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[2000-01-10-Jd'] Lioness Asuka vs Dynamite Kansai


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We cut with Asuka grinding out a leg submission. Kansai gets an intense claw hold on and takes it all the way to the floor with it clinched in. Things break out into a hardcore style match when a table is injected along with chairs that Asuka uses to demolish Kansai with. Asuka blows some red mist into Kansai’s face allowing herself to regain control. Asuka hits a nice tope and this match has taken a nice out of control feel with Asuka hurling chairs at Kansai on the outside. A huge double stomp sends Kansai through a table on the outside. I really liked the way Kansai fights back and the first Splash Mountain is a really dramatic nearfall. Asuka is able to put Kansai away with a sequence that never felt overly excessive in my mind. I really wasn’t digging this much for the first few minutes but I did think the temperament and hatred came through in the last half of the match. ***

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  • 5 months later...

This didn't connect for me at all. The interference doesn't work in the context of what they are trying to pull off, and the psychology is weird with Dynamite using a clawhold for a long time as a point of offense. That alone doesn't bother me, but when she's the babyface and she's using that in the "opening" matwork sequence (I realize there's some clipping), it's a bit bizarre. Add the hardcore section in and this is very much a match that doesn't know what it wants to be.

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  • 1 month later...

Good to see a match with people interfering liberally and bad hardcore action. Brings me back to the late 90's. I never really saw the big deal in Kansai and she didn't impress me much here either. This was like 2 heavyweight women having a brawl that they shouldn't be having cause they are too old. Lioness didn't look too bad. Liked the double stomp through the Japanese table. Finish was kinda anticlimactic. OK match.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I couldn't get into this one at all. The pace is so slow. I don't mind a slow burn, if it's building some drama. But this isn't building anything. It's just slow. I find myself constantly checking my watch. Part of it I think is that I have no connection to either one of these wrestlers, and they're not doing anything to develop one for me. I've certainly seen them both work in the past, but I think they've probably always been with somebody who I either like or who does a better job making me care about the events in the ring.


We do get a couple of reasonably cool spots, such as the double stomp through the table. And the pace picks up a little bit in the last minute or two. But it's not really anything we haven't seen before. If we must have a hardcore joshi match, give me Kudo v Toyoda anyday over these two.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-10-Jd'] Lioness Asuka vs Dynamite Kansai

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