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Final Resolution

Mad Dog

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Sting & ?Captain Charisma? Christian Cage vs. ?King of the Mountain? Jeff Jarrett and ?The Alpha Male? Monty Brown


Samoa Joe ? vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels


America's Most Wanted ? vs. Team 3D


?The Phenomenal? AJ Styles vs. New Japan?s Tanahashi

?The Man Beast? Rhino vs. ?The Monster? Abyss w/ James Mitchell

Raven vs. An Opponent of Larry Z's Choosing

If Raven wins, he gets World Title shot - If Raven loses, he's gone from TNA



I'll definately being getting this to see Hiroshi Tanahashi, Sting and Joe/Daniels.

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Guest Dangerous A

One problem with Tanahashi/AJ is on the TNA site, they are promoting Tanahashi as a high flier, which is completely not the case. He might pull a suicide dive here and there, but I would not classify him as a high flier.


That match will either be shockingly good or terribly bad. I don't see any in between here.


GenNext will probrably be on the free show.

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They're supposed to have a video package for Tanahashi on Impact this weekend. It should be interesting to see what they show of the guy. I think it will turn out ok. It's not like Styles can't work with more grounded guys. As long as Tanahashi is healthy I think the match will be solid. I'm not expecting a lot out of it. I'm mostly just excited to see Tanahashi on an American PPV.

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This is probably the first time in months that I am not interested in a TNA PPV lineup. It is possible that they end up having a great show but on paper this looks weak.


For the main event, I have no interest in any of the wrestlers. I hate how they were building up Monty as JJ's challenger and now they are tag teaming? Lame. I don't think Sting will surprise anyone with his work and I have never been a fan of Christian's ring work. Why can't he just stick to the mic and be a manager or something? For this to work, like any JJ main event, we'll have to have plenty of gimmicks and plenty of overbooking.


Joe-Daniels works only if Joe slaughters Daniels. Maybe give Daniels a few hope spots here and there but these guys should not go toe to toe. The way this match plays out will go a long way in determining how TNA plans on using Joe.


AMW-3D already seems like a feud that has run its course and they have only been feuding for a few months. Blah.


AJ Styles v. Tanahashi is a crap shoot as someone already mentioned.


Rhyno v. Abyss doesn't pique my interest at all.


Raven v. some random has-been will end up with a Raven title shot... so what then? Raven v. JJ again for the title? Not exactly a way to feature new stars.


Lets hope for a Gen Next match but how much time will they get? This is one I will wait for the results before even entertaining the idea of picking up.

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Guest Dangerous A

I'm leaning towards not purchasing the show, but you never know. The Saturday show really has to come through to sell me. Then again, if my Redskins lose on Saturday, I may be too depressed to want to watch wrestling.


I wonder what effect the NFL playoffs will have on buys for this show? The sunday games are usually over by the time the show starts, but does that effect buys positively or negatively?

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This PPV really isn't different from the other TNA PPV's in that I really don't care.


This is coming from someone who bought EVERY SINGLE WCW PPV from September 1998 - March 2001. Why?


At least is was offering something different from the WWE.


During late 1998, Goldberg and a re-energized Ric Flair were countering crappy Russo booking.


1999 main events sucked but you could always count on Benoit, Rey, Kidman, etc.


2000 when WWE became a little more wrestling focused, Russo fucked up WCW but it was different.


2001 saw solid booking and the re-vitalization of the Cruisers.


I don't see anything in TNA that I can't get in ROH (plus done better). Maybe that will change down the line as TNA continues to "grow" but I somehow doubt it.



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Guest WidowsPeak

TNA entertains me and gives me some wrestling to watch that isn't WWE, so you won't see me bitching. Having said that, AJ vs. Tanahashi and Daniels vs. Joe are the two matches I am most looking forward to at Final Resolution.

