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Spoiler vs Ken Patera


This was a hard match to get a feel for. When thy announced the time limit at 15 it was really obvious we were getting a broadway. With no clear finish planned I thought the match lacked a strong narrative. It told a story, but if it was building to a finish I think the work would have been better. I thought Spoiler here was incredible with the teases of the claw. The actual claw, and all of the different variations of moves off the top ropes. I think I marked out the most when he was in the armbar and pretty much flipped out of it like a 160lb luchador. For Patera, I liked his charisma. I loved how he sold the avoiding of the claw. I loved how he ate all of Spoiler's offense. The big thing though his work on top was so boring and lacked any imagination. He was actively bad , at least try to cheat and get some heat. Yell at the fat kid in the front row. JJ Dillon was incredible too. The selling of Spoiler's punch with spitting the cigar high in the air was so awesome. 2 3/4*

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Another strong tag match. What I found most interesting here was the use of the stuttering sort of heat that we saw in those Guerreros heel matches. Here, though, because of the additional space offered by the 2/3 fall format, each mini heat segment, while not having a super satisfying hot tag, was given more room to breathe, lasted longer, and involved more cut offs. Lothario is the master. I love how he so often makes the action come to him. It makes it mean all the more when he advances. Gino was full on Flair here, the hair, ducking away, begging off, the flair flip, the strutting. It's really interesting to me to see how much he'd picked up of his act so early in the game. Conway was effective. He's very stiff in his reactions, but his stuff looks good. There's a moment in here that Pete might spoil for you guys, but I don't want to. It came right after the Flair flop towards the end of the first fall and it was breathtaking and insane and just has to be seen. For 1979, it is madness.

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This was pretty good. The story of the match was interesting though the layout of the match made Conway Jr. look like a patsy quite a bit. Lothario would sell and play FIP then get the hot tag to Conway Jr. Only to get cut off. Gino was pretty great. I got the Flair vibe off him too. Matt is right I will spoil it . Tiger does a big time Tope'. I was shocked. The crowd bought into the story. 3*

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Being a Aussie myself this was really cool to see. The announcer is "Mr Football" Ted Whitten, who was one of the greatest footballers of his era. I had no idea he announced the wrestling since all I hear about is his football career. There is a legends football match each year in honour of him and the proceeds go to his charity supporting prostate cancer which took his life.


As for the match this was a good little match that made both guys look good. Martel is really good here and really underrated as a talent. Harley is Harley, just a great champion getting the job done.

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Spoiler/Lewin vs Lothario/Gomez


This is the 3rd fall of a match that goes 45 minutes.The 3rd fall goes around 16minutes. I really hope the rest of it shows up. If not that's life. I will say the 3rd fall was great. I thought Lewin/Spoiler complimented each other well. Again we get a great Lothario performance. We get to see him run the gauntlet. We see him play FIP. He gets a chance to get a hot tag and throw some great punches. He shows great psychology. The heels were good at getting heat. Spoiler shined the babyface pretty good here.

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