain to Slater, but Jake gets it. He goes to use it but Slater back drops him out of the ring. Slater wallops Jake for the win. Super fun match, with some real good arm work and selling. 3 3/4*

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I just watched this. Good match.


This was a good. We had the girls handcuffed at ringside. Sunshine and Baby Doll were awesome here working a hate filled fight. I loved the Buddy Roberts and Chavo exchanges. We get a nice Face shine to start. Roberts takes a bump onto the girls. This is where the girls really get the brawl going. Officials have to come out and un handcuff them. We're back to action and Chavo does a roll up on Buddy Jack into the wrong corner. This results in the heels stomping a mud hole in him to set up the heat. Chavo's FIP work was really compelling helped by the viciousness by Hayes and Gordy. Eventually we get a hot tag to Teddy. By this point both rings are being used, and it's total chaos. Hayes hit Dibiase from behind off the top rope for the pin in the wrong ring. 3 1/4*

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Murdoch vs Gordy


The finish was a little anti climatic.

I actually liked that fact. One of the things i hate about wrestling is how spike DDT can be kicked out of but being slammed off a guys shoulders leads to a pin.

I agree with that. I just thought a back drop wasn't a finish that would put Gordy out for a 3 count.

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Murdoch vs Gordy


The finish was a little anti climatic.

I actually liked that fact. One of the things i hate about wrestling is how spike DDT can be kicked out of but being slammed off a guys shoulders leads to a pin.

I agree with that. I just thought a back drop wasn't a finish that would put Gordy out for a 3 count.

Don't forget the elbow. ;)


Bruno Sammartino use to win matches with body slams.


Harley Race won the NWA title the first time with an ordinary suplex.


In World Class,Jimmy Garvin never had a finisher.


It was a simpler time.

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Though in 1982 things were changing. Dick Murdoch had the Brainbuster, The Von Erich's had the claw, Steamboat had the flying body press, Jack Brisco had the Figure 4, and by 1983 Gordy was using the Gonzo bomb.


If you bought the finish cool. I would have bought a small package or some other flash pin. These guys are throwing big bombs at one another . So I couldn't buy the finish. A back drop was a finish in the 60's and 70's. By 1982 between 2 tough guys I didn't buy it.


I grew up watching St. Louis , WCCW , and Houston wrestling from 78-87. I can easily put myself in the moment.

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JYD vs Butch Reed


This a dog collar match. I love this feud. I really enjoyed Reed's stalling early. When JYD wrapped his fist with the chain and nailed Reed right in the rib cage. That looked pretty hurty. JYD transitions into choking Reed. I'm loving how personal this fight feels. In a great spot JYD goes for the headbutt, but Reed blocks it with the chain. This sets up the heat. Reed starts whipping JYD. They've paced the match in such a way that everything got over and meant something. We get more of that. JYD on his comeback is using big chain assisted soup bones. The tide is turning so the Anvil tries to help him out. Duggan comes out to stop him. Reed misses his top rope shoulder block. JYD scoops him up for the power slam. 3 1/2*

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Iceman King Parsons/Gary Young vs Bill Irwin/Eli the Eliminator


Their is no date on this and can't find it . I'll eventually source it. This was a good solid match. Their was a nice shine that saw the faces do some fun arm work. I loved Parson's headbutt to the arm. Irwin scoops up and slams Parsons. I've always liked the Iceman. Irwin tags in Eli quickly, but Parsons cuts him off. Eli though overwhelms him. Eli starts to get heat. He takes Parsons outside, and in the big spot of the match they post him and bust him open. Parsons is bleeding, and the crowd finally get behind him. Finally he gets the hot tag to Young. Young comes in hot. While this is going on Parsons heads to the back. Eventually the heels overwhelm Young and put a beatdown on him. He tries to tag out a couple times. No Parsons though. Finally Chavo comes out and replaces Parsons. He gets the tag, the crowd erupts and the heels bail. 2 1/2*



EDIT-I sourced it as 2/6/87

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Harley Race won the NWA title the first time with an ordinary suplex.

If you watch that finish though, there were some mitigating circumstances, Dory was jawing with the ref and Harley blind-sided him and kicked him in the gut before the suplex. It was a sucker punch. Not only before that Dory had given Harley his trademark butterfly suplex (which was never a finisher).


I have seen Harley end other matches with a vertical suplex, but he often puts a delay on it. He also throws all sorts of bombs in his matches that don't result in falls. As did Dory, and various other 70s workers.



Not saying your point is entirely untrue, just that it can be overstated sometimes.

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By the way guys - my tech Jim Ratcliff told me to tell you that he sometimes puts the wrong date on matches just see if you are all on your toes!

Sounds like me back in my math teacher days. "I never make mistakes - I'm just seeing if you guys are paying attention!"

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Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Magnum TA


This was a pretty interesting match. Houston really supports their babyfaces. Here even before the match starts TA is getting a huge Goldberg like chant. This starts slow but they made everything matter. TA tries to establish his strength and athleticism. Wrestling 2 sets out to take TA down and work the leg. I thought the leg work was really well done. I loved 2 teasing the Million Dollar Knee Lift, and TA showing how much he respects the move. Wrestling 2 playing a long con game in the match was awesome. 2 constantly selling a drubbing by TA throughout the bout. Finally though TA gets sucked in for the MDKL only to get his feet on the rope for 2.Another thing I loved from Wrestling 2 was the headlock and sucker punch. They came across real slimy. I thought TA showed great fire. I enjoyed him taking the match to 2. The finish was weird because Wrestling 2 took a weird bump before the Belly to Belly. Still this was a blast. Post match promos to boot. 3 1/2*

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