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courtesy of Inside Pulse



Team Canada (Eric Young, A1, & Petey Williams) vs. Lance Hoyt, Jay Lethal, & Kenny King

Lethal & Petey start. Lethal upstages Petey, and A1 is tagged in...then Lethal tags in Hoyt. They go toe to toe, but Hoyt nails a huge sidewalk slam for 2. King tagged in, and is on fire, and A1 tags in Showtime. Showtime puts King in the Tree of Woe, and Petey is in, and he stands on King's crotch. King fights back, but Petey nails a twisting neckbreaker for 2. A1 back in, and he muscles down King. Hoyt comes in and cleans house. Petey is down Lethal goes up for a top rope headbutt, but misses. Lethal stumbles up, and Petey grabs him and nails a Canadian Destroyer for the pin.

Winners - Team Canada


Latin-American Exchange (Konnan & Homicide) vs. The Naturals

Apolo was caught in travel problems coming back from a show in Mexico. The Nats come down and beat down on the LAX. The match slows down, and Homicide takes over on Douglas. Homicide hits a top rope DDT for 2 on Douglas, and Konnan is tagged in and beats down on Douglas. Douglas off the ropes, Konnan with somersault clothesline, and Homicide back in. Douglas fights back, Stevens in and helps clean house. Nats hit the Natural Disaster on Homicide, but the ref makes Douglas go back to his corner, and Konnan hits Stevens with a flapjack, while the ref's back is turned, and Homicide rolls up Stevens for the pin.

Winners - LAX





Alex Shelley, Roderick Strong, and Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Matt Bentley (w/ Traci)

Sabin has a short haircut with blonde highlights...and it's gay. The heels dominate the match, mostly over Dutt. Dutt gets to Sabin, and he takes out all 3. He hangs up Shelley in the corner, and does his hanging dropkick. The match then opens up, and all 6 men in a melee. Bentley nails a superkick on Strong, but Shelley rolls up Bentley for the pin.

Winners - Shelley/Strong/Aries


Recap of LAX and James Gang.


Diamonds in the Rough (w/ Simon Diamond) vs. The James Gang

Um...is it me, or should the James Gang be wrestling the LAX? I mean, this is a glorified Impact match...actually, I don?t even remember the last time I saw the Diamonds on Impact. Kip hits the One & Only for the pin.

Winners - James Gang


Fallen Angel cuts a promo on Joe.


AJ Styles vs. Tanahashi

Tenay is doing nothing but blowing Tanahashi. Back and forth action throughout most of the match. Tanahashi locks on the sleeper, and drops it down to the Dragon Sleeper. Tanahashi then swings AJ around. AJ fights back, and hits a Pele for 2. Tanahashi fights back, nails a Full Nelson slam for 2. Tanahashi goes for another, but Shannon Moore comes in, and goes to hit AJ with the 'Mr. TNA' plaque, but AJ ducks, and Moore hits Tanahashi....then AJ hits the pele on Moore. AJ then hits the Styles Clash on Tanahashi for the win.

Winner - AJ Styles


Styles tells Tanahashi that he didn?t want to win that way. Moore then comes back in the ring and steals the 'Mr. TNA' award again.


Raven is backstage, and is mad at Larry Z.


Larry Z is in the ring, and introduces Sean Waltman as Raven's opponent.


Raven vs. Sean Waltman

I guess this match is a Hardcore Match, since Raven came down with a shopping cart full of stuff. The ring gets littered with stuff, and this match is awful...unlike the match Raven and Waltman had a few months ago. Raven sets up a table and a ladder next to it. Both men are on the ladder, and Raven goes for the Evenflow, but Larry Z, who is in for the KO'd ref, holds Raven's legs, and Waltman grabs Raven and hits the X-Factor off the top of the ladder through the table. Waltman makes the cover, and Raven has his foot on the ropes, but Larry Z still makes the pinfall.

Winner - Waltman

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Truth backstage, Konnan comes up and offers back up in his match tonight against Roode.


Larry Z kicks Raven out of the building, and Jackie Gayda is on her way in. She wants to talk to Larry Z.


The Truth vs. Bobby Roode (w/ D'Amore)

I am still suffering from the suckiness of X-Pac. Truth dominates the match. Konnan comes down to 'back-up' The Truth, but it just distracts him, and Roode hits the lariat from behind for the pin.

Winner - Roode


Konnan and Truth argue, BG comes down, and Homicide comes out. Konnan and Homicide beat down BG, as Truth leaves. Kip comes down with a chair, and levels Homicide.


Recap of Abyss/Rhino.


