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Slatton vs Conway Jr.


Ever since I read that Harley Race story about Slatton in the Observer I've wanted to see him work. I liked this a good bit. Slatton had the grumpy vet thing going for him. I liked how he worked the wristlock. His short punches had a nasty edge. Conway Jr again had a pretty solid-good babyface performance. 2 1/2*

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Mil Mascaras vs Manny Fernandez


First off Mil looks like a million bucks with his outfit. He has the luv ya blue colors and it really suits him. I really enjoyed this a lot. Mil starts in control working the mat with some really neat and flashy mat work. One of Mil's . spots was this sit down rana. Eventually Manny turns the tide and does some really fun arm work. Mil was great with the carny escape which just flips a switch in Manny and he just goes and beats on him. Mil takes his beating , and tries to go tit for tat with Manny but fails. This leads to a double DQ. This match was a lot of fun. Both guys were a great counter point to each other. On top of that they really meshed their styles together. 3 1/4*

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Jose Lothario vs Killer Brooks


They tease a dog collar match to start, but we don't get it. Maybe down the lin\get a kind oof trepid match. They don't want to go too violent because it's the opener and it will be followed. We got some fun punches, and we tease some violence but no true pay off.

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This was a good tag. I liked the babyface shine here. The crowd was hot for the faces. Dick Murdoch totally carried his side. I didn't like how the heat was set up. The ring breaks and the heels don't miss a beat and use it as a weapon. I really enjoyed the finish here as well. 3*

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The date for the Midget match is 3/28/75.


3/28/75 Houston

Jack Brisco drew Jose Lothario

El Santo & Al Madril beat The Baron & El Gran Marcus

Lord Little Brook beat Bobo Johnson

Joe Leduc beat El Gordo

Blackjack Lanza beat Roddy Piper

Red Bastien drew Kim Duk

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If that Lanza vs Piper match surfaces would that be the earliest Piper on tape?

Pretty sure it would be. I think the earliest Piper footage out there now is from his run as "The Canadian" in a mask for Mike LeBell in California.
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Terry Taylor vs Buzz Sawyer


This was a pretty good match. Taylor was focusing on the arm. They worked spots around the arm bar. Hit a high spot or 2 and back to the arm. Sawyer eventually got some heat. A real good bout. I really loved the post match angle. 3 1/4*
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