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Guest Crucifixio Jones

All that means is that YOU guys are getting old. People born before you are going to pass away before you; that's life. Admittedly, wrestlers die much younger than anyone should. Prepare to go back, however, and see even more matches where everyone involved has passed on the older you get, for just that reason.


I haven't had any trouble watching Eddy matches, personally but I did watch his DVD a few weeks ago and it was kind of surreal and creepy when Dean Malenko talks about going to JR behind Eddy's back and telling him he had a problem. "Because I didn't want to be one of those guys who got a phone call one morning telling me they found Eddy in a hotel room dead someday," he says was his reasoning.

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Guest Some Guy

I haven't watched any Eddy since he passed away, but I'd imagine it will be surreal at the very least, just as it was watching Perfect/Bossman from WM 7 knowing both guys are dead, or as it is watching any number of matches from World Class.

Try watching an old Royal Rumble.
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Guest SweetMama Scaat

I got the eddy dvd in the holiday season, and Im acutally enjoying most of it, especially The match VS Lesner at No Way Out. I was however VERY dissapoionted at the blatant and piss poor editing job on his match with RVD from Raw. The totally eliminated the fan run in, which to some extent , made the match.


Watching Eddy matches should be a good thing, remember who he was and look bad on the good times and all the ways he entertained you. Its like when a friend/family member dies, its best to remember the good times you had with them then being sad because you wont anymore, if that makes sense.

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