Abyss (w/ James Mitchell) vs. Rhino

Rhino charges the ring and goes right after Abyss. They fall to the outside, and they start brawling. Apparently this is a Hardcore Match too, as Abyss hits Rhino over the back with a chair. Back in the ring, Abyss sets a chair up in the corner, and he sends Rhino head first into it. Abyss continues to dominate. Rhino fights back, and hits Abyss with a Diamond Cutter out of a Fireman's Carry. Both men are down, Rhino sets up for the GORE, but Mitchell hooks his leg with his cane, and as the ref is distracted, and Abyss nails Rhino with his chains but only for a 2 count. Rhino fights back, and calls for a Rhino Driver on some chairs, but again Mitchell distracts him, and Abyss is able get out of the Rhino Driver, and nails a choke slam, then the Black Hole Slam on some chairs for the pinfall.

Winner - Abyss


Recap of AMW/Team 3D.


America's Most Wanted (w/ Gail Kim) © vs. Team 3D - NWA Tag Team Titles

3D dominates the match from the get-go. 3D hits the Doomsday Device from the top for 2. Storm accidentally hits Harris with a chair, and Team 3D tosses Harris to the floor, through a table. Gail Kim gets in the ring, and gives Storm a pack of powder. Bubba kicks it in Storm's face, and the ref gets it too. Storm gets hit with the 3D, and the ref makes the pinfall...but can't see. As the ref is cleaning his eyes out, Team Canada hits the ring, and beats down Bubba and D'Von, puts Storm on top of Bubba, and gets out of the ring. The ref turns around, and sees Storm on Bubba, and awards the match to AMW!

Winners - AMW


Monty and JJ cut a promo, reminding us that Cage can't be trusted. He turned on his brother in their hometown, and he turned on Jericho for a woman. Monty thinks that Sting will feel the POUUUUUUUUUNCE....period.


Recap of Daniels/Joe.


Samoa Joe © vs. Christopher Daniels - X Division Title

Daniels attempts to get some offense in, but Joe overpowers him. Daniels with a power leg sweep, then the springboard moonsault for 2. Daniels puts Joe on the top rope, and Joe tries to put Daniels in the Rear Naked Choke, but Daniels pulls him off and nits a DVD for 2. Daniels hits the ropes, and goes for a hurracanaranna, but Joe drops him in a Power Bomb. Joe locks on STF. Daniels gets to the ropes. Joe pins Daniels in the corner, and tries to do a 10 punch count, but Daniels goes to Power Bomb him out of the corner, but Joe hurracanrannas Daniels! Joe off the ropes, and walks right into a Rock Bottom from Daniels. Daniels then hits the BME, and Joe falls to the outside. Daniels leaps over the top to the floor with a massive elbow drop. Both men try to get back in the ring, but Joe boots Daniels back outside. Joe sets up Daniels in a chair on the outside, and boots Daniels head into the guardrail. AJ Styles makes his way down to ringside. In the ring, Joe hits a Muscle Buster, then brings a chair in the ring, and hits a Muscle Buster on the chair. Joe continuasly hits Daniels with knees to the head, with blood going everywhere. AJ Styles tosses in the towel...stopping the match.

Winner - Samoa Joe


Joe uses the towel and wipes the blood from Daniels...and keeps the towel. Joe leaves, and AJ, along with some refs and Jerry Lynn, check up on Daniels.


Recap of Sting/Cage/JJ/Monty


Christian cuts a promo, saying he's proud to be Sting's partner.


Monty Brown & Jeff Jarrett (w/ Gail Kim) vs. Sting & Christian Cage

This match is awful. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock on JJ, but Monty takes Christian and does a Fall-away Slam, tossing Christian on Sting. Sting and Christian both argue, but they save each other from attacks from Monty. The ref is down, Team Canada hits the ring, and both Sting and Christian hit reverse DDTs on both Roode & Young. Monty and JJ retake control, and Monty sets up Cage for a guitar shot. Sting whacks JJ's guitar with his bat, and demolishes the guitar. Sting then hits the Scorpion Death Drop on JJ for the pin.

Winners - Sting & Cage


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For the record I thought it was a good show. Their worst PPV in awhile but that's not saying much.


