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[2005-11-23-U-STYLE] Kiyoshi Tamura vs Josh Barnett


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I really enjoyed the opening portion with them battling for positions and Barnett attempting a few cool leglocks but the match just went into another dimension once Tamura hit Barnett with a big counter knee. Barnett just unloads on Tamura here, hitting some of the most beautiful suplexes I have ever seen that combined a perfect combination of power and technique. The matwork is exactly what you'd want out of a big Tamura match, there isn't anything I find as beautiful in pro wrestling as Tamura's lightning quick seguences on the mat. Tamura's kicks provided a great means of feeding for Barnett's throws, and even something as nonsensical as them saying to hell with it and starting to kick away at each other with guards down managed to fit in, as just seconds later Barnett attempted a high kick which pointed to high fatal playing around in dick measuring contests could be. Finish was about as perfect as it could've been, as Tamura finally managed to counter Barnett's throws and lock in one final Jujigatame to seal the deal. ****1/2

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  • 1 year later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2005-11-23-U-STYLE] Kiyoshi Tamura vs Josh Barnett
  • 2 years later...

The opening matwork was decent, with both men trying their hardest to not have to give up a rope break. Tamura catching Barnett with that knee was nasty stuff and it kicked the match into second gear, with Barnett becoming enraged and he starts throwing Tamura around like a sack of shit. Barnett has more size on Tamura and this is worked as a big man vs little man match. Barnett heavily panting during the second half put over how physically draining these matches can be. Tamura is nearly beaten by a nasty capture suplex, but Barnett makes the fatal mistake of trying the move again. Tamura counters the move and is able to land a submission for the victory. ★★★★¼

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  • 3 years later...

I thoroughly enjoyed this. It harkened back to Tamura's UWF-i days in the best possible way. The spot where Barnett suplexed Tamura while Tamura was trying to reach the ropes was an incredible display of power. Barnett was sucking in big ones for most of the bout but what a beast. There's nothing I like better in the morning than a game of human chess, and watching Tamura figure out a way to beat this guy was a joy to behold.  

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