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Shoe's ongoing MOTYC for 2016


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​7/31/16 Supre Libre LA Park vs Rush 4 1/2*


Another great match from these guys. It starts out with a tremendous brawl. I loved the beer tub as a weapon. My favorite weapon was Park using the 12 pk of beer. We get some dives. Some great heat and shine segments. Park's seling of his leg made me think he really fucked up his leg. Great match.



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8/6/16 NJPW Okada vs Ishii 4 1/2*


I thought this was awesome and the 2nd best match of the tournament. These guys were great at meshing what each one does best. Ishii's clothesline seemed stiffer than usual. Okada focusing on the neck. Okada really is a paint by the numbers wrestler. I loved the stiff as fuck chop by Ishii on Okada's Rainmaker pose. I loved the DVNB by Okada. This match was really heated. Ishhi's Superplex was just incredible. By the time they built to the finish I'm sucked in.

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8/11/16 CWC Kota Ibushi vs Cedric Alexander 4 1/2*


This was an incredible match. This thing just built and built and built. The crowd was totally into this in a way that was organic. This had a raw emotion that is really hard to do in today's wrestling.Both guys were tremendous in this.

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8/13/16 NJPW Michel Elgin vs Nakajima 4 1/4*


These guys really told a nice story. Nakajima is all over that arm. Just wearing out Elgin's shoulder with kicks. Nak is just working over the arm. A big German into the corn sparks an Elgin come back. I really liked Elgin's selling here. The story was their and it just upped the drama. Elgin was great at timing his comebacks, and mixing in his power spots.

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8/13/16 NJPW Naito vs Kenny Omega 4 3/4*


What a way to set up the finals. This was some great stuff. Naito just decimates Omega's leg. Omega sold pretty damn good. He had a couple of hiccups that kept it from 5 stars. Omega was great working over Naito's neck and back. All the drama down the stretch was white hot. Then the build into the One Winged Angel was wow. All the groundwork in the match played off at the end.

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8/11/16 CWC Kota Ibushi vs Cedric Alexander 4 1/2*


This was an incredible match. This thing just built and built and built. The crowd was totally into this in a way that was organic. This had a raw emotion that is really hard to do in today's wrestling.Both guys were tremendous in this.

Woke up in middle of night and couldn't go back to sleep. Well this was no cure for insomnia. Best match of the tournament. Loved the layout for most part. Commentators did a great job laying out that Cedric was a big Ibushi fan so he had the miss kick/moonsault scouted and the Golden Triangle scouted. This allowed Cedric to hit his big dive and work his game. Ibushi hit one of the best damn drop kicks you will ever see to swing momentum and allow him to start working his game. Still Cedric had stuff like the Powerbomb scouted. It did get a little spotty here, but the finish stretch was badass. The Cedric Brainbuster and head kick was straight Fiyah! So much emotion. You could see it all release from Cedric great combo and selling of the kick out by Cedric. Good finish run to spotlight before succumbing to the Powerbomb. Love that they didn't drag it out with a zillion near falls. Cedric got some love and then three spots later loss perfect timing.


Thought Cedric was the total star in this and was best American but they probably want to spotlight one of the NXT guys. Would have liked to see Cedric go one round further then face Ibushi. They killed it. I'm a little lower than you, Pete. Like the Cedric is a fan so he has shit scouted and his emotion during finish run. In that back half just lost me a little bit with all the moves they were throwing out. Cedric is the man! ****1/4

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8/5/16 SCI Joey Lynch vs Ray Fury 4 1/4*


Right off the bat Lynch lights Fury up with a leg kick and Fury sells it big. This really puts his kick over as a weapon and something to watch out for. I wish they went back to it. Fury throws down a nasty knee strike. I loved the manager's spot to set up the heat. I really liked we got a shine, heat, comeback, finishing run. I really liked how Fury focused on Lynch's neck. This was the focus of his attack and he went after it. Lynch made his comeback around revenge spots on Fury's neck. I thought this told a great story. 4 1/4*

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8/6/16 SCI Matt Riddle vs Jimmy Rave 4 1/4*


I adored the early mat work. The crowd chanting Bro really gave this a big time feel. Riddles forearms were nasty. Rave stomping Riddle's bare foot was a really fun spot. Rave was just fantastic putting over the danger and pain of Riddle's submissions. Their were so many moments of great drama in the match. The finish was gresat. Riddle has him in the Bromission, but Rave is patient and manipulates Riddle into pinning himself. Essentially, Rave's experience and guile got him the win over the blue chipper.

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8/6/16 SCI Jimmy Rave/Anthony Henry/Chris Hero/Gunner Miller 4 1/2*


This was great. It had hot moves, great action, surprises and history. I loved how Miller and Rave played on the history of last year. The one upmanship on Rave early was tremendous. All the styles meshing as one. We see alliances form and blow up instantly. Henry running wild on the floor was awesome. Hero's payback was nasty. Hero and Gunner Miller were the last 2. Hero put over Miller so strong here without hurting himself. Their was no bannana peel finish. Hero shows why he's the best tournament wrestler out there.

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8/14/16 NJPW Kenny Omega vs Goto 4 1/4*


This was NJPW going all in on Omega. I loved the grappling early. Goto working the leg early plays into the previous match where Omega hurt his leg. The crowd was for Omega early, than switched over to Goto. Omega is selling the leg. Omega is after the back, and does a fine job working it. Goto goes away from working the leg, and transitions to the neck. Some people didn't think Omega had his leg worked over enough. I didn't have that problem while combining it with the previous match. The drama down the stretch with Omega using others finishers as false finishes was tremendous.

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8/21/16 WWE AJ Styles vs John Cena 4 1/2*


This usually isn't my cup of tea. I prefer stuff that builds more methodically or wild brawls. These guys ran nearfalls for 20 out of 23 minutes. This was like a modern day Steamboat/Savage. Cena's character work really put this over the top.

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8/21/16 J-Cup Matt Sydal vs Will Ospreay 4 1/4*


First off Sydal's flag is awesome. Sydal's neck work was done well and Will sold it spot on. I enjoyed to how the dives were built to and made them seem important. I thought O'spreay's strikes were on point. Overall a well worked bout.

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8/21/16 J-Cup Kushida vs Kanemura 4 1/2*


I think I liked this more than anyone else on the planet. I loved all the interferance spots. I though it added a lot of drama into the match. I thought they told a great story that built. Kushida focus was the arm. While Kanemura was after Kushida's neck. Combine all of that with the interferance spots it just built and was oozing with drama down the stretch.

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8/31/16 CWC Kota Ibushi vs Brian Kendrick 4 1/2*

I thought this was just incredible story telling. The announcers were awesome adding to that story. Kendrick as the vet on his last run at glory. Ibushi was the superstar with the damaged neck told a compelling story. Ibushi from a physical standpoint was incredible. Though it was Kendrick who made the bout. I loved Kendrick using the ring corner to set up the neck work. Kendrick's hope spots worked around Ibushi's rebuilt neck was great. Ibushi using revenge spots on the neck was great and added layers to the match. The Burning Hammer had me exploding.Post match was perfection.

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8/20/16 NXT The Revival vs Johnny Gargano/Tomasso Ciampo 4 1/2*


When these guys were touring Texas they were stealing the show. Here we got a finish and an even better match. This is Southern Wrestling with a twist. The Revival have great psychology and timing. Ciampo was great as FIP. When the heels fucked up Gargano's leg you knew they were going to wreck it and they did. The Revival are the best team in wrestling, and the babyfaces here gave them something to work with.

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