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[2005-10-23-TNA-Bound For Glory] Jeff Hardy vs Sabu vs Abyss vs Rhino


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This ruled! The four way setting fits this type of match much better as you can have wrestlers continue to fight while others set up spots. Sabu's presence helped this a lot, he was the best worker in here, here was a spot where Jeff used him to jump onto Abyss and then offered Sabu to use him to jump onto Abyss as well and Sabu just stomped him and it was the best, the amount of disgusting bumps and insane dives delivered as you'd expect but I also liked how they used weapons to transition and as cut-offs. Jeff Hardy continues to jump off high things and it gets REALLY preposterous here. Finish ruled as well, Rhino hits a Piledriver off the top rope and gets the win but Sabu throws himself at him to break it up only to do so a split second too late. ***1/2

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  • 8 months later...

Really cool garbage match and yeah, Sabu in 2005 was still a fucking ace. Blown spot ? Ah ah ah. Look at him do those insane jumping from the chair shit and no missing a beat. They really paced it well and didn't do too obvious set-ups and contrived sequences, it flew as an insane brawl. Jeff Hardy is usually useless but here there was too much good workers (I made a 180° on Abyss) sink this one, and the bump he took here was legit insane. Rhyno being beat up but taking advantage of the situation at the end and delivering two huge deathspots (sold as such too) was a terrific finish. Excellent match indeed, and the first time I enjoyed Hardy in TNA. Sabu still rules hard.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2005-10-23-TNA-Bound For Glory] Jeff Hardy vs Sabu vs Abyss vs Rhino
  • 5 months later...

Definite step up over the first Monster's Ball. Great pacing, really made use of the fact that there were four guys in there, both to keep things moving and to sell the damage. You can really feel the difference in how Hardy looks in this type of match as opposed to a singles match. The escalation in the spots was pretty good, and the second rope piledriver felt like a believable way to finally end it (and the dive from Sabu being just a split second late was a nice detail). Very fun and worth seeing.

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  • 1 year later...

Sabu vs Rhino vs Abyss vs Jeff Hardy - TNA Bound For Glory 2005 Monster's Ball

"This Is Awesome" has been around since 2005? Jesus that makes me feel old. That being said, this was indeed fucking awesome! It was something I skipped over because it seemed non-essential but a couple good reviews and the allure of Sabu swayed me. This was one of the best garbage matches I have ever seen. The Jeff Hardy Highspot is UNREAL! Fucking Insane! I LOVE Sabu no matter what but he was the definite MVP of this and he was hitting everything clean as whistle. I think the TNA ropes were way better than the ECW ropes and this helped him. He was selling the best, bumping the best and hitting most of the highspots. He was just flying everywhere. Rhino seemed to be his main target. He was demolishing tables and wiping people out. Abyss and Rhino were better than Jeff Hardy but Sabu was the standout. The finish was great. Abyss throwing Sabu down belly first through the table. Abyss getting all cocky with the thumbtacks only to eat the GORE! GORE! GORE! through a table of course. Then Rhino DESTROYS Jeff Hardy with a middle rope piledriver. Super fun, quick garbage match that did not overstay its welcome! ****

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