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[1984-02-24-Houston Wrestling] Midnight Express vs Magnum T.A. & Mr Wrestling II


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This is where each member of the losing team gets 5 lashes. This is pretty great and is worked differently because of the stip. We open up with a brawl and the baby faces are standing tall. Then the bout slows down. Magnum TA grabs Eaton and tosses him over the top rope. Cornette and Condrey are besides themselves. That is until the over the PA we get the announcement this is a no DQ match. Magnum teases doing it again, but Condrey is on the floor waiting . So TA reverses course and tosses him over the top on the other side. We get a long shine sequence.To make sure we still remember this is no DQ Eaton attacks 2. In a nice payback spot the MX toss TA over the ropes to set up the heat. We see the MX work over TA's arm. The work is methodical, but everything gets over. Wrestling 2 gets a hot tag and is glorious in his role. The finish sees Cornette push 2's feet off the rope for the screw job. The faces take their licking and vow revenge. 4*

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  • GSR changed the title to [1984-02-24-Houston Wrestling] Midnight Express vs Magnum T.A. & Mr Wrestling II
  • 1 year later...

5 lashes for the losing team. If The Midnight Express loses, Cornette gets lashes as well!! This was a combination of their other matches. The Midnight Express acting all cowardly and bumping huge for the face team when they do try and wrestle them initially. The crowd, as always, is hot for Magnum who uses it perfectly to make everything he does feel BIG. Eaton especially is excellent at throwing himself about and absorbing tons of damage. Eaton does these scrambling for cover spots and I always get a kick out of it. Mr Wrestling II goes wild with a chair after Eaton misses with it and the crowd eats it up. Eventually the MNX gained some control and cut off Magnum perfectly from Mr Wrestling II, going back to the grounded hammerlock that got them success in the prior match. The hot tag is made and it looked like Mr Wrestling II was about to pin Condrey but Magnum accidently got the ref distracted, preventing the cover from being made and Eaton took advantage and pinned Mr Wrestling II with Cornette pushing his foot off the bottom rope. Booo! One of my favourite things about these amtches is that it always has a “Do not throw anything in the Sam Huston coliseum” announcement by Paul Boesch. To Magnum and II’s credit, they take the lashes without much complaint. Eaton doing crying impressions in the background while Cornette and Condrey mockingly do “Two” chants was gold. Great match and great angle. ****

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  • 4 years later...

Like their previous matches, this was good but I dug the crowd interaction/support more than the work itself, which was still not bad anyway. MNX were constantly improving as a team, I just felt the match never really delivered when they stalled or when MW2 was in, apart from his chair antics when he got tired of them. Once again, cutting TA and working on him was easily the best part and it led to a climatic crescendo. Another good piece of business, I am appreciating the feud itself even though the matches are "only" good and not great

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