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Harley Race won the NWA title the first time with an ordinary suplex.

If you watch that finish though, there were some mitigating circumstances, Dory was jawing with the ref and Harley blind-sided him and kicked him in the gut before the suplex. It was a sucker punch. Not only before that Dory had given Harley his trademark butterfly suplex (which was never a finisher).


I have seen Harley end other matches with a vertical suplex, but he often puts a delay on it. He also throws all sorts of bombs in his matches that don't result in falls. As did Dory, and various other 70s workers.



Not saying your point is entirely untrue, just that it can be overstated sometimes.



The butterfly suplex was earlier in the match. Yes, he did kick him from the side int he stomach and hit him with elbow to the back of the neck and clubbing forearm to the neck back, none of which were uncommon, he then did a vertical suplex, no delay, and got the pin. (Dory won with title with a spinning toe hold) Anyway, my point was it was not uncommon for simple pinning combinations to be used then.

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On a sidenote. At the finish of TA/Wrestling 2 their is a shot of 12 year old me at the apron with a coke in a white and red t-shirt booing the shit out of Wrestling 2. I was at a birthday party with 4 friends as part of some Paul Boesch Birthday package for my friend. This might have been my 1st wrestling card in Houston I attended.

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"On a sidenote. At the finish of TA/Wrestling 2 their is a shot of 12 year old me at the apron with a coke in a white and red t-shirt booing the shit out of Wrestling 2. I was at a birthday party with 4 friends as part of some Paul Boesch Birthday package for my friend. This might have been my 1st wrestling card in Houston I attended."


Love that! Hearing things like this are worth all the effort and hard work putting this project all together.

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On a sidenote. At the finish of TA/Wrestling 2 their is a shot of 12 year old me at the apron with a coke in a white and red t-shirt booing the shit out of Wrestling 2. I was at a birthday party with 4 friends as part of some Paul Boesch Birthday package for my friend. This might have been my 1st wrestling card in Houston I attended.

That's Awesome

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Jose Lothario vs Hector Guerrero


This was just a hate filled brawl. Both guys bleeding. Lothario's punches were so on point. Hector bumping big for them. Hector's punches were pretty great too. We got nasty chair shots. The crowd was going crazy here. These guys were so awesome. The brawling was so intense. I totally bought into the finish. 4 1/4*

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This was a blast. Let me put it this way. I would have loved to be in the crowd for this match even more than for a lot of the top end matches we've seen so far. It was a total sprint brawl, a babyface being dominant and forcing comeuppance as the heel tried again and again while bumping and making him looking like a million bucks, but still coming back so that he looked strong too. It was to set up a Mexican Death Match so they had to bring the level of sound and fury to warrant it and they absolutely did. Hector was so, so good in this match, bumping, stooging, cheating (escalating in this), taking every advantage and Lothario was just a force, letting things connect and letting them stagger him but never really seeming in danger, giving the crows what they wanted again and again. What sums it up best was the moment where Hector threw in the chair only for Lothario to catch it and clobber him once he got in.


I think maybe, just maybe, Hector should have won a few of the exchanges, or held the advantage for a little bit longer, or just given a little bit less once or twice, if only because it would have made the equal standoff for the finish a little more believable.


Lothario is a top five puncher of all time? Is that so far off a comment at this point?


I also loved Hector's promo at the end.

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Lothario is a top five puncher of all time? Is that so far off a comment at this point?


At this point, after seeing all of his matches on NWA Classics, I would say he's even a top three puncher of all time (available footage). He throws awesome combinations, just a great variety of punches. He has this amazing left uppercut that looks like something Juan Manuel Marquez would unleash.

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Holy fuck, another Hector/Lothario match? The Mexican Death Match is unreal and my favourite thing to come out of Classics so far, so I'm hyped beyond belief for this. Jose has been a total revelation on all of this stuff, but Hector Guerrero was awesome at the pro-wrestling and I'm excited for every bit of footage involving him that comes out.

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Ernie Ladd vs Art Crews


This was a showcase match for Ladd. He's getting heat right off the bat by teasing he was hiding a foreign object. I love Ladd as a heel. He's a big guy who still resorts to cheating. Pretty much Ladd used his size to work over Crews. Crews though shows plenty of fire to keep the match interesting. Their is one camera shot of Ladd eating a stiff drop kick in the chest. Good showcase match.
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Guerreros vs The Fabulous Ones 1/24/86


This was just uploaded. We have Bruce Tharpe as the ring announcer. This is the famous Mexican Death Match. This was just an incredible bloody fight. Both teams are hitting on all cylinders. If you've never seen this match check it out. 4*

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Working on something special guys. I'm trying to arrange a videotaped interview with JOSE LOTHARIO where we watch a few of his classic matches and get comments from him.


Anyone have any specific matches they want me to watch with Jose - or any specific questions that would be interesting to ask him?


Thanks - this is planned to be the start of some special programs we are putting together to enhance the NWAClassics website.


Also planning interviews with JIM CORNETTE - and TERRY FUNK!

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I'd be curious if there are any matches (outside of the Gino and Guerreros ones) that he had in Houston that he thinks you might uncover at some point that he's looking forward to seeing again (or looking forward for people to see for the first time in decades).


Any Paul Boesch stories from him would be great as well.

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Lothario vs Darsow


Man this match might have had 6 moves used between the wrestlers. This was all about the psychology and crowd heat. Right off the bat Darsow wants to shake hands and the crowd boos the shit out of that. Lothario's punches are so over he's able to tease the punch throughout. This is very similar to how Jake would tease the DDT. Right off the bat Lothario misses a huge punch. Darsow would work the arm trying to take out Lothario's upper cut. Lothario would tease the punch and Darsow would back peddle. I loved the finish how it became 2 guys trying to knock each other out with punches. I'm sure you can guess how this ended. 3 1/4*

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Working on something special guys. I'm trying to arrange a videotaped interview with JOSE LOTHARIO where we watch a few of his classic matches and get comments from him.


Anyone have any specific matches they want me to watch with Jose - or any specific questions that would be interesting to ask him?


Thanks - this is planned to be the start of some special programs we are putting together to enhance the NWAClassics website.


Also planning interviews with JIM CORNETTE - and TERRY FUNK!

As far as specific matches you HAVE to watch the Texas Death Match in a Cage between him and Gino. That would give him a good chance to talk about as much of that feud as he remembers. The match with The Guerreros vs. Jose & Al Madril is another I would like to get his thoughts on just because he has a lot of history with all those guys.

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Working on something special guys. I'm trying to arrange a videotaped interview with JOSE LOTHARIO where we watch a few of his classic matches and get comments from him.


Anyone have any specific matches they want me to watch with Jose - or any specific questions that would be interesting to ask him?


Thanks - this is planned to be the start of some special programs we are putting together to enhance the NWAClassics website.


Also planning interviews with JIM CORNETTE - and TERRY FUNK!

Too exciting
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