Joe/Daniels was very good, the two six mans and the main event were good and Killings/Roode was decent. Styles/Tanahashi was acceptable. Raven/Waltman was completely awful and everything else hovered in the watchable but totally forgettable category.

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Guest savagerulz

With the exception of Daniels-Joe which was awesome, the PPV was a pile of shit. The tag main event was better than I expected, but it still blew. TNA dropped the ball.


How many chances are they going to give X-Pac? Maybe it's because he reminds Jarrett of himself.

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Nah, he got brought back because he was a big star as part of the nWo and D-Generation X during the late 1990s and Jeff Jarrett is a mark for that, which means he's here to stay. Well, at least until he misses another show.


Talking about missing shows repeatedly TNA has stopped using Jeff Hardy because he no showed the last PPV event.

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Guest savagerulz

Talking about missing shows repeatedly TNA has stopped using Jeff Hardy because he no showed the last PPV event.

I guess no showing has been the traditional Jeff Hardy sign that he's tired of what he's doing and wants to do something else.


It reminds me of this...people often want to defend smaller and lighter wrestlers, and can never understand why smaller wrestlers aren't given a fair shake, etc. etc. etc.


When you look at the smaller guys who have gotten decent wrestling careers, they don't hold up on average very well. I'm not talking about the guys who "never got pushed," I'm talking about the guys who were given the spotlight. Jeff Hardy probably never saw himself this way but he had a chance of breaking the mold of what a star wrestler could have been. While his gimmick and his whole "deal" may be laughable to some, at least there's something there to make fun of, as opposed to a sea of undersized wrestlers who I couldn't tell apart in a lineup.


Jeff was once seen as the bigger star and given a push as a single's, at a time where he really could have made an impact, as they were searching for stars. But he flaked out. At TNA, he was given a star's push in spite of horrid receptions at the more prominent indies around the U.S. (getting booed at most appearances). He had no excuses. A lighter wrestling load, less restrictions on his in ring style, go crazy with the spot fests, guy. And it didn't draw. And more to the point, Jeff hasn't been down for the long haul, time and time again.


Wrestling, both promotion and in individual's careers, is a marathon race. That's why people who are overly critical of TNA usually annoy me. They need to do THIS NOW is almost always going to be overstated. There's no magic bullet. No single thing is going to "fix" anything or make TNA huge. It's going to take time.


The smaller guys who have a chance to run with the ball, to really shine REFUSE TO in one way or another and it drives me crazy. Say what you want about Jarrett, he WANTS to be "the man." He WANTS to lead, WANTS to have the pressure and spotlight on himself.


Jeff Hardy? No shows. AJ Styles? Doesn't want to be the main event. The faceless Ballet Dancers of Doom in the X Division? They don't want to experiment with gimmicks or ideas to really make something out of themselves...to quote a semi-shitty movie, "they are so busy trying to keep their job, they aren't doing their job."


Hey small guys. Step the fuck up. STEP THE FUCK UP. You aren't perceived on equal ground. TOUGH SHIT. Work harder. Make yourself a star. Be glad that TNA is there for you to ply your trade. Now make it work. And guys who ARE smaller who get a shot at doing something bigger? Accept your role as a trailblazer and fight to be perceived as a legit star. Fight to get the fans behind you, or against you if you're a heel. But fight.


Wrestling is, in large part, a hustle game, and I just don't see the hustle out there. TNA's creative folks, by all accounts, are willing to listen. So do me a favor, faceless rabble in TNA:


1. Sit down with a pen and paper and brainstorm. Write and underline at the top, "What Can I Do To Make My Career Better"


2. Try stuff out at indy gigs.


3. Watch tapes. NOT TO LEARN NEW MOVES!!!!!!! Watch tapes to figure out WHY some of the smaller stars in the past were OVER. They are out there. Watch them. Write shit down. Study. Try stuff out. Refine. Then quit going into the TNA ring and ballet dancing, wrestle. Make me remember you. Quit wrestling to impress "the boys" and wrestle to impress the fans, the boys, the promoters, and yourselves.


4. Show up. Show up early. Getting burned out? Then work harder and get over it. Feel like you can't handle it? Then get out and make room for someone who wants the spot.

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